Mumps: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, possible complications

Mumps: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, possible complications
Mumps: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, possible complications

What is mumps or mumps? This is an inflammation of the parotid glands, which then spreads to other glands in the body.

Distinguish between mumps and ordinary, non-infectious. In addition to infection, there are other causes of the disease. This is inflammation against the background of autoimmune processes or hypothermia. Autoimmune parotitis occurs in the adult population. Sarcoidosis, Sjögren's disease and rheumatoid arthritis can stimulate mumps in a mature person. But we will only look at mumps and its symptoms.

Mumps or mumps. Childhood illness

This disease affects the parotid glands and leads to the most dangerous complications of the central nervous system. Ill, mainly, children of primary and secondary school age from 6 to 15 years. The child is a carrier of the infection 2 days before the onset of the first signs and another 9 days. The most contagious epidemic parotitis in children during the first 5 days. During this period, the classic symptoms of the disease appear.

inflammation of the parotid glands
inflammation of the parotid glands

Mumps manifests itself with fever and swollen cheeks. That is why the disease is sometimes called "mumps" in the people. Then, from the ear glands, the inflammation passes to the submandibular, salivary and others. The thyroid and pancreas are extremely rarely affected. Sometimes the central nervous system also suffers.

All symptoms usually last no more than a week. After 4-5 days, the fever in the child disappears and the swelling from the face gradually disappears.

It is absolutely impossible to send a child to kindergarten or school with such swollen cheeks, even if there is no fever and headache.

Mumps in children and adults

The causative agent of infection is Pneumophilia parotidis, which belongs to the paramyxovirus family. It is transmitted by airborne droplets. If the carrier also suffers from acute respiratory infections and sneezes, mumps around him spreads very quickly. It is advisable to isolate such a person. It is also transmitted through household items - children's toys, towels. It is distributed among both school-age children and young men. Often outbreaks occurred in military units. But among middle-aged people, mumps is no longer common.

It is possible that the virus will be transmitted to a newborn child from an infected mother. When paramyxovirus enters the mucous membranes through the nose, it quickly looks for targets of attack where it can multiply. Nervous tissue and glandular tissue are suitable for this type of virus.

Properties of the virus

The virus lives exclusively in the human body, like measles. It was discovered in 1934 by E. Goodpasture and K. Johnson. According to the ICD, the disease also has its own code - B26 - Epidemic parotitis. And further, mumps pancreatitis, orchitis, and other complications are coded under the same number

virus under the microscope
virus under the microscope

The causative agent of mumps tolerates cold well, and can retain its dangerous qualities for a long time at temperatures below 20°C. But he does not tolerate heat very well. If you heat it to a temperature of 50 C and above, the paramyxovirus dies. It is also rapidly destroyed when exposed to conventional disinfectant solutions. Such as 50% alcohol or 0.1 formalin solution. Also degrades rapidly when exposed to direct ultraviolet light.


Mumps in children and adults has 2 forms. It can occur with or without complications. The simplest form is a slight inflammation of the gland on one side and pain behind the ear, lasting several days. The tumor may not even be noticeable. The form of parotitis with the threat of complications causes more concern on the part of parents. With a long course for 8-10 days, complications can occur, and many organs will suffer. It is necessary to worry in such cases that the child does not lose his hearing and there are no complications in the heart, central nervous system or genital organs.

Also distinguish between mild, moderate and severe. Epidemic parotitis in adults is accompanied by a temperature of 40 ° C and above, a long course and heart damage in the form of tachycardia. This is the most severe form.

Symptoms of the disease in adults

For those who did not have mumps in childhood, in adulthoodthe disease worsens. The temperature will be higher, the pain behind the ears will be stronger and the consequences will be even more dangerous.

Of course, not all symptoms appear simultaneously in the patient. It happens that the course of mumps is relatively smooth and asymptomatic. But we will give the most common signs of the disease.

mumps in adults
mumps in adults

So, if a person has mumps, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • inflammation and swelling of the glands near the ears first, then the swelling goes to the salivary submandibular glands and to the neck;
  • headache;
  • pain when chewing;
  • fatigue and temperature 38°C, but sometimes it is still 40°C;
  • sometimes you lose your hearing;
  • in 4% of cases, the virus infects the pancreas;
  • In 15% of adult men, inflammation spreads to the testicles (orchitis), and in 5% of women to the ovaries (oophoritis);
  • inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes;
  • impaired salivation and, as a result, constant dry mouth;
  • pain sometimes goes to the tongue;
  • vomiting and pain in the abdomen if acute pancreatitis develops due to infection.

In some cases, mumps only affects the glands, but it happens that the virus only targets nerve tissue. But also often this infection affects both at the same time.


What is the danger of paramyxovirus? Complications of mumps are manifested in most cases in young boys. Almost 50% chance that, having been ill with mumps, the boy will not be able to have children. In 35% of casesone testicle is affected and the chances of becoming a father remain, but not great. There are other complications as well. The disease sometimes affects the pancreas and the lining of the brain. It happens that hearing disappears after inflammation, and a person remains deaf for the rest of his life.

parotitis in children. complications
parotitis in children. complications

To facilitate the work of the pancreas during the period of illness, you can not give the child fatty, fried foods at this time, limit smoking. If a parent sees that complications have begun and the child vomits, he complains of pain in his side, then you need to call an ambulance.

A child under 8 years old is very vulnerable to the disease and it may happen that meningoencephalitis becomes a complication. The first wake-up call is unbearable headaches. And in this case, delay threatens his life. After healing from meningitis or meningoencephalitis, asthenic manifestations are observed for about 2-3 months, and this is normal.

In general, the forecast is very good. The disease responds well to treatment. Deaths are extremely rare, only if the temperature "rolls over" and the body can not stand it. Complications are best prevented in advance by proper patient care.

How it is diagnosed

Mumps in children manifests itself in different ways. If the symptoms are well-marked, they are diagnosed based on the obvious signs - headache, fever, and swelling near the ears.

check for inflammation
check for inflammation

But if not, then you need to take a blood test. Leukocytes will be reduced in the blood. The main test confirming mumps isan enzyme immunoassay test that confirms the presence of antibodies specifically to mumps. This is valuable information when parents could not observe tumors in the case of a subclinical (smoothed) course of the disease and do not know why the baby has a fever.

Antibodies in the blood

In the laboratory, two main antibodies are searched for in mumps: LgM and LgG. If only the LgM antibody is detected, then the disease has just begun, and lasts literally 1-2 days. But, if both are revealed, then the person is already recovering and from the moment of his correction, this element of protection will last another 6 weeks in the blood.

The presence of only LgG indicates that the child has been vaccinated and there are antibodies in the body, but if they are weak, another vaccination may be needed. The absence of both antibodies in the blood sample means that mumps never occurred and the child was not vaccinated.

How high is susceptibility to infection?

Since the incubation period is quite long, from 13 to 20 days, and many are asymptomatic, in the so-called subclinical form, 98 -100% of the group members become infected. A school outbreak can last almost 100 days. If first-graders are not immediately vaccinated, as expected, at 6 or 7 years old, during 1 outbreak, being in the general area, they will all become infected.

Mumps. Vaccination

Immunization began in 1977, and since then the number of children affected by the disease has dropped dramatically.

Children are supposed to get 2 vaccinations according to the schedule. The first is done at 1 year, the second at 7 years. If the child is alreadyfell ill with mumps before the age of 7, he does not need vaccination, as the body develops a stable lifelong immunity.

mumps vaccination
mumps vaccination

Complications after childhood vaccinations happen, but rarely. Within 12 days, the temperature may rise and general weakness may be felt for the first 2-4 days. But all these symptoms are completely harmless compared to the danger posed by the live virus itself.

Contraindications for vaccination

In some cases, it is contraindicated to vaccinate a child. These are diagnosed epilepsy, immunodeficiency and tuberculosis. Indeed, against the background of tuberculosis, mumps very often manifests itself.

Adults should not be re-vaccinated. If you received two prescribed vaccinations as a child, there is no risk. But, if for some reason one of them is missed, then it is worth revaccinating yourself a second time. Again, if there are no listed contraindications.

Mumps treatment at home

The only treatment used is general analgesics, which help a little with fever and other unpleasant symptoms. The main rule for mumps is that treatment should be adequate. Do not immediately give antibiotics to the child.

Bed rest required. Rest, local warmth and adherence to a diet go a long way towards minimizing the risk of complications.

Adults are prescribed antipyretics at a temperature - "Paracetamol", "Nurofen". "Panadol" is more suitable for children and, in addition, children are given vitamin complexes that helpthe body to cope with the heat. As needed, your doctor may also prescribe antihistamines.

paracetamol tablets
paracetamol tablets

When the mumps is severe, and the body is too affected by microbial toxins, they must be taken to the hospital and detoxified.

When boys show signs of meningitis or orchitis, corticosteroids are prescribed. The course of treatment with these drugs is 5-7 days. However, it is better to call an ambulance and be treated already in the hospital.

But the sooner the patient starts treatment, the easier the acute period will pass. At this time, more warm drinks are needed. It is better to give a rosehip broth or just clean water. You don't need a lot of tea, neither black nor green.

From food you can give puddings, yogurts, but not too fatty. At this time, a vegetable diet is useful. It is necessary to reduce or even remove from the diet all flour products, fatty broths and pickles. And, if the pain in the cheeks and throat prevents chewing and swallowing food, it is advisable to boil the vegetables and grind them with a blender to make mashed potatoes.

Folk treatments for mumps

You can help not only with medicines, but also with the help of herbal decoctions. It is useful for patients to rinse the mouth and throat several times a day with a warm decoction of sage. This plant has an excellent antiseptic effect and the procedure is also recommended for prolonged sore throats. According to the recipe for 2 tbsp. spoons of dry grass goes 2 cups of boiling water. The mixture is infused for at least an hour, and filtered before rinsing. Apply 3 or 4 times a day at regular intervalstime.

mumps symptoms
mumps symptoms

Another effective method is crushed aloe leaves. From the gruel that will turn out, a compress is made, applied to the swollen cheek. Instead of aloe, pounded ginger root is also applied. Like many other spices, ginger has the ability to destroy pathogenic agents.

Ways to prevent disease

So, we have figured out what mumps is. Prevention of the disease should be at the highest level in children's institutions. The most effective prevention is vaccination. After all, we cannot know which of the people around us is the carrier of the virus, and it is impossible to control children 24 hours a day. Especially if they are already in school.

If the mumps virus is found in the garden or school, quarantine must continue for at least 3 weeks. Patients are isolated for a period of at least 9 days, although clinical symptoms may disappear as early as 6-7 days.

All things touched by a sick child or adult must be disinfected. If these are soft toys, they should be washed and boiled for at least 20 minutes. It is advisable to treat the entire apartment with a special solution that will kill the infection remaining on objects and furniture.
