Chamomile baths: recipe, application, effectiveness, reviews

Chamomile baths: recipe, application, effectiveness, reviews
Chamomile baths: recipe, application, effectiveness, reviews

The chamomile bath is very popular. After all, such a procedure helps to normalize sleep, relax and make the skin more velvety, soft and tender. It is used to eliminate abscesses, wounds and dermatological diseases.

Chamomile baths can be used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes, since essential oils and nutrients are present in the flower. They cleanse the skin, whiten and tone them, and also improve blood circulation.

Composition and healing properties of chamomile

This flower has long been used to treat various ailments, because it contains: vitamin C, essential oils, carotenes, glucose, as well as stearic, salicylic and oleic acids. The plant has soothing and antibacterial properties. In addition, it eliminates fermentation processes, relieves headaches, dilates blood vessels and stabilizes the nervous system.

Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, besides, it helps restore skin elasticity and even out the tone of the face. That is why mostwomen prefer to use the herb to eliminate pustules and acne, it is especially useful to take baths with it.

Baths with chamomile for hemorrhoids
Baths with chamomile for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid treatment

With such a disease, it is recommended to take chamomile baths. In the early stages, these procedures will help to avoid skin irritation, inflammation of prolapsed nodes and ruptures with constipation. A bath with chamomile flowers will relieve pain, swelling and disinfect wounds. Similar procedures are carried out in courses. They should be done in the evening before going to bed. This plant has a hypnotic, relaxing and calming effect.

Another chamomile for hemorrhoids must be taken orally. Decoctions and infusions are made from it. It is advisable to take baths with this flower only for external wounds. Candles must be used to repair internal damage.

It is necessary to understand that a decoction of chamomile with a single application will not lead to the desired effect. The procedure must be performed every day, at least twice a day. But before taking baths with chamomile for hemorrhoids, you should cleanse the intestines with an enema or naturally.

Sitz baths with chamomile
Sitz baths with chamomile

Hot baths

They relieve discomfort and swelling. The water temperature should be approximately 40 °C. To prepare a decoction, you will need 45 grams of flowers and about two liters of water.

The crushed raw materials are added to the liquid, put on medium heat until boiling, after which they insist forseveral hours. The cooled mixture is diluted with hot water, then it is poured into a bath container. During the procedure, a person sits in a basin with a decoction and waits for the liquid to cool. Baths with chamomile for hemorrhoids have a relaxing effect on the body, so they are advised to perform in the late evening. The therapeutic course is about a week, then a break is made for 10 days.

Baths with chamomile in gynecology
Baths with chamomile in gynecology

Cold baths

Cold water treatments can quickly get rid of acute pain and bleeding. In addition to chamomile, you can also use other medicinal plants:

  • sage;
  • St. John's wort;
  • oak bark.

Decoction of these medicinal herbs should be poured into a cool liquid and stirred. Take a sitz bath for about 7 minutes. The water temperature should be around 20°C. Such treatment helps to heal cracks, relieve irritation and swelling. It is appropriate to carry it out during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids with severe mucosal edema and anal bleeding.

Warm and steam baths

This procedure is great for bleeding. It tones and relaxes muscles, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic. Such procedures have a good disinfecting and antiseptic effect. Helps destroy pathogens in the genital area.

The procedure should be done in the morning and evening before going to bed. You need to sit in a container with medicinal water for at least 10 minutes. Duration of treatment - 10 days. Can't wipe the perineumtowel after taking such a bath. It is best to lightly blot the area with a tissue and apply a soothing anti-inflammatory cream with aloe.

A warm bath with chamomile can be prepared according to another recipe. First, make a decoction of medicinal herbs: oak bark, chamomile and St. John's wort (you can follow the preparation of chamomile decoction described above). Then add a warm solution of potassium permanganate to it, mix everything thoroughly. The resulting mixture must be poured into a container for baths and add 2-3 drops of "Furacilin". It is recommended to sit in a basin with healing liquid for 10 minutes.

Camomile steam baths are taken for hemorrhoids to relieve discomfort. A decoction of chamomile prepared in advance, as well as hot water, is poured into the container. You have to sit over the steam for about 10 minutes. To achieve a thermal effect, you should cover yourself with a blanket or blanket.

The above procedures must be performed with care, as too cold water can lead to hypothermia, and hot water can cause burns. Take chamomile baths with this disease should be regularly for two weeks. It is better to do this in the evening. The therapeutic effect of water procedures depends on the concentration of plant materials and water temperature.

Baths with chamomile in gynecology, how to do?
Baths with chamomile in gynecology, how to do?

How to make baths with chamomile in gynecology?

Chamomile is a very popular medicinal herb that has many healing properties. The flowers of this plant have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, they quicklyeliminate unpleasant symptoms of gynecological pathologies. With regular use, even acute pain disappears.

Chamomile baths in gynecology are often used to treat candidiasis (thrush). With this female ailment, such unpleasant symptoms occur as:

  • severe itching;
  • cheesey discharge from the genitals;
  • discomfort.

A disease occurs due to damage to the vaginal mucosa by fungi. To prepare a healing bath, you need to dip 100 grams of crushed flowers wrapped in a bandage into hot water for 15 minutes. After that, the liquid is poured into a bowl and left to cool slightly. The patient should sit in this container. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

To get a good result, chamomile sitz baths with such a problem should be performed regularly. Doing them is advised at least once a day until the symptoms disappear. After such a procedure, the perineum does not need to be wiped dry, it is enough to slightly blot the genitals with a towel.

Also take chamomile baths for cystitis. With inflammation of the bladder, discomfort is also disturbing. Women complain of pain when urinating. This procedure helps to improve overall well-being, speed up the healing process and reduce the severity of pain.

A drug for the treatment of cystitis is prepared as follows: 500 grams of dried chamomile flowers are poured into a bucket of hot water, everything is mixed, left for 1.5 hours and filtered. A sitz bath with a decoction should be taken inwithin 15-20 minutes. After the end of the procedure, you should wrap yourself in a blanket and go to sleep.

How to make baths with chamomile for hemorrhoids?
How to make baths with chamomile for hemorrhoids?

Chamomile baths for children

Healing qualities and harmlessness made this flower a popular plant. It is often used for bathing babies. Chamomile not only disinfects water, but also improves the condition of the skin. In addition, chamomile baths are useful for improving the functioning of the genitourinary system of girls. They also help prevent the development of atresia and vaginitis. Water while bathing a child should be at the optimum temperature - no higher than 37 ° C.

Water procedures are most often performed with chamomile infusion. They take enameled dishes, pour 1 liter of boiling water into it and add 20 grams of crushed flowers. Then the pan is covered with a lid and wrapped in a towel. After 1.5 hours, the liquid must be filtered, as small particles of leaves and stems can injure the delicate skin of the baby. According to this recipe, the mixture is not too strong. To avoid allergies in a child, you should add no more than 30 grams of chamomile infusion to the bath.

This therapeutic liquid is added, as a rule, to the water right before bathing the child. During this procedure, shampoo and soap should not be used.

Baths with chamomile for children
Baths with chamomile for children

For feet

Camomile is also used for foot care. To prepare the bath, use 40 grams of grass and 500 ml of boiling water. The first step is to fill the flowers with hot water. After this, the mixturecook for 10 minutes. The resulting liquid is poured directly into the bath container. This procedure perfectly relieves tired legs. It is also useful for keratinized skin and cracked heels.

Hot foot baths with chamomile help get rid of excessive sweating, but you need to do them every night. 100 grams of dried flowers are poured into several liters of hot water, the container is covered with a lid and insisted for at least 60 minutes. Then the liquid is slightly heated, the legs are kept in it for about 15 minutes. After the procedure, it is recommended to powder the limbs with talcum powder.

Foot bath with chamomile
Foot bath with chamomile

Contraindications for use

Reviews of chamomile baths are in most cases positive, of course, there are also negative opinions, but there are not so many of them. Mostly dissatisfied are those who tried to cure a neglected disease.

Chamomile inflorescences should not be taken during childbearing, as the plant can increase the level of estrogen in the body. And the content of such hormones during pregnancy should be low. Such procedures during this period can lead to serious consequences up to the freezing of the fetus. While carrying a baby, it is allowed to take baths with chamomile.
