Turpentine baths: useful properties, application features, reviews

Turpentine baths: useful properties, application features, reviews
Turpentine baths: useful properties, application features, reviews

A popular method of treating many ailments are baths with the addition of turpentine, which is obtained from the trunks and resin of conifers. It is a white to yellow liquid with a pungent odor. Baths with turpentine are beneficial to he alth. The article talks about the valuable properties and contraindications of these procedures.

What is this?

Turpentine is a substance presented in the form of a mixture of essential oils, which are obtained from different parts of coniferous trees. According to the receiving method, it is divided into:

  • woody;
  • gum;
  • sulfate;
  • extraction.
how to take a bath with turpentine
how to take a bath with turpentine

The first 3 types are technical. Wood is obtained from various parts of a tree - bark, branches, wood. Extraction is created by extracting raw materials with gasoline. Sulphate is a by-product in the pulp and paper industry. It is created by heating wood pulp to elevated temperatures using sodium sulfate and manyadditional components. Technical turpentine is obtained during primary processing or made purified. You cannot be treated by any kind.

Which is more effective?

In medicine, only gum turpentine is used. It is created on the basis of hardened tree sap - resin. Since it is secreted only in damaged areas, like a crust of dried blood on a wound in a person, its main purpose is healing. It clogs the area of damage, and protects against the penetration of pests and bacteria.

turpentine baths
turpentine baths

Previously, resin was called resin. This is how the unusual name of medicinal turpentine appeared. Essential oils are created from resin by distillation using steam, which are present in the composition of the substance. In official medicine, turpentine is known as terpene oil, because from a chemical point of view, it contains terpenes and turpentines.


Turpentine baths can cure many ailments. Turpentine is used in folk and official medicine. Even certified doctors recognize the therapeutic effect of the remedy. Gum turpentine is present in pharmaceutical ointments, gels, balms. According to doctors' reviews, these funds are effective and affordable.

The benefits of baths with turpentine are associated with the following properties of this substance:

  1. Turpentine accelerates skin regeneration and wound healing.
  2. Decontamination action in progress. Natural antiseptic and bactericide helps with violations of the integrity of the skin. This effect is useful for acne andacne.
  3. The product has a warming effect, so blood circulation improves due to vasodilation.
  4. Composition with salicylic acid has an exfoliating effect. Therefore, during the procedure, a slight or severe burning sensation may be felt, the degree of which is determined by the sensitivity of the skin.
  5. Has antiseptic effect. This property is useful for people who have furunculosis.
  6. Turpentine baths are great for relieving stress, just like regular baths. Candles and music don't go well with therapy. But sedation is more about internal healing of the body than general relaxation due to relaxation.


According to reviews, although turpentine baths are useful, it is still better to consult a specialist before the procedures. They are not a panacea. This is a physiotherapeutic procedure, which is included in the complex treatment. They are used in the following cases:

  1. For weight loss. Bath with turpentine is useful because of the normalization of metabolism. This property is related to the property of turpentine. Bath with turpentine for weight loss allows you to accelerate the burning of fat reserves. More procedures are effective for rejuvenation. According to reviews, baths with turpentine for weight loss have a quick effect. But still, it is better to consult a specialist before the procedure.
  2. For joints. Baths with turpentine treat arthrosis and arthritis. The course of therapy is 40 procedures and is carried out in 2 stages. After 20 treatments, a break of 1-2 weeks is required.
  3. For legs. Turpentine baths treat heel spurs. In thatcase, 2 turpentine baths are needed: with cold and hot water, in which turpentine is dissolved. Legs lower in turn for 5 minutes.
  4. With osteochondrosis. The procedures activate internal processes that destroy the accumulation of s alts. After treatment, the pain subsides. It is advisable to use the yellow composition of Zalmanov.
  5. From cellulite, to give the skin elasticity and he althy color. The mechanism of action is based on the improvement of capillary circulation. Procedures clean clogged vessels, remove toxins.
baths with turpentine reviews
baths with turpentine reviews

In addition to these ailments, baths are effective for diseases of the stomach, intestines, pleurisy, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. They are prescribed for the treatment of mastitis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, varicose veins.

Types of procedures

Self-treatment with turpentine baths can be harmful. Only a doctor can prescribe this therapy. He will explain what are the indications and contraindications for this treatment. Types of manipulations depend on the type of turpentine used:

  1. White turpentine. This emulsion is completely soluble in water. The procedures restore the capillaries, the walls of the vessels will be elastic. Pressure normalizes, blood begins to flow to all parts of the body.
  2. Yellow turpentine. This emulsion includes, in addition to the main component, castor oil and oleic acid. After regular procedures, the aging process slows down, metabolism normalizes, blood pressure decreases.
  3. Mixed baths. To obtain them, emulsions of white and yellow color are used. Another option is a white and yellow Zalmanov bath emulsion. They are used in diseases of the cardiovascular system. Mixed baths help with diseases of the kidneys, respiratory system, skin ailments, neurological disorders.
bath with turpentine for weight loss
bath with turpentine for weight loss


Like all other drugs, if used ineptly without consulting a doctor, turpentine baths can do harm. They cannot be used when:

  • arrhythmias and tachycardias;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hypertension;
  • scabies or other dermatological ailments during an exacerbation;
  • malignant tumors;
  • chronic ailments during an exacerbation;
  • individual intolerance to yellow or white compounds.

During pregnancy, too, you can not take such baths, so the procedure is postponed until the postpartum period. Children under 4 years of age are also prohibited from using this type of treatment.

Turpentine baths are contraindicated for use without consulting a specialist. This procedure leads to some discomfort - burning, redness of the skin, which can be confused with allergies or side effects. If after the procedure you feel worse, dizzy, nauseous, heartbeat quickens, tinnitus appears, then it must be completed and consult a doctor.

Zalmanov method

There are therapeutic baths with turpentine according to Zalmanov. This doctor has proven the effectiveness of procedures that launch self-regulation processes with self-purification, the development of their ownhormones, enzymes, biologically active substances, thanks to which the body copes with internal problems.

foot baths with turpentine
foot baths with turpentine

The basis of the technique is gum turpentine, with which emulsions are created. They are used for prevention and treatment. Treatments are effective for:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • respiratory system problems;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • varicose veins, hemorrhoids;
  • inflammation of the sweat glands;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • articular ailments;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • skin problems;
  • inflammation of the female reproductive system.

Baths also help treat laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. Also, the doctor can prescribe them for otitis media and acoustic neuritis.

1-2 weeks before the procedure, you need to go on a diet, removing fatty, spicy, s alty, smoked, fried foods, reducing meat consumption. Add vegetables and fruits to your diet. It is advisable to drink plenty of clean water and control bowel function. You should not drink alcohol. After this cleaning, you can perform recovery.

Rules of procedure

How to take a bath with turpentine? Procedures are not allowed to be performed immediately after eating. If the meal was just that, then the bathroom is postponed for 2 hours. Baths with turpentine are easily performed at home. The container is filled with hot water ½ part. It is important that the liquid temperature is no more than 37-39 degrees for pearl emulsion, and about 40 for amber.

Turpentineis added at this stage in the amount of 15-20 g of the substance per 1 liter of water. It must be mixed in advance with a small amount of liquid in a separate container, and then drained into the bath. If the procedure is performed without consulting a specialist, then it is advisable to use a sparing dosage of turpentine: 20 g of the substance per bath.

When a person is immersed in water, its temperature should be 37 degrees. After dipping, the temperature of the solution is raised to the set temperature and maintained at this level until the procedure is completed. The duration of treatment should not exceed 20 minutes. According to reviews, some increase the time to 30 minutes if the procedure is used for cosmetic purposes and for weight loss.


Specialists believe that the extension is possible in the absence of contraindications. It is better to start the course with 5 minutes. Each time increase the time by 2-3 minutes until the maximum is reached. The procedure should be completed when perspiration occurs on the face. After the bath, water cannot be reused. The body is dried with a towel.

baths with turpentine for weight loss reviews
baths with turpentine for weight loss reviews

These are all the nuances of how to properly take baths with turpentine. Procedures must be performed according to 3 schemes:

  • every 2nd day;
  • every day;
  • 2 days in 1.

It is better to interrupt the course of therapy for 1-2 weeks. The break should come after the 20th procedure. On average, the course consists of 40-50 baths.

Dry baths

In addition to the usual traditional water procedures, there are dry turpentine baths. They don't need water. During therapyproblem areas are rubbed with a special preparation with resin. You can buy the substance at a pharmacy. It comes with instructions.

Dry procedures can be performed in between Zalmanov's baths. They are great when hot water is not available. With them, it will be possible not to interrupt the treatment course during a long trip, while living in the country. Dry turpentine baths have a light texture and are instantly absorbed. There will be no marks on clothes. For this purpose, such means as "Skipar", "Skipofit" are suitable.

Improve the effect of procedures

Turpentine baths can treat many ailments. They are also suitable for the face and body. But for some diseases, experts recommend adhering to special recipes. These include the following recommendations:

  1. With varicose veins, not only ordinary, but also dry baths are suitable to prepare a therapeutic composition. You will need resin and apple cider vinegar (1 tsp each), which are mixed with the yolk. Problem areas are rubbed every day for 3-4 months. Before the procedures, you should consult with your doctor. In the later stages of the disease, foot baths are contraindicated.
  2. Uterine fibroids need sedentary turpentine baths. But they are used only in the initial stages. If the formation is large, the procedure is not performed. The water temperature should be 36 degrees. It is advisable to alternate white and yellow baths. The course of treatment lasts 10-15 days.
  3. Effective therapeutic baths for colds. Strengthen the action will allow the addition of chamomile and other herbs to the water. It is advisable to choose a yellow emulsion that raises the temperature andremoves harmful substances. Baths should be taken every day for 3-6 days.
baths with turpentine for joints
baths with turpentine for joints

Turpentine baths are often performed not for medical, but for cosmetic purposes. For example, facial sessions are in demand. The solution is used for washing or rubbing the skin. If the procedures are performed every day, the blood flow will improve, oxygen will be well absorbed. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed, skin turgor is restored, and aging processes are slowed down.


Turpentine baths are desirable to take in specialized institutions, since the procedure requires maintaining the optimum temperature (39 degrees). If you have a special thermometer, you will be able to maintain the required temperature on your own. Since the yellow emulsion causes a strong burning sensation, it is advisable to treat vulnerable areas with a nourishing cream for sensitive skin.
