Chamomile decoction has healing, anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it is safe to wash your eyes with such an infusion. To make it, you need to pour inflorescences with hot water and let them cool. Side effects are extremely rare. You can wash your eyes with chamomile and children, regardless of age. For example, with inflammation of the organs of vision, you can make compresses from chamomile infusion. But in this case, you should not completely abandon pharmacy drops.
For conjunctivitis: how effective is chamomile washing?

Chamomile is an optional panacea for diseases of the organs of vision. The doctor won't prescribe it. So, can you wash your eyes with chamomile? It is not recommended to bury the organs of vision with a decoction of this plant in case of various diseases of an infectious nature, for example, conjunctivitis.
The inflorescence of this plant hassoothing and anti-inflammatory properties. But chamomile will only help with mild ailments. If we are talking about infections and pathogenic bacteria, then this herb will be useless. But it has the right to be an auxiliary medicine. A child can also wash his eyes with a decoction of chamomile, but most likely for hygiene, and not for treating anything. With diseases, only medicines can help.

Staphylococcus aureus and chamomile
Why doesn't chamomile have properties to fight infection-related ailments? Scientists have conducted research and proved that this plant is able to overcome Staphylococcus aureus. But this is only in laboratory conditions. How this will work in the human body is unknown. And nowhere can you find proven facts that chamomile will help with infectious diseases of the eyes.
Perhaps, in the old days, people were treated with this plant, suppressing ailments a little. But today it is impossible to consider chamomile as a drug and, moreover, to replace conventional medicines with it.
If scientists conducted experiments with staphylococcus aureus in vitro, no one studied the properties of chamomile in ophthalmic infections. From this it follows that the plant cannot cure infections of the organs of vision, respectively, it is not necessary to bury it with eye infusion and do other manipulations.
Rinse Solution

Will there be any benefit from chamomile decoction if used as a solution forflushing? This herb has the ability to relieve inflammation, often used in inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it can be used to relieve inflammation in conjunctivitis. But without antiseptics, on the contrary, it is impossible to relieve inflammation, because this process is protective. Do they wash their eyes with chamomile in this case? If the inflammation is removed, then the microbes will begin to spread even faster. Therefore, it is better not to do this.
If the right medicines are used for eye inflammation to eliminate bacteria and infections, then rinsing with chamomile will not be necessary. The infection will go away, and the organ of vision will be he althy. But if the question arose, how to wash your eyes with chamomile for conjunctivitis? First, it is very worthwhile to use pharmacy drops, and then use auxiliary ones.
Scientists have not yet confirmed the unique properties of chamomile, because there is no need for this. To date, there is a wide range of drugs with anti-inflammatory properties, chamomile goes into the background. Therefore, there is no need to use it. Previously, it was used, but then there were not so many medicines. This plant does not have enough properties to overcome serious diseases, it is inferior to strong antiseptics.
Eye wash for a child: effectiveness and necessity
If a small child does not have symptoms of inflammation of the eyes, then you should not wipe them with a decoction of chamomile. Often they clean the organs of vision for babies unnecessarily. Most of it is self-indulgence. Before washing your eyes with chamomile, you need toThink about it well. After rubbing or instillation, an imaginary result appears. But the child's mother feels much better because she helped him.
Along with good drugs that really help, chamomile tea can act as an auxiliary medicine. Then it seems that the decoction also helps, although in fact it does not particularly affect the baby. Parents always want to do something, somehow help their baby. After listening to the advice of older people that it helped before, they begin to treat the child on their own. But over time, it will still be clear that chamomile is an ineffective medicine in the fight against infections. Then you still have to use highly effective drugs. It's a pity only the time spent on self-treatment of the baby.
Eye wash for newborn

Many mothers think that all newborn babies need eye treatment. They wonder how to wash the eyes of a newborn with chamomile so that the infection does not accumulate in them after sleep. And, of course, you don’t need to do this with plain water, but with a decoction of chamomile, that’s it. Based on the fact that the decoction is definitely harmless, and even they used it many years ago. So, you can definitely wash your child's eyes with chamomile.
You don't need to wash your child's eyes: the main arguments and opinions of parents
In fact, the organs of vision in a child are able to clear themselves, without assistance. And those accumulations in the corners after sleep can be removed with a finger or a handkerchief. Can you wash your eyes?chamomile for a child? The question is debatable, but there are weighty arguments.
No need for washing, you can do the opposite, worse. With constant rubbing, a child's eye can become inflamed from pressure, and an infection can get in. Moms say that with such a procedure everything should be sterile, the water is boiled, the bandage is clean, and every time it needs to be changed. Therefore, before doing something like this, you need to think about whether it is necessary. In newborns, sour eyes are common. But not always a decoction of chamomile is able to help here.
If the lacrimal canal is clogged, then only a doctor can help, as well as good eye drops. Chamomile can only remove pus and for half an hour it will seem that everything is fine, but in fact it will not help. Pleases, as experts say, only one thing - that the plant will not cause severe harm. But do not neglect the rules all the same.

You need to know, as doctors say, that any actions with the organs of vision are dangerous, because there is a mucous membrane there. Eyes can be easily damaged, even by finger pressure. Therefore, if there is no need to do eye washing or compresses, it is better to refuse them. When pressed with a finger, there is an impact, and this may adversely affect vision and cause other consequences.
This is very important to understand for those who have small, newly born children. They are even more prone to injury and consequences. When washing or instilling, the baby can twitch, move at any time, in which case you can applyharm.
You should not start treatment yourself if suddenly an accumulation of dried pus was found in the child's eye, in the corner. It can be removed gently by hand, and if during the day nothing accumulates in the corners, then everything is fine. You can always rinse your eyes with chamomile, do not rush. But even if the accumulations appear for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor and undergo medical treatment. This will take a couple of days. A decoction of chamomile will not help, but only aggravate the situation.

How does an allergic reaction manifest?
Extremely rare, but still there is an allergic reaction to chamomile. If, when washing or instilling, discomfort or a cutting role is felt, then it is worth rinsing the eyes with water and stopping such treatment. The eye is a very sensitive organ, so you can immediately feel an allergy to this plant.
Girls who washed their eyes with chamomile say that they did not see much effect from the application. The only thing is that immediately after the procedure it gets better. But soon, as they say, the discharge appeared again. Those who washed the eyes of children talk about the same result, that is, about the inefficiency of chamomile.
Self-medication is dangerous
There are a number of infectious diseases of the organs of vision, and a decoction of chamomile will not help here. This is a common occurrence in children. He rubbed his eyes with dirty hands or sand got into them. Thus, an infection can develop. Just washing your eyes with chamomile is not enough.
The worst thing that can be- this is a rejection of a full-fledged treatment, and its replacement by completely washing with chamomile. There are a lot of eye diseases, and some of them are accompanied by serious infections. Even conjunctivitis can be of different forms. With a severe form of this disease, without quality medical treatment, you can lose your eyesight. The disease is especially dangerous in children. They do not yet have such strong immunity, the development of infection occurs quickly. The sooner you start the right medication, the better. Chamomile may help a little, but not a cure. Yes, and it is not capable of protecting from the consequences.
Advice and opinion of doctors

Some people even bury their eyes with chamomile infusion in alcohol, which is strictly forbidden. The mucous membrane of the eye is very sensitive. In this case, you can get burned. Absolutely all preparations and folk infusions must be water-based. If this is chamomile, then you can pour boiling water over it and let it brew.
- Decoction of this plant can still be washed and instilled in the eyes, but it's better not to. It is harmless, but also useless. But cleansing can cause additional injury.
- Rinse your eyes with chamomile only when medication is being performed and inflammation needs to be relieved.
Definitely the opinion of doctors comes down to the fact that chamomile is not a medicine. It will not protect against infectious diseases. Failure to take medication can lead to vision loss.