Scars after laparoscopy: what they look like and how to remove them

Scars after laparoscopy: what they look like and how to remove them
Scars after laparoscopy: what they look like and how to remove them

After the operation, a scar may remain on the patient's body - a patch of connective tissue. Experts identify many methods for eliminating unpleasant scars on the skin. All methods will differ depending on the type of postoperative damage and its extent. Most often, patients are interested in how to remove the scar after laparoscopy.

Scar healing time

The removal of sutures is carried out by the doctor after a few days or weeks after the operation. Modern clinics, when suturing the patient's body, use self-absorbable threads, the tails of which fall off on their own after 7 days after the resorption of the base material. Full rehabilitation occurs within 30 days after the operation.


What stitches after laparoscopy? Scars after the procedure may completely disappear after a couple of months, and traces of them will fade with the first tan. When carrying a child, such scars can acquire a bright color. Stretch marks may also form near the stitches.

When healing goes well

Laparoscopy scars cause many symptoms that canadversely affect the patient's condition. The main signs of suture healing and skin recovery include the following symptoms:

  • aching pain in the affected area;
  • small discharge of pus;
  • wound formation and skin moisture;
  • bloating and pain in the lower abdomen.

All symptoms described should resolve within 7-14 days after surgery. The seal under the seam should completely disappear after a while. Redness may occur as a result of an allergic reaction to the applied medical patch and other medicines. Also, scars can cause itching, which indicates active tissue repair - this is considered completely normal. In this way, damaged skin grows new flesh.

Going to the doctor

The patient must necessarily go to the doctor in the following cases:

  1. Stitches take too long to heal. This can be caused by poor regeneration, rejection of superimposed threads by the body.
  2. Severe itching and burning. The main reason for this process is irritation, infection or contamination of the wound, an allergic reaction to the patch and drugs.
  3. The wounds became inflamed and bigger. Most often this happens when the doctor removes the stitches incorrectly and poor care.
  4. The seal has increased in size. This indicates the accumulation of a large amount of pus.
  5. There were hard seals - the divergence of the stitches or the accumulation of purulent discharge.
  6. Scars do not heal for a long time,start to hurt, blood comes out of them. This is the result of seam divergence.
  7. The scar is very wet, brown or gray liquid comes out of it. This process occurs if the threads do not dissolve, which leads to internal decay.
  8. The scar continues not to dissolve even after 7 days after the stitches have been removed. This may indicate the onset of severe inflammation.

In some cases, which is extremely rare, the patient has to undergo laparoscopy again. It is important to remember that if there is pain in the umbilical suture, do not worry, as the scars in this place heal longer and more painfully.

Visit doctor
Visit doctor

Reasons for a long recovery

If scars after laparoscopy heal for too long and bring discomfort to the patient, then it is important to determine the cause of this deviation.

A slow recovery process can occur in the following cases:

  1. Reduced immunity. In this case, tissue regeneration worsens, which provokes prolonged wound healing.
  2. Chronic diseases of the endocrine system, as well as problems with the production of hormones.
  3. Not following doctor's recommendations for postoperative nutrition. Food loads the abdominal muscles.
  4. Obesity or physical problems. Due to the large fat layer, it is difficult for the tissues to carry out the required regeneration for the full restoration of the seams.
  5. Elderly patient. The functions of muscle tissue in this case are greatly weakened.
  6. Lack of fluid in the body. When dehydrated, muscle tissue is not saturated with oxygen, which also leads to problems with regenerative function.

In all the cases described, the process of patient recovery and healing of scars can take place simultaneously with severe, but tolerable pain.

Proper wound care

application of ointment
application of ointment

If the specialist, after stitching the wound, did not properly process the edges, then during the second procedure at home, the patient will see traces of pus on the gauze bandage. Such suppuration provokes the appearance of visible scars.

To avoid unpleasant scars, it is important to carefully monitor the condition of the seams and properly disinfect them. To do this, follow the following procedures:

  1. Treat the sore spot around the edges (excluding the damage itself) with alcohol-containing products.
  2. It is recommended to decontaminate stitches with antiseptics or simple hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Change gauze every day and apply a new one, pre-treating it with synthomycin ointment. Such procedures should be carried out until the scars are completely healed.
  4. A special patch is applied to the problem area.
  5. It is forbidden to wet and treat damage with water, it is also not recommended to use Levomekol ointment. The active ingredients in the composition of the product lead to severe scarring, due to which a large and pronounced scar can remain on the body.

With proper care for postoperative scars and following all the recommendations of the attending physician and surgeon,all scars after the procedure completely disappear within a certain period of time.

Effective remedies for healing

How to reduce scars after laparoscopy? After removing the sutures, gauze is regularly applied to the damaged area, soaked in special ointments and creams that help to quickly restore tissues, improve skin condition and make the suture smaller. The most popular remedy is the drug "Curiosin", which contains the active ingredient - zinc hyaluronate. Its deficiency leads to the appearance of pronounced scars.

patch for scars
patch for scars

After some time passes after the operation, and the scars stop hurting badly, experts recommend applying the Contractubex patch to the scars. Such a tool helps to soften the scars on the skin, accelerate the process of building new tissue and cell formation. Plaster "Kontraktubeks" is distinguished by its mild effect and antibacterial effect.

Gels and ointments

ointment levosin
ointment levosin

For quick healing of scars, it is recommended to use the following remedies:

  1. "Levosin" is a budgetary anti-inflammatory ointment with an antibacterial effect. The tool is used externally. It helps to speed up the process of tissue regeneration, has an anesthetic and antibacterial effect. The ointment is applied to gauze, and then applied to the skin area treated with hydrogen peroxide.
  2. "Mederma" - a remedy that is a gel to eliminate scars and scarsup to a year. Such a drug cannot cope with old scars on the skin, for this you should use cosmetic devices and a laser. Due to the special components in the composition, the gel helps to soften the skin, make it smoother. The ointment can be applied to scars on the face, neck, abdomen. The product is sold in a pharmacy and does not require a prescription from a doctor
  3. "Dermatix" is a silicone-based gel that helps moisturize the skin, improve the appearance of scars, smooth out damaged areas. Also, this remedy eliminates discomfort in sore spots, relieves itching, improves skin pigmentation. Most often, the drug is prescribed for the care of hypertrophic and keloid scars.

Means "Kontraktubeks"

"Kontraktubeks" from scars and scars has a large number of indications for use. Each scar has a corresponding effect. Doctors recommend using the product if available:

  • scarring after burns, amputations;
  • keloid or hypertrophic scars after injury;
  • scars after laparoscopy.
Using Contractubex
Using Contractubex

The drug can be used to eliminate stretch marks during childbearing or after birth, as well as for ankylosis. Such a remedy has no special contraindications and restrictions for taking.

Prohibited use:

  • do not use for those patients who are allergic to the constituent components of the product;
  • limit use if patient has elevatedparaben sensitivity.

Prevention measures

After laparoscopy, doctors strictly prohibit:

  1. To load the body physically. A quiet lifestyle should be followed for several months.
  2. Water ingress. To prevent infection of the wound and the entry of bacteria, do not shower during the first 2 weeks after surgery.
  3. It is forbidden to stay in the sun for a long time, go to baths or saunas.
  4. For 2-4 weeks after the operation, you should refrain from sexual intercourse to prevent possible rupture of the seams.
  5. It is forbidden to eat poorly digestible foods. It is important to completely give up carbonated drinks and alcohol.
Refusal of physical activity
Refusal of physical activity

Following all the rules and advice of the surgeon will help to avoid possible complications. Laparoscopy is a simple operation that does not lead to any complications.
