Sexual intimacy is an important part of a fulfilling human life. Removal of the uterus with other organs of the reproductive system scares any woman. The procedure is quite complex and has its consequences. Is there sexual life after hysterectomy? When does intimacy resume? So far there are more questions than answers. Let's take a closer look at this intimate topic.
Is sex possible after hysterectomy?
This question can be answered rather ambiguously. Much depends on the method and type of operation performed and the woman's individual reaction to it. The main place is occupied in this case by the psychological and physical condition of the woman.
Sexual life after removal of the uterus may be provided that the damaged tissues have recovered, and the woman feels great. However, rehabilitation will take some time.
Feature of the operation
Hysterectomy issurgical removal of the uterus. This is an extreme measure that has to be taken to save the patient from the development of dangerous pathologies that threaten her life.
Doctors resort to such a procedure only if other therapeutic methods have been ineffective. Sex life after removal of the uterus and ovaries depends on the type of surgery and indications.

Modern surgeons carry out amputation of the uterus in two ways:
- through the vagina;
- through the abdominal cavity, after making a cavity incision.
The vaginal method of the operation is the simplest and safest. However, it has a number of contraindications. In some cases, you can do without a complex operation through the abdominal cavity.
Indication for hysterectomy:
- benign or malignant tumor;
- myoma;
- prolapsed uterus;
- heavy uterine bleeding.
Recovery after surgery depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body. Rehabilitation averages one and a half to two months.
After the removal of the uterus, women live sexually just like he althy ones. The main thing is to properly adjust yourself psychologically. Some patients are deeply depressed after undergoing surgery to remove the uterus. They feel that they are inferior.
Sex life after removal of the uterus and ovaries exists. The woman continues to be her. In this case, it is importantcomprehensive support for family and friends. The main thing is to show a woman that they need her.
Sex life after hysterectomy is especially worrisome for young women who are planning to have a baby. However, after the operation, they lost this opportunity forever.
The quality of sex depending on the remote organ
The quality of intimate life in the postoperative period is affected by which reproductive organ was removed along with the uterus. Let's take a closer look:
Sex life after removal of the uterus remains virtually the same. Since the ovaries continue to function, cardinal hormonal changes do not occur in the body. The appendages continue to produce estrogen in the same volume. Sexual desire persisted. Feelings of sex after the operation do not change

Sex life after removal of the uterus and ovaries is different. Estrogen (female sex hormone) stops being produced. This provokes hormonal disorders in the body of a woman. Gradually, the body adapts to new conditions. After surgery, a woman may notice a decrease in sexual desire, especially in the first few months. To restore hormonal balance, the doctor prescribes a course of hormonal drugs. After a certain time, sexual desire returns to normal, the woman begins to live a full life again

Sex life after removal of the cervix practically remains the same. The organs responsible for female libido remainedintact. If there are no complications after the operation, then it is allowed to start sexual intimacy only after the full recovery of the female body

Sex life after removal of the uterine polyp is fully restored within a few months. For this period, gynecologists recommend refraining from intimacy with a partner. Sex is allowed after 30-40 days after the operation. You can have sex, but you can think about conceiving a baby no earlier than six months after the operation. In many ways, the period of possible further conception depends on how quickly the menstrual cycle is restored. If the critical days after the removal of polyps do not come for a long time, then this indicates the development of pathogenic processes in the body. The priority should be the complete rehabilitation of the patient

Sex life after removal of the uterus and appendages changes dramatically. This is a serious traumatic operation that requires a lot of time to recover. Serious hormone adjustments are needed, especially if surgery is performed between the ages of forty and fifty (before menopause)
It is allowed to have sex after two to three months. After intimacy, a woman feels dryness in the vagina, burning and pain after sex. This is due to the fact that the level of estrogen has greatly decreased. Therefore, the genital mucosa has become thinner and produces less lubrication.
Sexual desire is markedly reduced in those women who have had their cervix, appendages and uterus removed. This is due to the fact that testosterone is produced in the ovaries. A sharp decrease in it negatively affects the female libido. In this case, it is necessary to take drugs that increase the level of testosterone in the body.
When is intimacy allowed?
Average - 2 months. After this period after the operation, you can start intimacy. During this period of time, damaged tissues and wounds heal in the body of a woman.
To restore full physical intimacy, it is important to balance the hormonal background. It is on hormones that a woman's sexual desire for a man depends. With the help of certain medications, the hormonal background is completely restored after 2 months.

This is the minimum time for a woman to recover. If there are complications after the operation, then it is necessary to refrain from sexual intimacy for about 3 months.
Some patients in the postoperative period do not have sexual desire for a long time for six months, a year.
You don't need to force events in this case. If a man insists on intimacy, then a woman's libido will decrease and complications may appear.
Feature of intimate life
Has sex life changed after hysterectomy? Reviews of many women say that for the better. Perhaps this is due to the fact that many women are afraidget pregnant. And after the surgery, there is no reason to worry. Therefore, they can completely relax and enjoy.
Many patients with gynecological pathologies complained to the doctor about severe pain during intimacy. And after the operation to remove the uterus, the alarming symptoms disappeared. The woman once and for all got rid of the physical and psychological barrier.
Appearance of psychological problems
Many women tend to aggravate their psychological state by having a negative attitude towards the removal of the reproductive organ. They feel flawed and inadequate.
The mood for the operation itself, the attitude to one's condition after it determines the further quality of intimate life. When a woman feels inferior, she gradually loses her femininity. Consequently, a woman's sexual life after removal of the uterus in this case will not bring pleasure to either her or her partner.

If a woman cannot cope with depression on her own in the postoperative period, then you need to contact a psychologist. In addition, a lady's partner should raise her self-esteem by encouraging her beloved and giving her compliments.
Physiological difficulties
If a woman's psychological state is more or less stable and positive, then the physiological state may not please. A woman may experience the following symptoms:
- Vaginal dryness, especially if the uterus and ovaries have been removed. The hormonal background directly affectsmucosal condition. It is broken because there are no ovaries. They cause the production of female hormones. There is only one solution to the problem - the use of lubricants for the vagina or cream. These funds are sold in a pharmacy or in a specialized store. After a certain time, the excretory function of the mucosa will be restored.
- Shortening the vagina. After the operation, a woman may feel pain during sex, as the man's penis reaches the stitches if there was surgery to shorten the vagina. The only solution is to choose the right position for sex.
- Prolonged "warming up" of a woman. Many patients note that they do not experience pleasure from sex. This is caused by that psychological factor and tissue trauma.
As soon as a woman changes her attitude to the current situation, sexual pleasure will return to normal.
Restriction in sex positions
There are no special restrictions in the choice of poses. However, there are a number of recommendations on how to resume sexual life. So the general rules are:
- If a woman is afraid of feeling severe pain, then she should choose positions for intimacy herself.
- The process of intimacy is conveniently controlled in the “rider” position.

A woman must regulate the frequency of movements herself
The main thing is to mutually discuss positions for intimacy with your partner.
Does a woman get an orgasm after having her uterus removed?
After undergoing surgery, orgasm may not beas bright as it used to be. This is due to the psycho-emotional background of a woman. However, you should not be upset. As soon as a woman pulls herself together and again believes in her usefulness, she will feel an orgasm the same as before. Much depends on the support and care from the partner.

Lack of orgasm is a psychological problem, not a physiological one. A woman cannot feel voluptuous sensations due to fear of pain during sex.
Many ladies believe that full pleasure can only be obtained if all the reproductive organs are in place. However, this is a profound misconception. During the operation, the labia, clitoris, G-spot are not affected, the stimulation of which causes orgasm. There should be no physiological problems.
If a woman feels pain during sex, then sexual intercourse should be suspended. Then continue, but the man should not fully insert the penis.
Many women report that their sex life has become much better and longer after hysterectomy.
If a woman does not get an orgasm after the operation, it means that before she received voluptuous pleasure only during stimulation of the cervix with the penis, which is no longer present.
Consequences of early initiation of intimate life
If a woman has violated the doctor's recommendations regarding the start of intimacy, then such an incorrect attitude can lead to serious complications. So the consequencesearly sexual initiation:
- Bleeding can occur when sutures come apart. A woman can lose a lot of blood. In this case, the problem can be solved surgically.
- The development of the inflammatory process can be localized in one area, or it can cover all the reproductive organs.
- Disease of the genitourinary system, in particular cystitis.
If a woman's uterus and other organs of the reproductive system have been removed, then we must not forget about contraceptive methods. Although there is no risk of unwanted pregnancy, there is still a risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases from a partner.
First intercourse after surgery
Sexual life after surgery to remove the uterus in the first months should be as accurate as possible. Violent passion will have to be postponed for a long time.
It is also worth forgetting for a few months about the deep and sharp penetration of the male penis into the vagina. This can be extremely dangerous for a woman.