In the event that the earlobes are inflamed, it is necessary to carry out treatment, since the inflammatory process can significantly worsen the general state of human he alth. To avoid serious complications, you need to see a doctor. The doctor will be able to identify the factor that provoked the development of the inflammatory process. Based on the diagnostic results obtained, the specialist will prescribe an individual therapy regimen.
In addition to aesthetic discomfort, swollen lobes often provoke the development of a strong painful sensation, since they contain blood vessels and nerve endings. As medical practice shows, such an unpleasant symptom does not threaten a person’s life and quickly disappears after using home therapies, but there are also cases when you need to immediately visit a doctor.
Why do earlobes swell?

There are many diseases in the development of which the earlobe can become inflamed. In thata limited area of the body is cartilage, soft tissue and skin. The skin can become inflamed under the influence of a dermatological or allergic disease.
Soft tissue most often swells in the inflammatory process and in the event that capillary permeability is impaired. The earlobe is inflamed from the earring, what should I do? In order to choose the right method of therapy, it is necessary to analyze the following points:
- determine the localization of inflammation - internal or external;
- color: reddish, blue or white;
- are seals and bumps present;
- presence or absence of pain;
- see if there is a trace of damage - scratch, bite, puncture, skin rashes;
- analyze additional symptoms - a feeling of itching, peeling, the presence of pus and blood.
Due to visual inspection, you can narrow down the range of possible factors and highlight the main one.
Furunculosis disease

Why are my earlobes inflamed? During the development of furunculosis, the lobes can become inflamed. Under such conditions, there are unpleasant pain sensations that prevent you from fully resting on your side. Among the main symptoms of pathology are:
- presence of pus at the site of injury;
- skin reddens and swells;
- severe pain occurs;
- there are central rods that are filled with pus.
Doctors' recommendations
If a voluminous boil appears, then the general state of he alth worsens significantly - there isheat. Pain persists until the furuncles break through. If this does not happen within a few days and the inflammation has moved to the face and neck area, then it is necessary to visit a surgeon - he will open the abscesses and prescribe an individual therapy regimen. It is forbidden to open boils on your own, since you can infect the wound. Under such conditions, the general condition will only worsen.
Atheroma development

If the earlobe is inflamed and swollen, then this may be a sign of a serious illness. In the process of the occurrence of cystic formation, the sebaceous glands are clogged. Under such conditions, the patient gropes for elastic seals. The earlobes swell and become inflamed. In this case, the following unpleasant symptoms occur:
- skin turns red;
- severe pain occurs;
- body temperature rises.
It is necessary to treat atheroma under the strict supervision of the attending physician. In some cases, you can not do without surgical intervention. Before going to the doctor, it is recommended to treat the earlobes with an antibacterial ointment.
Lipoma disease
Lipoma refers to benign neoplasms. These wen resemble bumps that, when palpated, move under the skin. Doctors failed to find out the main cause of the appearance of lipomas. As medical practice shows, such a neoplasm does not threaten the patient's life. In frequent cases, surgical therapy of the neoplasm is carried out.
Wearing an earring
Most oftenearlobes become inflamed after they are pierced. There are several factors that can cause this problem:
- Failure to follow basic hygiene rules. Due to the infection of the wound with harmful bacteria, a slight inflammation may occur. Infection can occur both during the piercing process and after the manipulation. It is not recommended to touch the ears with dirty hands, as this can provoke the development of severe inflammation.
- After replacing a medical earring with another, until the wound heals, the lobes often swell. Experts recommend that after piercing the ears, rinse the lobes with a disinfectant solution. If you do not take this action, most likely, they become inflamed. This can cause pus and intense pain.
- It is not recommended to experiment with cartilage tissue - piercing in this place often provokes the development of an inflammatory process. If the earlobe is inflamed from the earring, then with the help of "Miramistin" and "Furacilin" it is necessary to treat the puncture site. In the process of washing the ears, it is necessary to scroll the earrings. Before handling, wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap. You should visit Laura if pain occurs for a long time and the wounds do not heal for a long time. If necessary, the specialist will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs for oral administration.
- Decoration size. Quite often, the lobes swell after a puncture due to improperly selected jewelry. Stud Earringssqueeze the lobes and disrupt the process of blood circulation. In addition, harmful microorganisms accumulate under the locks, which are difficult to wash. In order to eliminate swelling, it is necessary to remove the earrings, treat the wounds with an antiseptic and replace the jewelry with another model with loose fasteners.
- The occurrence of allergies. In some cases, the earlobes swell after a puncture due to the development of an allergic reaction. It is very difficult in this case to establish the cause of the swelling, so it is recommended to seek help from medical personnel if the earlobes are inflamed.
- Most often, allergies appear after changing the earring. If an allergic reaction to the metal is detected, then the lobes begin to itch, redden and swell. The essence of therapy is to prevent contact with the jewelry that caused the allergy. With the help of an antihistamine and ointment, you can eliminate the feeling of itching and burning. If you apply a cold compress, you can significantly improve overall well-being and eliminate the inflammatory process. If a person is prone to allergies, then jewelry must be selected especially carefully. Titanium, silver, gold and platinum jewelry most often provoke the development of allergies. It is necessary to buy jewelry of high standard of metal. Low-grade gold often contains nickel, which causes the problem to develop.
- In addition to metal intolerance, earlobes can swell due to allergies to cleanser, cream and lotion, hair care products - shampoo or balm. If after using a cosmetic product the ear becomes inflamed, thenyou need to visit a doctor. If you experience a burning sensation and itching, you should visit an allergist.
- The size of jewelry. Massive earrings often cause injury to the earlobes. They touch clothes if you move carelessly. Earrings should be temporarily removed if the earlobes are inflamed. After stretching, the places of tears must be disinfected using an antiseptic - this is necessary so that pathogenic microorganisms do not get into the wounds.
Dermatological disease
Quite often, in the process of developing a dermatological disease, the earlobes swell. Hypersensitivity of this area leads to contact dermatitis and eczema, which often spread to the face and neck. When eczema occurs, cracks and peeling appear, pain occurs. In the process of treating pathology, it is important:
- adjust immunity;
- eat right and balanced;
- cure other chronic diseases;
- avoid stress;
- eliminate annoying factors.
It is imperative to contact a specialist in order for him to prescribe an individual treatment regimen.
Insect bite - treatment

The earlobe is inflamed. What to do? In some cases, the ear swells after a bee or wasp sting. If timely therapy is not carried out, swelling of the throat may occur. Under such conditions, the work of the respiratory system is disrupted. Using antihistamine ointment, cream"Hydrocortisone" is the treatment of the pathological condition.

Earlobes inflamed from earrings. What to do? First you need to find out the cause of the development of inflammation - the whole thing may be an insect bite. Using a soda solution, eliminate swelling. If a severe allergic reaction occurs after an insect bite, then you need to seek help from medical personnel so that the doctor prescribes medication.
Basis of treatment
Medicines should be prescribed only by a doctor. But what to do if the earlobe is inflamed, what to do in this case? Depending on the factor that provoked the development of inflammation in the earlobe, the doctor will select an individual therapy regimen. In the presence of inflammation, it is recommended to wash the earlobes with hydrogen peroxide - up to eight times a day (until the general condition of the patient improves). You can eliminate the manifestation of purulent discharge with the help of Levomekol, Chlorhexidine, Metrogil.

Such remedies are often prescribed by specialists after ear piercing. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the earlobes until the wounds are completely healed.
If the earlobe is inflamed from the earring, then it must be processed. To do this, use "Levomekol", "Tetracycline ointment", "Celestoderm", "Solcoseryl", "Chlorhexidine" and "Miramistin". Before asuse an ointment, the wound must be washed with hydrogen peroxide.
Aloe Therapy

This plant has anti-inflammatory properties. To improve the patient's well-being, it is recommended to cut the plant lengthwise and attach it to the earlobes. With the help of a plaster, you can fix the plant. After a few hours, it is necessary to replace the leaf with a fresh one. Aloe helps to eliminate the inflammatory process and draws out pus. In case the skin under the earlobe is inflamed, it is recommended to use this plant.
People's reviews
Those people whose lobes swelled after they were pierced were helped by "Hydrogen Peroxide". After washing the problem areas with the product, the state of he alth improved significantly and the inflammatory process was eliminated. "Levomekol", according to consumers, is an effective ointment that draws out pus well. In the event that the earlobe is inflamed after a puncture, it is necessary to visit a surgeon or laura. Self-medication, according to those who have recovered, is not recommended - this will only aggravate the problem.