Glycine lowers or increases blood pressure: how it affects, instructions and reviews

Glycine lowers or increases blood pressure: how it affects, instructions and reviews
Glycine lowers or increases blood pressure: how it affects, instructions and reviews

In the article, we will consider whether Glycine lowers or raises blood pressure.

This is a very famous medicine. It helps people to quickly eliminate the effects of stress, increasing efficiency. The drug is recommended to be taken with a neurological disorder. Many people sometimes have a question about whether Glycine lowers or increases blood pressure. Let's figure it out.

glycine lowers or raises blood pressure
glycine lowers or raises blood pressure

Mechanism of action

Blood pressure such a tool can not greatly lower. It has an effect on pressure, but very weak. Its effect is directed more towards calming the nervous system. This is due to a decrease in the release of a stress substance. There is no need to talk about an increase in the pressure indicator when taking this medicine, since it has a completely different effect.

Although, lowers or raises the pressure of "Glycine" - the question is quite frequent.

How does this drug affect blood pressure?

The effect of medication on blood pressure is usually as follows:

  • The ingredients that make up the medicine have a sedative effect. The level of stress hormones decreases.
  • Relaxation of the psyche provokes a slowdown in the heart rate. The load on the vessels is falling.
  • The pressure in the vessels decreases.

So, does Glycine increase or decrease blood pressure? The sedative component of this remedy is incapable of raising the blood tone. The drug, which belongs to the group of sedative drugs, lowers blood pressure. The opposite effect is usually impossible. "Glycine" lowers blood pressure by neutralizing the effect of stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) on the nervous system. Can the drug increase blood tone? Definitely not.

The main effect of sedative medications is to slow the heart rate. Depressed heartbeat with pressure are incompatible phenomena. The drug has an effect on the normalization of the work of the heart, exactly as well as the vascular system, eliminating hypertension. Therefore, there will be no increased pressure if you take this medication.

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glycine raises blood pressure

The drug is well absorbed in the mouth, circulating throughout the body, but does not accumulate in the tissue. The only exception, when an increase in blood tone is possible, is its decrease, provoked by vegetovascular dystonia. An additional cause may also be excessive fatigue in the form of brain fatigue.

Does Glycine reduce blood pressure and to what extent?

High pressure applications

Some doctorsIt is advised to take this remedy for high blood pressure. The drug inhibits the production of active substances that contribute to the process of excitation of the nervous system. This state of high pressure is dangerous. Therefore, experts argue that "Glycine" can have a beneficial effect on patients who suffer from hypertension. The drug calms the nervous system, which is very important in the presence of hypertension.

glycine instructions for use at what pressure
glycine instructions for use at what pressure

Glycine can be effective for high blood pressure.

But it cannot lower the blood tone in the presence of pronounced hypertension. Therefore, it should not be taken as the main medical remedy for such a diagnosis. It has only an auxiliary effect. The drug can slightly lower the blood tone only if its increase was caused by stress. In other situations, the drug does not particularly reduce such indicators.

It's not true that "Glycine" increases blood pressure.

With reduced pressure

The question of how this remedy works in hypertension has already been clarified. It remains to find out its effect at low pressure. It should be emphasized right away that this medication is not recommended for people with such disorders.

Doctors do not advise the use of this medicine for people with low blood tone. Even a small dosage can adversely affect he alth. All due to the fact that the drug is associated with the process of producing adrenaline. It leads to its reduction. So, it makes the pressure indicatorless than necessary. At the same time, Glycine can be taken by hypotensive patients, but only as prescribed by a doctor and under his full control.

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does glycine reduce blood pressure

Sometimes the active ingredient of the drug can increase blood tone. This is possible in the presence of hypotension, which was provoked by vegetovascular dystonia. It also includes a disease that manifested itself after overwork of the brain. Only in this situation, the drug increases the pressure value.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that this drug with reduced pressure or increased pressure is used only for complex treatment. Otherwise, it will not bring the desired result or even provoke adverse reactions that should be avoided with a certain diagnosis. At best, the drug causes a short-term effect of pressure normalization. Now consider the instruction.

Instructions for use

At what pressure "Glycine" is indicated, the doctor will tell.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, one must know how the medicine is taken. To do this, you should read the instructions that come with the medication, or discuss the issue with your doctor. Before taking "Glycine" it is best to consult a doctor. There is no strict restriction regarding the age of patients who are allowed this drug. Children's neurologists claim that it can be given to newborn babies. The absence of any restrictions is due to the fact that the agent does not have serious adverse reactions. Moreover, they are extremely rareappear. The pills are taken in the following ways:

high blood pressure glycine
high blood pressure glycine
  • In the presence of a pathological condition that requires support for the nervous system, drink pills during a stressful period. Use one to two pills under the tongue four times.
  • When suffering damage to the brain and spinal cord (surgical interventions also fall into this category), the doctor prescribes medication for two pills three times. The duration of the course will be three months.
  • Against the background of vegetovascular dystonia, leading to an increase in pressure, the optimal dose and duration of the course is prescribed by the doctor after studying the characteristics of the patient's body and his condition.
  • During recovery periods after a hypertensive crisis, it is recommended to take two pills three times under the tongue. The treatment will be long enough.

A specialist may prescribe a remedy in order to eliminate the consequences of alcoholic toxicosis. With the right treatment, "Glycine" can cope with congenital brain dysfunctions and delays in its development. With such a diagnosis, the medication is prescribed by a pediatric neurologist or pediatrician. He also selects the optimal dosage of the therapeutic agent.

How "Glycine" affects the pressure, now we know. Does it have contraindications?


It is impossible to confidently state that such a remedy as "Glycine" does not have any side effects or contraindications. This medicine affectsperformance of certain organs. If the optimal dosages are exceeded, it can have a negative effect on them. The drug should not be taken in the following cases:

how does glycine affect blood pressure
how does glycine affect blood pressure
  • When the patient is highly sensitive to the active substance.
  • Baby up to three years old. True, sometimes taking in this case is allowed, but only under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Against the backdrop of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Expectant mothers should not use this medicine.

With caution, it should be taken by hypotensive patients, because it may have a sedative effect. Now let's find out what side reactions can be observed while using this drug.

Can I drink "Glycine" with pressure? Is it always safe?

Side effects

The main side effect of the drug in question is, as a rule, an allergic reaction caused by neglecting the dosage of the drug. The rest of the drug is well tolerated.


The price for one package with "Glycine" directly depends on the number of pills in it. The cost of the considered medical preparation is in the range from fifty to one hundred and fifty rubles. In the event that the buyer is not satisfied with the price, then he can choose the cheapest analogue. Next, we will find out what doctors and their patients write in the reviews about the use of this medical product for maintenance treatment.

Reviews of doctors and patients

In their reviews, people write that this drug should be taken withtake with caution to those people who have been diagnosed with arterial hypotension. In the event that there is an urgent need for therapy with this drug, the doctor should prescribe the minimum dosage for the patient. During the whole course, you should carefully observe the condition of the person.

is it possible to drink glycine with pressure
is it possible to drink glycine with pressure

Doctors in the comments advise to stop therapy immediately in case of a sharp deterioration in well-being. Pregnancy is a contraindication to the use of "Glycine". However, as pregnant women write in the reviews, such a measure is still allowed by doctors if it is necessary to relieve nervous tension, which is harmful to the expectant mother and her baby.

Doctors also note that when a person intends to take this medicine, he must necessarily discuss this moment with his doctor. Otherwise, the patient runs the risk of experiencing adverse reactions that will certainly worsen his general well-being.

We examined whether Glycine lowers or raises blood pressure.
