All over the world there are a huge number of garden and ornamental shrubs. Today we want to talk about an amazing plant - the Pontic needle, whose other names are prickly needle, spiny needle. People have known about the plant since time immemorial. Even in ancient times, the historians Pliny and Virgil mentioned it, speaking of its miraculous properties that help heal many ailments. By the way, they called her ruskus (ruskus). From the material presented, you will learn what this plant is, what medicinal properties it has, how to use the Pontian needle in the fight against ailments.
Description of the plant
The Latin name for this plant is ruscus aculeatus. Currently, the butcher's broom is a rare, endangered species. It is believed that this species originated in the Tertiary period. We bring to your attention a description of the Pontic needle and a photo of this unusually beautiful plant.

It refers to evergreen shrubs or semi-shrubs. Butcher's needle under natural conditions can grow up to half a meter, sometimes a little higher. The needle got its original and unique name due to its appearance: it is all covered with small needles. The leaves of the plant are lanceolate scales that are barely noticeable. The part of the plant that everyone takes for leaves - cladodes - is not them. These are leaflets or simply flat branches, in which the end is pointed in the form of a thorn. The buds form on their lower part, have a greenish tint and purple stamens. The flowering of the plant lasts from February to April.
According to the description of the Pontian needle, it has both female and male flowers on the bush, which can be pollinated with dew or during rain. After that, unusually beautiful fruits appear on the shrub - bright red balls, the diameter of which is 8-10 mm. Inside they have 2-3 seeds. Fruit ripening occurs from August to September. Edible berries have a pleasant taste, before they were used to prepare a coffee surrogate.
In the wild, the shrub can be found in Western Europe, where it grows in juniper and pine forests, next to the rocks. In addition, the spiked needle loves to coexist with hornbeams and oaks. Some species of this plant grow on the territory of Asian and African states. The habitat of the Pontian needle in our country is the woodlands of the Crimea and the Caucasus. It should be noted that this plant is listed in the Redbook and is under state protection.

Healing properties
Pontian needle has medicinal properties. It is widely used in folk medicine due to its rich chemical composition, which includes many healing and beneficial substances. Decoctions and tinctures prepared on its basis treat venous insufficiency, atherosclerosis, arthritis, varicose veins, bronchial asthma, diseases associated with dysfunction of the cardiovascular system. The composition of the plant includes:
- proteins;
- saponins;
- vegetable fibers;
- sucrose;
- vitamins PP, C;
- fats;
- micronutrients (potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, aluminum, calcium, etc.).
And this is not the whole list of useful substances that make up the Pontic needle, the photo of which is presented in the review.

Healing functions
Butcher's broom has a number of medicinal properties aimed at eliminating exacerbation of hemorrhoids, venous dysfunctions that occur during premenstrual syndrome, oral contraceptives, pregnancy. Consider the main medicinal functions of the butcher's broom, which all medicines prepared from this plant possess:
- reduce capillary fragility;
- strengthening the walls of blood vessels and veins;
- reduce the risk of thrombosis;
- increase tone.
The use of needles helps to eliminate toxins and wastefrom muscle tissue, reduces the risk of inflammatory processes, significantly improves cell metabolism, restores water-s alt metabolism, stimulates the blood circulation process. It should also be noted that the needle has a beneficial effect on edema, heaviness in the legs, hemorrhoids. It is an indispensable tool for alleviating the condition of chronic venous insufficiency, helps to cope with convulsive spasms in the legs.

Features of the impact on the body
The plant is successfully used for gout, circulatory disorders, jaundice, thrombosis, in violation of the gallbladder and kidneys. In addition, the Pontian needle has a slight diuretic and choleretic effect, which, in turn, contributes to increased excretion of sand, s alts from the ureters, kidneys, gallbladder, while preventing their accumulation. In this regard, a plant-based medicine should be taken with extreme caution, because in the presence of stones, it can induce them to move, resulting in a high risk of blockage of the excretory ducts. The composition of the plant includes ruscogenin, which has a vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to these qualities, the product is used to prepare rectal suppositories and ointments that help with hemorrhoids: they relieve swelling, pain, and eliminate congestion, which significantly improves the patient's condition.
Pontian needle is very popular as a venotonic agent, it helps to eliminate in the bloodvessels of the lower extremities of congestion, prevent the progression of the disease. Shows especially good results in combination with preparations of horse chestnut.

Butcher's broom extracts are used at the rate of 7-11 mg of ruscogenin per day.
- Infusion: take a large handful of dry raw materials per 1 liter of water, insist and drink throughout the day.
- Decoction: per liter of water 60 g of the collection, drink 2-3 tbsp. per day.
- Capsules: up to 3-6 daily.
Please note: extracts should be taken before meals, capsules and tablets should be taken with water. During exacerbations, it is recommended to take them on an empty stomach. Available in the form of capsules, fresh plant extract, dry collection, tablets, powder, cream, tinctures.
What parts of the plant are used?
In medicine, the rhizome and roots of butcher's broom are used. After collection, they should be thoroughly washed and dried. After that, you can make a powder out of them. It is found in many medicinal products: tablets, gelatin capsules, drinking solutions, ointments, etc. In folk medicine, both cultivated and wild varieties are used.
Use in traditional medicine
Tinctures, decoctions, extracts are prepared on the basis of butcher's needles, various ointments are made. Healers successfully use such folk remedies to treat the following diseases:
- headache;
- atherosclerosis;
- gout;
- jaundice;
- cramps;
- kidney failure;
- gangrene;
- Alzheimer's disease;
- Raynaud's syndrome;
- Ménière's disease.

Preparation of medicinal mixtures
At home, ruscus rhizomes can be used to prepare various mixtures that have a beneficial effect.
Diuretic infusion. It should be taken for pain relief for PMS or varicose veins. It is prepared as follows: one large spoonful of crushed dry roots of the Pontic butcher's broom is poured with one liter of boiling water, insisted for three hours and filtered.
Decoction. Indications for use: treatment of cramps, swelling of the legs, lymphatic congestion, problems in women during menopause. To prepare it, we need 60 g of rhizomes and a liter of water, the components should be combined, let them boil and boil over low heat for twenty minutes.
Butcher's needle in cosmetology: application
The extract of this plant is widely used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. This is due to the healing properties of Ruscus, he:
- relieves swelling of various localization;
- has anti-inflammatory action;
- has a vasoconstrictive effect;
- activates blood circulation;
- removes bruises and bags under the eyes.
In cosmetology, the Pontian needle is used for external use. The herbal remedy gives a positive effect when caring for the skin around the eyes. To do this, it is recommended to combine a certaina combination of plants to enhance the effect. For example, you can prepare a cream based on needle extract with ivy, chamomile and other plants. Thanks to these procedures, it will be possible to remove excess fluid, improve drainage, and remove toxins from tissues.

Medicine based on vegetable raw materials from butcher's needle has a positive effect in the treatment of rosacea. This is the name of the disease, which is caused by the appearance of dilated capillaries and asterisks on the skin, resulting from impaired blood circulation. The positive effect is due to the fact that the plant has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial properties. When using drugs, you can achieve not only the disappearance of visible manifestations, but also completely get rid of the causes of this condition.
It should be noted that the fight against cellulite and stretch marks will be much more successful if spike needle is included in the list of cosmetic care products. Due to the fact that when using such funds, blood circulation and metabolic processes are activated, harmful substances are eliminated, and cell regeneration is stimulated. All this helps to get rid of stretch marks and successfully resist cellulite.
Pontian needle: benefits and contraindications
The plant is successfully used in medicine - official and folk. Needle-based products have a very wide range of medicinal properties. However, there are contraindications to the use, among which it is possiblehighlight these:
- high blood pressure;
- pregnancy period;
- inflammatory processes of the urinary tract.
Please note: with high blood pressure and symptoms of venous stasis, a doctor's consultation is necessary before using medications. It should also be noted that if the dosage of needle-based drugs is not observed, side effects are possible: nausea, stomach upsets.