Traditional medicine offers an alternative replacement for very many pharmacy medicines. In addition, when taking pills, one organ is cured, but some other organ is invariably crippled, such as the liver or intestines. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to cure an ailment with the help of infusions of medicinal herbs, then use it. In this article, the initial drug will be considered. This grass grows everywhere in our latitudes, and you probably met it more than once on the edges of the forest, in glades or in your garden.

Grass initial medicinal letter
The second name of this plant is medicinal chistets, belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It grows throughout Russia and Europe. In its appearance, the initial medicinal letter resembles a deaf nettle. But upon closer examination, the differences are clearly visible. Firstly, the initial letter is much more elegant than the deaf nettle. This plant has the same tetrahedral stem, and the leaves are hairy. But the drop cap leaves are much larger and have an oblong shape. And the flowers (light lilac or light pink) are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. The initial medicinal flower blooms in the middle of summer.
Initial letter medicinal. Application
This plant contains a large amount of alkaloids, resins, essential oils, proteins, betonicin, vitamins K and C, etc., so the range of application of this herb is quite wide. In folk medicine, as a rule, the aerial part of the plant, collected during flowering, is used. The root is less commonly used.

The initial letter officinalis has sedative, expectorant, anti-inflammatory properties. Also, infusions of this herb calm the nervous system and have a beneficial effect on metabolism. The initial letter medicinal was a constant companion in military campaigns of past centuries. Suvorov also recommended to his soldiers with a "strong stomach" to use infusions from this herb. A decoction of the leaves of this plant is an excellent laxative. In France, the initial letter is recognized as official medicine. The leaves of the plant are applied to long-term non-healing wounds, and the dried grass powder is used as snuff for headaches and runny nose. Side effects with the use of the initial drug were not identified. Below are recommendations for the use of this medicinal plant. But before using them, be sure toconsult with your physician.

Respiratory treatment. With a disease of the respiratory system, a decoction of the leaves of the initial cap is used. To do this, pour two full tablespoons of dry grass into an enameled pan and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Boil the herb over low heat for about 15 minutes. Strain the decoction and take orally 50 g three times a day before meals. Honey can be added to the decoction.
For non-healing wounds. For the treatment of wounds and ulcers, it is necessary to prepare the following infusion. Pour 3 tablespoons with a quarter liter of hot water and evaporate half of the liquid over low heat. Leave the decoction for one hour. Then the liquid must be filtered and applied to the inflamed areas with a cloth soaked in warm decoction.
When sweating feet. If you suffer from unpleasant foot odor, then be sure to take baths with the addition of a decoction of the initial drug. Stay he althy!