With age, many people begin to have vision problems. One of them is clouding of the lens. This process is due to the denaturation of the protein that is in the composition of this organ. The lens of the eye, which transmits light rays through itself, refracts them. It is located in the middle, between the iris and the vitreous.

A he althy lens is transparent and does its job perfectly. After clouding, vision deteriorates, the eye loses the ability to clearly see the world around it. Having found the first symptoms, you need to contact an ophthalmologist so that he can prescribe treatment for the initial stage of cataract. If you do not see a doctor in a timely manner, you can completely lose your sight.
Cataract: causes and symptoms of the disease
In most cases, cataracts are characteristic of the elderly, but occur at different periods of life, even in newborns. Without surgery, the disease cannot be completely cured, but if you turn to a specialist at the first signs of an initial cataract, then it can be delayed for a long period. Consider the symptoms of thisunpleasant illness.
1. A person begins to see through the veil, as if in a fog.
2. Cannot tolerate bright light.
3. At night, glare appears in the eyes, sometimes bright flashes.
4. You can read only by turning on nearby lights.
5. I have to change the diopter for lenses more often.

6. A halo of light is visible around the lamps.
7. Myopia develops.
8. Weakens the eye's perception of colors.
9. If you close one eye with your hand, the other sees that objects are split in two.
10. A white spot appears, which grows over time and completely covers the pupil.
11. When the cataract progresses strongly, the inflammatory process begins in the eye, then severe headaches are felt, pressure sensations appear.
The main cause of clouding of the lens is the age of a person over 60 years of age. Older people lose the ability to actively fight toxins, the level of antioxidants is significantly reduced. In diseases of the thyroid gland and diabetes, there is also the possibility of signs of cataracts. Alcoholics and smokers are more likely to get sick.
After long-term use of corticosteroid drugs, the process of disease development can begin. There are cases of congenital cataracts, when genetic changes in the protein structure are inherited from mother to child. Sometimes this is facilitated by maternal diabetes or previous infections at the beginning of pregnancy. And, of course, all sorts of injurieseyes cause the initial stage of cataracts.
What should a person who wants to get rid of this disease do? You have to go to the ophthalmologist. Delaying a visit to a specialist, one should not hope that clouding will pass by itself over time. The last stages are treated only by surgery. But even this is not the final version. Sometimes there is a secondary turbidity. So, it is better to start treatment in the initial stage of cataract, without starting the course of the disease to more mature forms. Consider what happens in the first stages of this process, and how to stop the initial cataract.
First stage of disease
With cataracts, the causes and symptoms of the disease described earlier in the article are partially manifested at the very beginning. The first stage of the pathology of the lens is the process of hydration, i.e., hydration. At the same time, its volume increases, and the refraction of light rays changes. The formation of cloudy areas begins due to biochemical changes in the fibers of the lens. The beginning of the process is at the equator, with a slow approach to the axis. Visual acuity does not deteriorate immediately, but gradually. In the absence of the necessary treatment of the initial stage of cataract, the active progression of the disease begins.

Symptoms are less pronounced at first. Therefore, it is necessary to know how the disease begins:
- sometimes the image of objects doubles;
- suddenly it seems that vision has improved; a person can read without wearing the usual glasses, then the normal state returns;
- clarity disappearsimages;
- distinguishes objects worse in the dark;
- spots or dots appear before the eyes;
- no visibility brightness.
At the initial stage of cataract development, there is no decrease in human vision.
Diagnosis of disease
In order not to confuse the signs of cataracts with age-related farsightedness, an ophthalmologist must do a number of studies. An examination is carried out using a light slit lamp, the so-called biomicroscopy, intraocular pressure is measured. Having previously expanded the pupil with the help of drops, the ophthalmologist examines the fundus. The parameters of the fields of view are measured. If necessary, ophthalmoscopy and coherence optical tomography are prescribed. These studies reveal the pathology of the lens at the very beginning of the disease.

Stages of cataract
Cataract progresses not immediately, but gradually, over 6-10 years. According to the difference in the manifestations of symptoms, 4 stages of the disease are distinguished.
1. Initial - the lens has clouding on the side, but most of it remains transparent. The rest of the symptoms are different for everyone. Some complain of farsightedness or nearsightedness. Others require frequent changes of diopters in lenses or glasses. Someone has spots before their eyes.
2. Immature - the lens is already more noticeably clouded and swollen from the liquid. This provokes an increase in eye pressure, visibility is noticeably reduced.
3. Mature - the stage of complete clouding of the lens, the patient sees almost nothing. Countfingers on the hands can only be put close to the face.
4. The latter - the lens first shrinks, and then gradually liquefies. But this happens over the course of years and even decades. Vision is almost completely lost.
Types of cataracts
1. Congenital. The child inherited the disease from the mother as a result of chronic diseases or the use of certain medications in the first trimester of pregnancy.
2. Acquired. This is a disease that overtakes the elderly in old age.

3. Traumatic. It is formed when the integrity of the lens capsule is violated. At the same time, fluid from the anterior chamber of the eyeball penetrates there. The result is cloudiness.
4. Electric. Occurs when an electric current is directed to the eye.
5. Beam. With prolonged exposure to infrared, x-rays and gamma rays.
6. Toxic. Turbidity appears as a result of exposure to various infections and toxins.
When is the operation performed?
At the very beginning of the disease, an ophthalmologist, after a detailed study of the symptoms, may prescribe medication. The operation is prescribed only at the mature stage, when the lens is completely clouded. Treatment of the initial stage of cataract is always conservative in the beginning. The doctor prescribes drops that gradually improve the metabolism of the fluid inside the lens. At the same time, metabolism improves, and the process of incipient turbidity is delayed. When treatment is stoppedreappears.
At the very beginning of this disease, after the doctor has accurately diagnosed and conducted a series of studies, medication is prescribed. Only an ophthalmologist can prescribe drops that are necessary in this particular situation. Self-medication is strictly prohibited. Drops contribute to the normalization of the metabolic process, oxidation and reduction. They are not absorbed into the bloodstream first, but act directly on the desired area.

The result is noticeable in a few minutes. When treating the initial stage of cataract, pregnant women are advised to first consult a gynecologist. People who are prone to allergic reactions may feel a slight burning sensation and slight stinging in the affected eye. The doctor can prescribe vitamins, with an initial cataract, Vitaiodurol or Vitafacol drops are prescribed, containing vitamins of groups B and C, potassium iodide, and amino acids. Many people ask the question: "Is it possible to cure the initial stage of cataract?". The answer of doctors is unequivocal. Cloudy lens cannot be completely cured.
Eye drops
At the initial stage of cataract, the destructive process can be much slowed down, temporarily suspended. To do this, use the following drops:
1. "Oftan catahorm" - contain nicotinamide, adenosine, etc. Activate the processes of recovery and metabolism. Should not be given to children.

2."Quinax" - promote the process of resorption of proteins in the lens and activate the enzymes of the anterior chamber of the eyeball.
3. "Taufon" - start regenerative processes in the tissues of the eye, accelerate metabolism; do not use for children.
Disease prevention
In old age, you need to consult a specialist 2 times a year. It is advisable to quit bad habits, eat right and balanced, eating a lot of fruits and vegetables. Diabetics need to check their blood sugar regularly. When working with harmful chemicals, you need to protect your eyes, and wear glasses that can block ultraviolet rays from direct sunlight. Middle-aged people are advised to get checked out by an ophthalmologist at least once a year.

Advice! At the first signs of the disease, you should immediately go to the doctor. Do not self-medicate!