The main symptoms of lymphadenitis are an increase in lymph nodes due to their inflammation. This disease occurs in both children and adults.

Lymphadenitis in children, the symptoms are somewhat different than in adults, due to the peculiarity of the lymphatic system of the child. The disease is caused by bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi and other microorganisms that enter the lymph node from the systemic circulation. Let's look at the features of the course of chronic and acute forms of this disease.
Lymphadenitis: symptoms, treatment and forms
The cause of the disease is infection in one form or another. Bacteria can enter the lymph node with lymph flow from infected tissues and organs.
Symptoms of lymphadenitis, when it occurs in an acute form, are as follows: painful seals are felt in the lymph nodes, a person feels unwell and weak. The disease progresses rapidly and inflammation intensifies. The soreness of the lymph nodes is getting stronger, the temperature rises, the skin in places of swelling turns red. Several nodes can be combined into one, the formation of an abscess is not excluded. However, signs canbe much less visible.

Symptoms of lymphadenitis occurring in a chronic form often appear after an inflammatory process (acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis, gum or tooth disease). Treatment should be aimed at combating the underlying cause. If the focus of inflammation is not treated, then the impact on the inflamed lymph node will not lead to anything. Perhaps the oral cavity needs sanitation or the focus of infection is in a hard-to-reach place. Need advice from several specialists at the same time.
Symptoms of lymphadenitis should not be ignored. Diseases, the presence of which is signaled by inflamed lymph nodes, require the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, subject to the proper level of sensitivity to them. In addition, general tonic and antihistamines should be included in the course of treatment.

Physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, UHF-therapy, paraffin therapy) have a good effect. If lymphadenitis has been started, and as a result an abscess has formed, then surgical intervention may be required. An increase in the body's immunological reactivity is a very important factor if this disease has become chronic and often recurs.
Folk methods
Do not replace them with a course of treatment prescribed by a specialist. However, in some cases, folk remedies can provide significant support to a weakened body. Especially when they help raisethe mood of the patient, since older people are often very depressed by inpatient treatment, and various folk methods inspire hope for recovery. In addition, they are often very pleasant. For example, you can prepare a collection of capsicum, mint (pepper and green) and hawthorn. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for a while. After careful straining, drink eighty grams in the morning and evening. This collection, in addition to the disinfecting effect, also has sedative properties. You can use herbal compresses. For example, from steamed cornflower roots.