Lymphadenitis on the neck: causes, symptoms and treatments

Lymphadenitis on the neck: causes, symptoms and treatments
Lymphadenitis on the neck: causes, symptoms and treatments

Lymphadenitis on the neck is a fairly common problem that occurs in both children and adults. Such a disease is accompanied by inflammation of the lymph nodes and occurs against the background of infection activity. So what are the causes and symptoms of inflammation?

Lymphadenitis on the neck and its causes

lymphadenitis in the neck
lymphadenitis in the neck

It's no secret that the main function of the lymph nodes is to protect the body from infection, since it is here that certain types of white blood cells are produced and mature. Enlargement and inflammation of the node indicates the penetration of viruses, bacteria or fungal orgasms into the body.

Lymphadenitis on the neck can occur against the background of various diseases, in particular, sinusitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, otitis media. In addition, carious teeth, inflamed gums, or the mucous membrane of the mouth can be a source of infection. Rubella, colds, mononucleosis, influenza - all these diseases can be attributed to risk factors. Much less often, pathogenic microorganisms enter the lymph nodes of the neck from the internalorgans.

Lymphadenitis on the neck and its symptoms

The main signs of the disease directly depend on the degree of its development. Acute lymphadenitis of the neck occurs in three stages:

  • The catarrhal phase is accompanied by a significant increase in the affected nodes. When probing, they are solid - sometimes the node can be seen with the naked eye. Touching the affected area gives off pain.
  • If left untreated, the hemorrhagic stage of inflammation occurs, in which lymph with blood impurities begins to accumulate in the lymph nodes. In such cases, the skin over the affected node swells and becomes hard to the touch.
  • The purulent phase of inflammation is considered dangerous, as it can lead to the development of phlegmon. At this stage, the skin over the node turns red, becomes extremely painful and red to the touch. Along with this, the patient's well-being is significantly deteriorating.
  • acute lymphadenitis of the neck
    acute lymphadenitis of the neck

Of course, lymphadenitis in the neck can cause other symptoms. Some patients already in the initial stages have a strong fever, weakness, drowsiness, muscle aches, heaviness in the body. Runny nose, sore throat, nausea and other problems may occur depending on the primary disease.

Lymphadenitis on the neck and its complications

lymphadenitis on the neck treatment
lymphadenitis on the neck treatment

Of course, with qualified medical assistance, the inflammatory process is easily eliminated with the help of medications. But in some cases, lymphadenitis ends with an abscess or the formation of phlegmon. To especiallydangerous complications include sepsis, toxic shock syndrome, the development of rheumatism.

Lymphadenitis on the neck: treatment

Of course, a strong increase in lymph nodes is a good reason to visit a doctor's office. In this case, the main goal of the specialist is to determine the primary disease, since if the cause is eliminated, the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes can fade on its own. Patients are advised bed rest, warmth and rest, a balanced diet and plenty of fluids. In some cases, anti-inflammatory and painkillers are prescribed, in particular, ibuprofen preparations. In the presence of a purulent process, surgical intervention is necessary.
