"Bitch udder" in medical terminology is called "hydradenitis", which means an inflammatory process in the area of apocrine sweat glands with the formation of purulent contents and is a kind of pyoderma.
Apocrine glands, which differ from eccrine glands in that they have a specific localization, are characterized by inflammation due to their infection.

The sweat they give off is thicker than usual and has a strong odor. Its reaction during research is neutral or alkaline. This environment is not afraid of pathogens, so a similar disease develops in these glands. What are the main causes of "bitch udder"?
The causative agent of this pathology
Hydradenitis is usually caused by bacteria, and most often by staphylococci. In some cases, it can be triggered by exposure to streptococcus and E. coli.
Pathogenic microorganisms enter the sweat glands throughmicroscopic injuries of the skin, through the lymphatic pathways. However, there is another option for infection to enter the glands - through the mouths of hair follicles.
"Bitch's udder" under the arm is mainly localized, reminiscent of the nipple of a dog that feeds offspring. Hence the name of this disease in the common people.

Who is at risk?
In children before puberty, such a disease never occurs, due to insufficient development of the functions of the sweat glands. The disease can affect adolescents and is often diagnosed in women. People of mature age, in whom the functioning of the apocrine glands fades away, the occurrence of this disease is no longer threatened.
An inflammatory process that develops in the ducts of the sweat glands can be observed during hormonal changes in the body, for example, during menopause or during pregnancy.
Differences between this disease and furunculosis
Hydradenitis should be distinguished from such a pathology as furunculosis, because when some characteristic symptoms occur, just such confusion occurs. The difference between this disease and furunculosis is that purulent formations do not contain a necrotic core, which is released during the opening of boils. How to treat "bitch udders", consider below.
Causes of hydradenitis
What gives impetus to the emergence of this disease? This is a common question from patients. Pathogenic microorganisms canlive on the skin of a person, however, they are capable of provoking a particular disease only under certain favorable conditions for them.
The main cause of hidradenitis is the weakening of the body's immune defenses, when it is unable to withstand the pathological effects of microbes and viruses.
Such situations may occur in the following cases:

- As a result of the development of chronic diseases in the patient, as well as against the background of various acute infectious pathologies, when the "bitch's udder" manifests itself as a secondary infection.
- After undergoing surgery and various injuries.
- Due to high emotional or physical stress.
- With frequent stress - the psychosomatics of this disease is such that constant nervous experiences can provoke the development of pathology.
- Due to the development of various autoimmune diseases.
- When pathologies appear that are associated with changes in metabolism.
- Hormonal disorders at different ages.
Provoking factors in this disease
There are also a number of factors that can provoke the disease "bitch's udder" or hydradenitis, and these include:
- Profuse sweating, which is associated with the physiology of a particular organism, or may be the result of a violation of the secretory function of the glands.
- Hyperhidrosis associated with heavy physical exertion, hot climates and increasedhumidity.
- Poor-quality and uncomfortable clothes - tight, synthetic, which can rub the skin and cause diaper rash.
- Inadequate hygiene in the armpits and genitals.
- Using some skincare products that disrupt the pH of the skin, such as antiperspirants, and powders that clog pores.
- Various injuries and injuries - cuts from shaving, scratching when itching, scratches, scuffs from clothing, ingrown hairs after epilation.
- Nutrition - passion for low-quality diets, lack of the required amount of trace elements, excessive consumption of carbohydrates, which serve as a breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms.
Localization of hydradenitis
Pathological purulent formations characteristic of this disease are localized, as a rule, in places of a large number of apocrine glands. Such areas are the armpits, which explains the fact that axillary hidradenitis is considered the most common form of this pathology.
In addition, these areas of the body are constantly exposed to the negative effects of external factors - traumatic depilation, and friction of tight clothing, and inappropriate antiperspirants.
Some people also neglect the hygiene of these places where sweating is increased.

Where else can hydradenitis be localized:
- Inguinal region.
- Perineum area, as well as around the anus.
- On the scrotum in men.
- Onlabia in women.
- Creases under the mammary glands.
- Directly on the mammary gland, as well as in the nipple area.
- In rare cases, hidradenitis can appear on the scalp.
To prevent the infectious process from spreading throughout the body, when a single focus is formed, antibacterial treatment of this area should be immediately started.
Main symptoms of hydradenitis
Most often this disease is unilateral, for example, the armpit on one side. Bilateral hydradenitis is extremely rare.
At the initial stage of the pathological process, one, and most often several small nodules with a dense structure appear under the skin.
Gradually, these painful lumps increase in size, reaching about 2 cm in diameter, and begin to appear on the surface of the skin.
The skin around such formations turns red and inflamed, itching is possible, after which a pronounced swelling of the affected area develops. The nodes begin to merge with each other, forming a large inflamed burgundy infiltrate.

What causes this disease?
These characteristics are accompanied by the following conditions:
- General malaise.
- Hyperthermia, fever.
- Cephalgia.
- Nausea and loss of appetite.
- Pain in the affected area.
When a solid formation gradually softens, with pressure on the cavityspecific fluctuations are formed - fluctuation, which is a hallmark of a "bitch udder" from a boil.
After the infiltrate matures, it is opened. At the same time, purulent contents flow out, and in this area, in the process of overgrowth of the skin, a scar is formed.
The whole process of the disease usually takes from two weeks to a month, which can be complicated by the appearance of new abscesses and inflammations against the background of the healing of old ones. After the release of pus, the patient usually feels much better. At this stage, it is extremely important to prevent purulent contents from getting into neighboring tissues, since it contains a very large number of infectious agents. Otherwise, the involvement of other sweat glands in the pathological process threatens the patient with the development of recurrent hydradenitis. Thus, the disease can turn into a relapsing chronic form.

Varieties of pathology
According to the localization of abscesses, hydradenitis is divided into unilateral and bilateral. Also, the disease can be axillary, inguinal, located in the anus, scrotum, navel, labia, mammary glands.
The cause of the development of purulent acute hidradenitis is a blockage of the sweat glands, which is accompanied by characteristic symptoms - temperature, pain in the areas of abscess formation.
The recurrent form of the disease is characterized by the duration of the inflammatory process, which, fading away, resumes at certain intervals. extensive inflammationglands is the most difficult type of hidradenitis and in this case complex treatment with the use of antibacterial medicines is required.
Suppurative form of hidradenitis is also called acne inversion, and most often affects teenagers. The peculiarity of the pathology is that different forms of acne are combined with inflammation of the sweat glands.
So, how to treat "bitch udder"?
Treatment of disease
There are two ways to get rid of hydradenitis - conservative and operational.
What is meant by them?
Conservative therapy is successful only in the first days after the formation of the induration. In this case, agents for external treatment of areas of inflammation and oral medications can be prescribed, which are usually used as antibiotics:
- "Doxycycline".
- Erythromycin.
- Lincomycin.
- "Ampicillin".
- "Tsiprolet".
- "Amoxiclav".
- Ciprofloxacin.
Bitch udder treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.
Treatment of skin areas
For the treatment of plots are used:
- Ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment.
- Elon.
- Levomekol.
- Clindamycin solution.
- Zelenka, iodine, synthomycin ointment.
However, it is not always possible to cure the "bitch's udder" on your own, using traditional methods and medicines. Often it is necessary to carry out surgical removal of the abscess. If education is single, thensurgery is performed under local anesthesia. After opening the wound is treated, drainage is installed to remove fluid from its cavity. In the subsequent period, for recovery, various physiotherapy procedures can be prescribed - laser therapy, infrared irradiation, magnetotherapy, ultrasound treatment, etc.
Let's also consider the folk treatment of "bitch's udder".

Treatment of the disease with folk remedies
In most cases, it is impossible to cure hydradenitis with exclusively folk methods. However, in complex therapy with medical devices, they are still allowed, which helps to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of the affected area and exclude infection of neighboring tissues.
What kind of folk remedies for "bitch's udder" help?
Onions, aloe and cabbage leaves are the most popular remedy for treating hidradenitis in folk medicine. It happens as follows: the onion is ground on a grater or meat grinder until smooth, mixed with aloe leaves chopped in the same way, after which the mixture is laid out on a cabbage leaf. After that, the sheet is used as a compress on the damaged area of the body. Keep it for two hours.
In addition to this remedy, lotions and rinsings of the skin with infusions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, St. John's wort, oak bark, etc. are also used.
Many people wonder how to say "bitch udder"?
To get rid of ulcers, it is recommended to use onions, which must be peeled and fried in fat. Then itmixed with crushed laundry soap. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected areas. In this case, it is necessary to read “Our Father” 3 times.
Hydradenitis in a child
"Bitch's udder" (the photo is available on the network in large numbers) in children occurs most often in adolescence and this is due to hormonal imbalance. Such factors as prolonged infectious pathologies, sweating, diaper rash on the skin, and poor hygiene provoke the disease. But pathology can occur for no particular reason.
In this case, you should not self-medicate, since children are at high risk of developing severe forms of hidradenitis and various complications.
The teenager must be shown to a specialist who will determine further actions:
- At the very beginning of the pathology, as a rule, local therapy helps. The child is prescribed antibiotics and ointments.
- In case of more late treatment, surgical opening of the abscess and further rehabilitation treatment are prescribed.