The upper respiratory tract is often exposed to inflammation in both children and adults. This is due to the location of the respiratory organs. After all, they almost directly collide with the external environment (nasal passages, oral cavity). Due to inflammation, bacteria often penetrate the bronchi and lungs. As a result, complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia develop. Also, inflammation of the sinuses often goes to the middle ear. The most dangerous complication is the breakthrough of the focus of infection and the entry of bacteria into the brain or bloodstream. Inflammation of the sinuses is called sinusitis. This pathology is treated by an otolaryngologist. If sinusitis is suspected, an examination is necessary - an x-ray of the nose. If the images cannot provide complete information about the spread of the inflammatory process, a more detailed diagnosis is required.

What is a sinus MRI?
As you know, sinusitis is divided into several varieties. The most common is inflammation of the maxillary sinus. It can be either single or double sided. Less commonly, inflammation develops in the frontal (frontal), wedge-shaped(sphenoiditis) and ethmoid sinuses (ethmoiditis). It is also possible to infect all of the listed anatomical structures at once. Combined inflammation of the sinuses is called pansinusitis. It is not always possible to distinguish changes on the radiograph. In these cases, doctors recommend performing an MRI of the sinuses. This method of instrumental examination allows a good examination of all tissues of the skull. MRI is a diagnostic procedure that allows layer-by-layer visualization of organs and systems of a certain anatomical region. To date, this method is considered one of the most informative ways to detect pathologies. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging of the sinuses allows you to see changes that cannot be seen by any other diagnostic devices. These methods are widely used in all countries.

Mechanism of action of magnetic resonance imaging
MRI of the paranasal sinuses is performed using a special device - magnetic resonance imaging. It has a large size, since it is necessary to completely place the patient there. The subject is in a supine position on the couch, and the apparatus is a cylindrical chamber. A magnetic field is generated inside it. As you know, every cell of the human body has a charge. Therefore, when it enters the zone of electromagnetic waves, the tissues begin to react. Cells begin to “vibrate” as it were due to the potential difference. The result is resonance. These changes are captured by special sensors anddisplayed on the monitor. Thanks to this reaction of the cells of the body to the created conditions, a three-dimensional image of the tissues is formed. The end result is a series of images that show the sinuses in different sections (layered). This diagnostic method is informative when examining the soft tissues of the body. Given that the sinus cavity is lined with mucous membranes and there are many vessels and cartilage around, doctors recommend MRI rather than CT scan (preferred for bone imaging).

Indications for testing
Most often, MRI of the sinuses is prescribed for low information content of radiography. Especially if there are suspicions of neoplasms in the cranial cavity. Also, this research method is performed in inflammatory processes in the sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses, since they cannot be seen with x-rays. The following indications for MRI are distinguished:
- Suspicion of neoplasm. This means not only in the sinus cavity, but also in nearby organs and tissues.
- Difficulty in nasal breathing in the absence of x-ray changes.
- Injury to the nose or facial skull.
- Anomalies in the structure of the sinuses.
- Cyst in the nasopharyngeal cavity.
- Unmotivated headaches that do not go away for a long time.
- Suspicion of pansinusitis or inflammation of the upper sinuses, the presence of blood in their cavity.
It is worth remembering that MRI is considered quite informativemethod. Therefore, if possible, this examination should be given preference over other imaging modalities of the sinuses.

When MRI is contraindicated?
Despite the fact that tomography of the sinuses is quite informative, in some cases this type of diagnosis is contraindicated. This is due to the fact that MRI refers to methods that are accompanied by radiation exposure to the body. Contraindications for tomography:
- Pregnancy. Regardless of the gestational age, this examination method is not recommended for women who carry a child. It is worth remembering that electromagnetic radiation can lead to the development of pathologies in the fetus.
- Lactation period. Despite the fact that the woman has already given birth to a baby, she should refrain from such an examination as long as she is breastfeeding the baby. If the situation is urgent, then MRI is performed even during lactation. In this case, it is necessary to express milk several times after the study.
- Presence of an insulin pump, which may be present in patients with type 1 diabetes.
- The presence of various prostheses in the human body (metal objects, a pacemaker, a hearing aid).
Psychic and nervous diseases are a relative contraindication. In these cases, tomography is not recommended for patients suffering from claustrophobia and having no ability to control their movements.

There is no special preparation required before an MRI of the sinuses. In rare cases, the patient is advised to take sedative pills to help them relax. Most often, this is necessary for people who experience fear when they are in a confined space (claustrophobia). The patient is placed on the couch, the limbs are fixed with special straps. Such measures should be taken, since during the procedure it is impossible to move. Excessive physical activity will lead to incorrect MRI results. During this examination, you can not talk and turn your head. The procedure lasts about 10 minutes. During scanning, the device makes characteristic sounds resembling crackling. In this case, an image of the nasal sinuses is formed in various projections. It is transmitted to a computer in the next room. This process is supervised by a medical worker.

When is an MRI of the nasal sinuses performed with contrast?
In some cases, conventional tomography is not enough for diagnosis. Then MRI with contrast is used. The most common indication for such an examination is the suspicion of oncological processes in or near the nasal sinuses. Gadolinium is used as a contrast agent. It is introduced into the vascular system. The contrast stains the arteries or veins of the area of interest, thereby improving visualization.
Only in cases of need, it is worth prescribing an MRI of the sinuses. What does this showexamination? The interpretation of the images is taken by a radiologist or an otolaryngologist. According to MRI, you can see a violation of the structure of tissues, a shadow from a pathological formation, etc. Thanks to this method, the following pathologies are diagnosed:
- Inflammation of the sinuses or adjacent tissues.
- Violation of the bone structure, developmental anomalies.
- Inflammation of the skeletal system - osteomyelitis.
- Neoplasms of the nasal sinuses and facial skull.
- Injuries.
Benefits of sinus magnetic resonance imaging

When prescribing a tomography, many patients ask the question: why can't they do an x-ray of the nose instead? After all, MRI is considered an expensive procedure that not everyone can afford. Indeed, radiography also allows visualization of the sinuses. Nevertheless, magnetic resonance imaging has several advantages. Among them: the ability to visualize all the sinuses, layer-by-layer scanning of tissues of all nearby structures in this area. Another advantage of this method is that there is no need to re-irradiate the body.
MRI of the sinuses: price of the procedure
Magnetic resonance imaging is a method of examination, thanks to which it is possible to scan any area of the body. For example, the abdominal or chest cavity, the brain. Recently, if serious pathologies of the ENT organs are suspected, it is recommended to perform MRI of the sinuses. The price of this procedure depends on the region and clinic, depending onwhich the tomography is performed. On average, the cost of this examination method is from 2 to 6 thousand rubles.