The human body is like a clock. All systems are closely interconnected with each other, and the failure of any link causes a violation of the functionality of other organs.
A particular danger to he alth is an increase in blood pressure. Why is hypertension dangerous? Such a process leads to an inevitable failure in the work of many organs and systems. Medical statistics argue that pathology carries a greater danger than a cancerous tumor, tuberculosis, or immunity deficiency. As a rule, an ailment is diagnosed in the later stages, with an already formed mechanism for the destruction of the body.

Signs of hypertension
What are the symptoms of hypertension and why is it dangerous?
Obvious signs include:
- Migraine that can appear at any time of the day, both at night and in the morning.
- Pain, not clearlocalization. Often, patients compare pain with a compressive hoop. Sometimes the pain becomes more intense when you cough, sneeze, or move your head. The pain may be accompanied by swelling of the eyelids and face.
- Tingling in the heart, which may occur at rest or during periods of nervous tension.
- Increasing the ability to see objects. Eyes are covered with a veil. Patients complain of "flies" before their eyes.
- Dizziness and tinnitus.
- Feeling sick.

Degrees of hypertension
It is customary to distinguish three degrees of hypertension:
- Mild disease. With it, the systolic pressure is at around 140-159 mm Hg. Art., and diastolic - in the region of 90-99 mm Hg. Art. Hypertension of this degree is characterized by periodic jumps in indicators. The pressure may normalize on its own, and then rise again to a high level.
- Moderate hypertension. Arterial pressure with it has the following indicators: systolic is 160-179 mm Hg. Art., and diastolic - 100-109 mm Hg. Art. For an ailment of this degree, more persistent changes are characteristic. The indicators drop to the optimal value in rare cases.
- Hypertension 3 degrees. It belongs to the category of severe pathologies. The systolic pressure reaches 180 mm Hg. Art., and diastolic - up to 110 mm Hg. Art. At this degree, the pressure is kept firmly in the area of pathologicalmarks.
In parallel with the degree of development of the disease, all risk factors that can lead to significant complications in the body are also evaluated. The cardiovascular system suffers the most.
It should be noted that the disease at the initial stage can be stopped by the following methods:
- following a certain diet that does not include s alty and fatty foods;
- giving up bad habits (smoking and alcohol abuse);
- increasing physical activity for at least half an hour a day;
- getting rid of excess weight;
- improving the routine of the day;
- avoiding stress and nervous tension.
The article will describe why hypertension is dangerous and why it should be treated as early as possible.

Complications occurring in the last stage of hypertension
A disease characterized by an increase in blood pressure to the level of 169 by 109 mm Hg. Art., is classified as hypertension of the 3rd degree.
What is dangerous grade 3 hypertension? It severely disrupts the functionality of the body and causes many different complications that occur very often. At the same time, lesions of the cardiac system, brain and kidneys trigger a pathological circle and complicate the course of hypertension itself.
The state of the nervous system in hypertension
What is the danger of hypertension for the state of the nervous system? If the disease becomes chronic, then the level of damage increases sharply.walls of cerebral vessels. This is due to the fact that with hypertension, the speed of blood flow through the venous bed increases dramatically. Obviously, the accelerated blood flow presses on the walls of blood vessels and contributes to their expansion. If the impact is not persistent, then the structure of the walls, as a rule, is restored. But if the process becomes chronic, then the vessels become unprotected.
Pressure on the walls of blood vessels is accompanied by the penetration of water and proteins into the space between cells. Hydrocephalus contributes to the compression of the brain tissue. The trigger mechanism for migraine is exactly the same, although in arterial hypertension it is accompanied by the release of water from the vascular bed. Such a process can occur without expansion of the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, stage 3 hypertension poses a high threat to human he alth.
High blood pressure may cause:
- hemorrhagic stroke;
- arterial aneurysms;
- Intracerebral or intracranial hematoma.
What is the danger of hypertension and why can a part of the brain undergo ischemia? With the persistence of the pathological process, thickening and narrowing of the vessels occurs, which is especially dangerous in combination with narrowing of the carotid artery. The brain does not receive enough oxygen. With a lack of blood supply, dyscirculatory encephalopathy can develop, which develops into dementia.

What is the danger of hypertension for internal organs
Various medical studies of the last decades have revealed that hypertension can have a devastating effect on the entire body as a whole. But some organs suffer more. As a rule, the so-called target organs are affected. Without proper therapy, the pathological process can become irreversible.
The most common complications of high blood pressure include:
- hypertrophy - a noticeable increase in the size of the ventricles of the heart;
- rupture of blood vessels in the fundus;
- impaired kidney function;
- violation of the reproductive system;
- development of diabetes;
- pancreatitis;
- pathological changes in the vessels of the brain.
Occurring vision problems
In the process of a sharp rise in blood pressure, large vessels undergo expansion, which makes it possible to pump the increased volume of blood. Small vessels, on the contrary, cease to fulfill their function, therefore, over time, they begin to sclerosis. Human eyes are covered with a network of very small capillaries. With insufficient nutrition, they begin to thin out, and their walls are destroyed. As a result, the pathology provokes permanent changes in the optic nerve.
Such processes are irreversible and can lead to a complete loss of the ability to see. More than 70% of patients diagnosed with hypertension have ocular comorbidities.
Varieties of eye pathology
Depending on the degree of damage to the fundus, there arethe following types of pathology:
- Angiopathy of hypertonic type. It occurs in the early stages of the disease. Changes occur at the level of the vascular system of the retina and are reversible with rational treatment.
- Angiosclerosis - inherent in the 2nd stage of the pathological process. With it, the walls of blood vessels and arteries thicken.
- Hypertensive retinopathy. Characteristic for stage 3 hypertension. With it, the retina is involved in the pathological process, focal opacities and hemorrhages occur.
- Hypertensive neuroretinopathy. With this lesion, the functionality of the optic nerve is affected up to its complete extinction.
Is hypertension dangerous in case of pancreatic dysfunction? In diabetes, the retinal vessels are destroyed at a very rapid pace. This pathology provokes the deposition of a hyaline-like substance in the arterial wall, which causes the process of hardening of the arteries. There are hemorrhages on the retina.

Ischemic heart disease
What is the danger of hypertension and why is a section of the heart muscle sclerosed? Ischemic heart disease is a serious disease that leads to irreversible structural changes in the area of the heart muscle, up to the death of some of its areas, which leads to a heart attack. The primary role in the development of ischemia is played by a lack of oxygen in tissues and organs under the influence of high blood pressure.
Loss of the heart muscle in the presence of arterial hypertensionhas an organic basis. Due to the increased load needed to overcome vascular resistance, the left ventricle hypertrophies. At a certain point, there is compression of the epicardial arteries that feed the myocardium. During ischemia, the heart muscle is stretched, which provokes dilatation of the left ventricle. This disorder is the morphological basis of heart failure.

What is the danger of hypertension for blood vessels? With a disease, the walls of blood vessels become tense under the influence of increased pressure exerted by the blood. They become less durable, which can trigger atherosclerosis.
The ability to pass blood from the vessels decreases. In addition, the narrowed area can become clogged with a thrombus. In those areas in which the walls have less elasticity, aneurysms can form. It can cause internal bleeding and death.
Acute kidney failure
What is the danger of hypertension for the kidneys? There is a direct relationship between impaired renal function and arterial hypertension. And it is continuous. The pathological process proceeds in a circle. The kidneys can play the role of both a provocateur of arterial hypertension and serve as its target.
Primary violation of the norms of blood pressure may be the result of a malfunction of the kidneys. The pathological process consists in insufficient excretion of s alts and sodium from the body by the kidneys. Hypertension provokes a narrowing of the vessels that feed the organs. The deterioration of blood flow causes the death of kidney cells - nephrons, which causes an even greater violation of the excretion of s alts from the body due to the reduced volume of the filtration surface. This pathology causes an increase in the volume of circulating blood and, as a result, an increase in pressure indicators.
In order to prove the theory of the influence of acute renal failure on blood pressure indicators, a laboratory experiment was conducted in 1975, during which a kidney from another rat with pathology was transplanted into a rat that did not suffer from hypertension. As a result, a he althy rodent fell ill.
Many are interested in: what is the danger of arterial hypertension? It can cause serious complications. The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that in the initial stages it often goes unnoticed.

The negative impact of high blood pressure on the functioning of internal organs is difficult to overestimate. Pathology disrupts the work of the whole organism. The earlier therapy is started, the fewer complications will be provoked.