Perineural cyst at the level of the s2 vertebra is a neoplasm that is located in the spine. Usually inside it is filled with liquor. Most often, this pathology develops in the lower back and neck. The cause of its appearance can be not only injuries, but also inflammatory processes.

Definition and reasons
Perineural cyst at the level of the s2 vertebra - what is it? A perineural cyst is a neoplasm in the spine. It usually resembles a small bubble filled with CSF (this is cerebrospinal fluid).
The reasons for the appearance of such a cyst are varied. First, the pathology can be congenital. It is formed when there is a violation of the development of tissues in the fetus. Secondly, tumors of the acquired type are isolated. They develop due to degenerative processes caused by inflammation of the tissues of the spine. Also often the cause is trauma - fractures and bruises. In addition, an inactive lifestyle adversely affects. As a result, dystrophic processes begin. But uplifttoo much weight will not lead to a good result. Usually cysts appear in builders, loaders and other people who have to lift heavy objects. Be sure to take into account hemorrhages in the spine. Another unfavorable factor is parasites in the human body.
Clinical manifestations of the disease
If a person has a perineural cyst at the level of the s2 vertebra, symptoms will gradually appear:
- At first, pain is felt only with heavy loads on the spine.
- Then, unpleasant sensations arise even with normal body movements.
- Further, the discomfort develops into severe back pain, which also manifests itself in a calm state. For example, when a person just sits on a chair for a long time. Typically, such discomfort occurs in the cross and lumbar back, as well as in the buttocks.
- Then muscle weakness appears.
- Sometimes discomfort and pain are felt in the abdomen.
- Headaches quite often.
- There are difficulties with defecation, constipation.
- Sometimes a place in the bladder area hurts.
- Lameness develops due to muscle weakness and pain.
- The last symptom is paresthesia in the legs. It's a feeling when the skin tingles.

Perineural cyst at the level of the s2 vertebra causes a number ofcomplications. Usually it does not manifest itself in any way until it develops to a certain size. When cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in its cavity, the neoplasm presses on the nerve endings that are located near the spinal cord. As a result, discomfort occurs in the neck and lower back, and then in the legs. With a perineural type cyst, osteochondrosis often becomes the primary symptom.
The functioning of internal organs is often disrupted, especially those located in the pelvic region. A person has intestinal disorders.
If a perineural cyst at the level of the S2 vertebra has formed due to diseases of the spine and inflammatory processes in its tissues, then pain will increase. It puts pressure on the nerve endings, and the patient complains of symptoms that indicate concomitant diseases. Due to the pain syndrome, it is difficult to diagnose, since the presence of a cyst can be confused with other diseases.
First you need to pay attention to all the symptoms. Then you should use the methods of the instrumental type. The main way to determine the cyst is magnetic resonance imaging. Quite often, during the examination, not one, but several neoplasms are found. Often the growth is determined when an MRI is done for another reason.
After the MRI, the following procedures are required:
- Spine ultrasound.
- Computed tomography.
- Study of the histological type of growth tissue.

Typical X-ray examination fails, so 2 projections will have to be done.
Conservative therapy of the disease
If a person has a perineural cyst at the s2 level of the spine, treatment should be started immediately. If it is small (about 1.5 cm in diameter), then conservative therapy is carried out first.
Perineural cyst at the level of the s2 vertebra: how to treat?
The patient is advised to lie down more often. Physiotherapy procedures are also selected. As for medicines, they prescribe the following:
- Drugs from the group of nonsteroidal drugs with anti-inflammatory properties. For example, Movalis, Dicloberl, Diclofenac are suitable.
- Analgesics to eliminate severe pain ("Baralgin" and "Analgin").
- Sometimes muscle relaxants are prescribed to relieve spasms and tension in the muscles, which are a kind of corset around the spine. For example, Mydocalm is suitable.
- Drugs from the vasoactive group. They improve blood circulation and metabolism. For example, "Pentoxifylline" and nicotinic acid are suitable.
Vitamin B and ascorbic acid. They improve the tone of blood vessels, metabolic processes at the cellular level and the conductivity of nerves and muscles.
- Medicines that reduce dystrophic and degenerativeprocesses. For example, "Struktum", "Don" and "Artrofon" are assigned. All of them belong to the group of chondroprotectors.

If a person has a perineural cyst at the level of the s2 vertebra, and it has reached a large size (more than 1.5 cm in diameter), then only a surgical operation will help. The doctor opens it, and then sucks out the fluid that has accumulated in it. After that, an injection with a special fibrin-type substance is made into the cyst cavity. This is required so that its walls grow together, and in the future it does not appear again.
During the rehabilitation period, a person is prescribed not only drug therapy, but also physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, special nutrition. All this will help the spine recover faster.
Traditional medicine
If a patient has a small perineural cyst at the level of the s2 vertebra, treatment with folk remedies also helps.

The leaves of the plant must be washed and finely chopped to extract the juice. The tool will be infused for 5 days (make sure that it does not ferment). The course lasts 2 months. Every day you need to take a couple of spoons before meals.
Very useful infusion based on this plant. It will take 40 grams of raw materials to mix with yeast. Themprepared as follows: pour a spoonful of dry yeast with three liters of warm water. After 2 days, the remedy will infuse. It is recommended to drink the infusion twice a day. The course lasts 3 weeks.
Inflorescences and leaves of this plant should be poured with vodka - 4 tablespoons per 500 ml. After a week, the remedy will infuse and should be taken for 2 months before meals, spoon by spoon.
Herbal collection.
You can mix burdock and sorrel roots. Add oregano, immortelle, St. John's wort, knotweed and walnut leaves. A couple of spoons of this composition should be poured with 500 ml of boiling water. After a couple of hours, the remedy should be filtered and taken in a spoon 3 times a day before meals. The course lasts no more than a month.

Many people panic when they hear a diagnosis of S2 perineural cyst. How to treat this pathology, the doctor will tell. In no case should you engage in treatment on your own, as this will only exacerbate the problem. The doctor will select medications and procedures, and if necessary, prescribe an operation. In general, the forecasts are favorable. The main thing is not to reach the last, as people usually do. If the neoplasm is small in size, then it is much easier to treat it.