Gelzemium is a homeopathic remedy. It is produced from a poisonous plant of the same name, which is also called Virginian jasmine. What is useful "Gelsemium"? Homeopathy as a form of alternative medicine involves the use of highly diluted medicines to treat diseases. Back in 1867, Dr. Hall discovered the healing properties of gelsemium in the fight against influenza (flu virus).

Today, homeopaths often prescribe the drug for various diseases, but many patients are worried when prescribing it, because in the field of alternative medicine, the gelsemium plant (homeopathy) has different and not always positive reviews. Are the fears of people reading about the properties of a poisonous plant justified, or is the drug safe to use? We will understand in this article.
What a homeopathic remedy is made fromGelsemium?
The drug is made on the basis of a tincture of the root of the plant Gelsemium sempervirens or evergreen jasmine (another botanical name is virgin jasmine).

During the time of the discoverer of the medicinal plant, people were treated with a tincture of gelsemium, which turned out to be very poisonous. Compliance with a strict dosage ensured safety, but there were also side effects when prescribed. Today, pharmaceutical companies manufacture homeopathic medicines in safe dosages. Depending on the method of treatment and indications, Gelsemium is prescribed in the form of granules, drops, injection solution. The composition of these preparations includes plant-based raw materials and other auxiliary components.

Indications for the appointment of "Gelsemium"
Gelzemium (homeopathy) is recommended to be taken in the following cases:

- Influenza and SARS occurring in particularly complex forms with severe fever and blue extremities. In conditions of high, difficult to correct body temperature, weak breathing, drowsiness, weakness, lack of thirst and appetite, the patient is often prescribed the drug Gelsemium (homeopathy) as an ambulance. Indications for admission may also occur in any acute infectious diseases, accompanied by a severe runny nose, high fever, headaches and malaise throughout the body.
- Psycho-emotional overload, especially accompanied by high blood pressure and hypertensive crises.
- Migraine and severe dull occipital pain, as well as headaches in the frontal lobe with pressure surges.
- With Parkinson's disease at any stage. With severe muscle weakness, trembling of the limbs, quiet speech, weakened facial expressions.
- Paralysis of various etiologies of any localization (larynx, facial muscles, limbs).
- Herpetic, tuberculous, influenzal keratitis (inflammation of the cornea of the eye) and iritis (inflammation of the iris) - Gelsemium perfectly cures any eye diseases.
- Homeopathy as a way of treating the active substances of herbs in small doses allows you to treat eye problems such as glaucoma, strabismus, eyelid ptosis (drooping) with the help of highly diluted Gelsemium.
- Tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sore throat. Chronic necrotic changes in the throat and larynx.
- Laryngitis with loss of voice, to restore the functioning of the vocal cords.
- Bronchitis and asthma. It is especially effective in incurable cases accompanied by a feeling of fear (shortness of breath, cardiac arrest, suffocation, loss of voice during attacks).
- Ovarian dysfunction, accompanied by severe attacks during periods, with trembling all over the body and cramping pains.
- Amenorrhoea (absence of menstruation) due to psycho-emotional disorders.
For what other diseases can doctors prescribe Gelsemium?
In addition to these main indications, according to the instructions of doctorsappoint and in many other cases "Gelsemium" (homeopathy). The use of the drug is possible as an effective remedy for toothache, prolonged attacks of insomnia, an inexplicable feeling of fear, any breathing problems (shortness of breath, shortness of breath). For pain in muscles and joints, stiffness and other cases of neuralgia.
According to homeopathic experts, the drug is effective in the treatment of alcoholism, but it must be taken in this case for a long time (at least 6 months).
How does Gelsemium affect the human body?
Extract from the plant contains potent alkaloids, the strongest of which are: gelsemin (has a slight toxic effect on the brain centers); gelsemycin (leads to anesthesia of the motor and respiratory centers of the brain, can lead to death, as it is a strong poison); sempervirin (a poison that affects the muscles and causes seizures and convulsions).
The effect of these alkaloids is to block the receptors and stop the transmission of impulses to the respiratory, motor nerves.
It's no secret that only the dosage determines what is a medicine and what is a poison. Like other medicines, gelsemium-based preparations have a number of positive effects on the human body when taken in very small doses.

How is the modern drug "Gelzemium" dosed?
Modern drugs related to the field of alternative medicine have a special kind of dosage. The drug is dosed in a special wayGelsemium (homeopathy). The instruction to it describes various forms of release:
- granules - dosage D3, C3, C6, C12
- drops - dosage D3, C3, C6, C12
What does this mean? According to homeopathy, the letter code D corresponds to the decimal dilution scale. The meaning of the numbers (3, 6, 12) is the degree of dilution. This means that for one drop of pure plant tincture, 9 drops of a solution are used (as a rule, in tinctures it is ethyl alcohol). Then thoroughly shaken and then from the resulting solution, take one drop again and again mix with the solvent. This is done as many times as indicated. That is, when diluting C200, the procedure is repeated two hundred times, each time adding a drop from the previous vial to the new solution.
The letter code C corresponds to the centesimal dilution scale. This means that in drops or granules of the drug for each unit of medicine there will be 99 doses of the solvent.
There are also different parts of the dilution scale (thousandth M, five thousandth LM), but in Russia D and C (decimal and hundredth) are most often used.
Such breeding methods allow you to take homeopathic medicines daily for a long time without harm to he alth. The only disadvantage of safe homeopathic medicines is the need to take the drug for long courses for a sustainable effect.
Is Gelsemium safe for humans?
Many sources mention the strong harm of gelsemium tincture for the human body. However, you need to understand that we are talking about a pure drug, whichhas long been used by herbalists and homeopaths in difficult cases of paralysis. The effect of such a medicine was very strong and had a number of contraindications.
It has become possible to safely use the Gelsemium plant. Homeopathy as a method of treatment with diluted medicines suggests that a drug based on it, thanks to modern dilution methods, is created with negligible concentrations of the active substance. Because of this, you can achieve the desired effect without harm to he alth. The use of such a drug is simply in no way capable of leading to such serious consequences of intoxication as cardiac arrest, paralysis, and so on.
All warnings apply to people who try to cure a number of diseases with folk methods and make tincture on their own or purchase from homeopathic doctors. But you need to understand that the tincture of the root of the plant is a really dangerous poison, which must be taken very carefully, carefully observing the dosage.

Constitutional type of patient to receive Gelsemium according to homeopathy
Competent homeopaths often use the method of determining the constitutional type of the patient when prescribing drugs.
The elderly, as well as young people, women, children - these categories correspond to persons for whom the plant is best suited for treatment, as described (according to the data on the gelsemium plant) homeopathy. The indications for use in these patients are:
For young people, children - excessive emotionality,high sensitivity, worries, fears, headaches, diarrhea in cases of strong excitement. And also with the fear of public speaking

- For women, this is painful, late or scanty menstruation, a violation of the cycle. Severe lower back pain, cramping, severe PMS symptoms.
- For the elderly - vascular atherosclerosis, lethargy, slowness, memory impairment, hand tremors, weakness and sluggish speech.