What is the main symptom of breast cancer you should not miss?

What is the main symptom of breast cancer you should not miss?
What is the main symptom of breast cancer you should not miss?

Cancer is a terrible and deadly disease. Today, every fifth person is a cancer patient. If the disease progresses and therapy was not started on time, then the patient is often doomed. Cancer patients die in agony. Let's discuss how breast cancer manifests itself in women, and also find out what needs to be done to prevent the onset of the disease.

Why you need to be attentive to yourself

breast cancer symptom
breast cancer symptom

Women's breasts are very sensitive. The first symptom of breast cancer is not to be missed. And for this you need to be attentive to yourself. The weak half of humanity should not only take care of the breasts, but also monitor, observe and, with the slightest change, go to the doctor and be examined. Today, every second woman has problems with the mammary glands. Having found a slight seal, for fear of detecting a malignant tumor, many ladies do not go to the doctor, ignoring the primary symptom of breast cancer. And this is the main reason that in recent years the number of deaths due tothis disease. In the early stages, the disease can be stopped and expelled from the body if you know what the symptoms of breast cancer are. But first, let's find out what are the causes of this disease.

Causes of breast cancer

Breast cancer in women symptoms
Breast cancer in women symptoms

It should once again be emphasized that the beginning of the disease can be stopped. Timely treatment and early diagnosis guarantees a cure. Why does breast cancer appear in women? We will tell you the symptoms later. Let's talk about the reasons first. And there are not so many of them. First, it is heredity. If the mother is diagnosed with cancer, then there is a chance that the daughter may also get sick. Secondly, this is the refusal of breastfeeding and late childbirth. A modern woman believes that first there should be a career, and only then - motherhood. Thirdly, the cause should be sought in sexual dissatisfaction. Due to the lack of natural emotional discharge during sexual intercourse, blood stagnation occurs in the genital organs, and the level of hormones decreases. And this is reflected in the state of the breast. Fourth, there is a constant deficiency of vitamin D and iodine in the body. Finally, smoking, excess weight, excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee, sugar and cream can also provoke the appearance of malignant tumors.

How breast cancer manifests

What are the symptoms of breast cancer
What are the symptoms of breast cancer

There are external and internal manifestations of the disease. The first symptom of breast cancer is a change in the appearance of the breast. Wrinkled skin around an inverted nipple, itchy, scalyredness and any changes in shape are an alarm signal. The chest constantly hurts, swells, discomfort is felt in the armpit and in the shoulder joint. Lymph nodes are enlarged. In addition to external signs, you should also know the internal signal. If you notice this symptom of breast cancer, then immediately run to the clinic for a consultation with a mammologist. Feel your chest by raising your hand while lying down or in front of a mirror. Do your fingers feel for seals and balls under the skin? In the case of a positive answer, diagnostics is required. Of course, seals can turn out to be ordinary mastopathy (it is also dangerous for women and provokes cancer). Do not put off a visit to the doctor. After all, the first symptom of breast cancer is important not to miss. Road every minute. The earlier the disease is detected, the more likely it is to be cured.

Self inspection

How to properly examine yourself? Stand in front of a mirror and take a close look at your chest. Spread your arms to the sides, then raise them above your head and lean forward. Take a closer look to see if there are depressions in the neckline, if veins are visible, what the nipple looks like. Click on it. No liquid should come out of the nipple. Next, lie down on the bed with a pillow under one chest. Feel the skin on your chest with your fingers. Then, in the same position, examine the second breast. In terms of time, you should devote at least 5 minutes to each breast.