Dietary supplements "Dienai": reviews, features, composition, results and types

Dietary supplements "Dienai": reviews, features, composition, results and types
Dietary supplements "Dienai": reviews, features, composition, results and types

In the modern world, a person is constantly exposed to stress, physical overload, mental overwork. As a result, the natural protective functions weaken, and severe pathologies develop and progress. Dietary supplements "Dienai" help to maintain he alth, speed up the healing process, improve immunity. The range of drugs is large, and many have already taken the funds. How effective the drugs can be understood from the reviews of Dienai. The opinion is expressed not only by patients, but also by doctors.

What is Dianai?

These are fundamentally new drugs that have no analogues in the world. The name is a neologism from the English abbreviation DNA, which means "DNA molecule".

"Dienai" is a low molecular weight DNA (oligonucleotide) milk of Far Eastern salmon fish. Dietary supplements are developed using Axis technology. Their peculiarity is that when they enter the gastrointestinal tract, they are not destroyed by the action of gastric juice, but are absorbed through the walls of the intestine into the blood in an unchanged form. The drugs have high bioavailability and, as a result,therapeutic efficacy for many diseases.

Some reviews of Dienai state that the funds have nothing to do with drugs. This is not so, the drugs are included in the state register of medicines approved for medical use. Dietary supplements meet all the requirements of the state quality standard.

Drugs have been clinically tested, during which the following effects were confirmed:

  • Necrolytic. The decay products of necrotic tissue are a nutrient medium for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Dienai preparations help cleanse the body of dead cells.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Thrombolytic. Restore blood flow due to the destruction of blood clots in the vessels.
  • Mucolytic. Liquefies sputum in the bronchi and accelerates its excretion, making breathing easier.
  • Detoxification. Gently removes decay products of cellular metabolism from the body.
  • Deuritic. Accelerate blood filtration, help remove excess fluid from the body.

What funds are represented by the Dienai line

Dienai's drugs are parapharmaceuticals with high bioavailability and are effective in most diseases. Dietary supplements are not a panacea for all diseases, they are auxiliary substances for the correction of pathologies.

The therapeutic effect of the preparations of the Dienai line is due to the high ability of oligonucleotides to be absorbed by the body. The range of dietary supplements is quite wide:

  • Recovery drugswomen's and men's he alth. Recommended for use in gynecological and andrological diseases.
  • Dietary supplements that restore joints and cartilage.
  • Means that improve brain function.
  • Immunomodulators.
  • Antineoplastic drugs.
  • Hepatoprotectors.
  • Dietary supplements for the digestive tract.
  • Drugs to improve vision.
  • Caring cosmetics.

Dietary supplements "Dienai" for women and men

bottom karma
bottom karma

Dienai offers natural multi-component complexes that prevent and correct diseases of the reproductive system in women and men. Dietary supplements have an anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect, increase the body's resistance to infections, bacterial, viral and fungal diseases. The drugs stabilize the hormonal background during the decline of reproductive functions.

Judging by the reviews, dietary supplements "Dienai" equally well help both women and men. The former, of course, are more willing to share what they have taken and what the results of therapy are. The line of dietary supplements for women is represented by the following products:

  • "Vernalis" - capsules that promote women's he alth.
  • "Dienay Karma" - a tool that stimulates the production of its own stem cells, helps to rejuvenate the body.

The natural complex "Tarkus" has been developed for men. The drug restores male sexual function in case of age-related changes, hormonal failure, impotence, prostatitis.

Dietary supplements "Dienai" for joints and cartilage

dietary supplementchondromarin
dietary supplementchondromarin

Diseases of the joints are one of the most common. There are a lot of reasons that cause pathological changes, so it is impossible to completely get rid of the negative impact on bone and cartilage tissue. Dietary supplements "Dienai" contribute to the restoration of cartilage tissue of the joints. They are designed to correct pathologies of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, sprains, injuries.

In reviews of Dienai, most often people write about Chondromarin, although the line of drugs for joints and cartilage is much wider:

  • "Chondromarin" - a drug that restores the cartilaginous tissue of the joints. Recommended for arthrosis, polyarthritis, injuries, high stress on the joints during sports.
  • Chondromarine Cryptos is a dietary supplement that promotes the regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue, increases joint mobility, and reduces pain in the spine.
  • "Supercalcium" - a drug that compensates for the lack of calcium.
  • Elefter is a sports gel with anti-inflammatory, decongestant action.

Reviews of people taking Dienai dietary supplements

knee pain
knee pain

Most of the users who express their opinion about dietary supplements started using them during the crisis period. Most often, women and men were advised by specialists.

Almost all reviews of Dienai products indicate that dietary supplements have a therapeutic effect without side effects. Women who have taken Vernalis claim that they were initially worried about whethernegative impact on the hormonal background. After the course, gynecological diseases no longer bother, the menstrual cycle normalizes. Women write that Vernalis is effective as part of complex therapy for cystic formations, fibroids. Ladies of the Balzac age note that dietary supplements help to endure the menopause more easily.

Those who used Chondromarin claim that the drug brings relief from pain in just a few days. Due to the absence of unpleasant sensations in the knee joints, it has become much easier for older people to move around, and the “aching” manifestations in the bones during weather changes have ceased to bother. Women and older men also note that the remedy is convenient to use (1 capsule per day). Many set a daily alarm and don't miss appointment days.

But there are still dissatisfied people. Elderly people complain about the high cost of the drug. A small pension does not allow you to regularly order dietary supplements, and after a few months the pain begins to bother you again.

Dienai drugs to improve memory and brain function

dietary supplement neurostim
dietary supplement neurostim

Stress, overwork disrupt cerebral circulation, which adversely affects mental activity. Dietary supplements "Dienai" - nutrition of the nervous system. They improve cognitive processes, increase reaction speed:

  • "Neurostim". Due to the unique composition of oligonucleides isolated from squid nerve ganglia, the drug helps with pathologies of the peripheral and nervous systems, improves tissue respiration and cerebral circulation. ATReviews of "Dienai" users say that at first they were distrustful of the tool precisely because of its composition.
  • "Neurostim Indigo". The unique composition of dietary supplements (oligonucleotides, peptide and protein complex "K") triggers the generation and reproduction of its own stem cells, which contributes to the self-renewal of the nervous system.
  • "The 5th element". The composition of the capsules includes a complex of antioxidants and enzymes (proteins) of the testicular type, which activate the metabolism and improve the emotional state.

Reviews of experts on drugs for brain activity

at the doctor
at the doctor

Many doctors recommend drugs that improve brain function. Doctors note that the effect of dietary supplements is strong, but at the same time soft. In the reviews of specialists about Dienai preparations, attention is focused on the fact that the funds are safe and they can be prescribed to young children suffering from cerebral palsy, as well as to people aged with such a serious illness as Parkinson's syndrome.

Neurologists often recommend Neurostim to their patients. People come with complaints of chronic fatigue, insomnia, causeless anxiety, constant stress. "Neurostim" increases the body's resistance to stress, mental performance. Doctors note that patients after a course of therapy become more balanced, collected.

For patients who are prone to depression, doctors recommend Neurostim Indigo. The dietary supplement restores the emotional background, helps to cope with depression, chronic fatigue.


immunomodulator divirin
immunomodulator divirin

Immunomodulators are produced by many pharmaceutical companies. Often, under their guise, immunostimulants are released. The difference is that the latter force the body to use internal reserves to fight the disease.

When using immunomodulators "Dienai" the results exceed all expectations. All products of this line restore reduced immunity, both humoral and cellular:

  • "Bifizim" - from powerful immunomodulatory drugs. Bifidobacteria, which are part of it, have an antiviral and antifungal effect.
  • "Midivirin". Due to its composition: oligonucleotides, hydrolyzate of ocean mussels (hence, apparently, the name), scallops and natural taurine, the drug, in addition to immunomodulatory, has a hepatoprotective and anti-radiation effect.
  • "Divirin" - made on the basis of oligonucleotides and Amur velvet extract. In reviews of the preparations of the Dienai line, it is Divirin that is mentioned most often. This is due to the fact that dietary supplements prevent the occurrence of acute respiratory infections and influenza even during an epidemic.

Expert opinion on immunomodulators

In the doctors' reviews about the composition of Dienai, in particular, immunomodulators, it is stated that human DNA is much stronger than the nucleic acid of fish or other oceanic plankton. Therefore, drugs can not have such an effect as stated. Amur arhut extract does indeed have an anti-inflammatory effect, but this is not enough to restore the immune Dietary supplements are more suitable for use in complex therapy along with stronger specific drugs.

Antineoplastic drugs

dietary supplement ti-san
dietary supplement ti-san

Based on the opinions of doctors, "Dienai" with an antitumor effect should not be taken. Most people blindly trust specialists and are not even interested in new developments in pharmaceuticals for the sake of curiosity.

Antineoplastic drugs "Dienai" - dietary supplements of a new generation, quite capable of resisting even oncology. So far, 3 agents have been developed, but clinical studies and therapeutic results suggest that this direction needs to be developed. Antitumor dietary supplements "Dienai":

  • "Ti-San" - a remedy that restores immunity. The composition includes oligonucleotides, cordyceps pomace, Reishi mushroom extract.
  • "Ti-Sun Paradigm" is a dietary supplement that can change the chemical composition of cells so that a tumor cannot develop in them.
  • "Panmelan". The composition includes an extract of birch fungus chaga, due to which tumor growth is inhibited.

Reviews of people who took anticancer drugs

The presence of any tumor in the body for an ordinary person is a terrible diagnosis. People are ready to take any drugs and undergo any procedures, if only to get rid of the disease forever. Patients are treated with both anti-blastoma drugs and dietary supplements. But if traditional treatment does not always bring the desired results, "Dienai" in just one course improves well-being, eliminates pain,inflammatory processes.

What experts say about Dienai anticancer drugs

The vast majority of experts are suspicious of dietary supplements that have a similar therapeutic effect. Doctors believe that surgical methods are most suitable for treating tumors. In the reviews of doctors about the drugs of the Dienai line, skepticism can be traced regarding the ability of this drug to change the chemical composition of tissues in such a way that the tumor does not develop further.
