Dietary supplement "Stella": reviews, indications, contraindications and side effects

Dietary supplement "Stella": reviews, indications, contraindications and side effects
Dietary supplement "Stella": reviews, indications, contraindications and side effects

Women's he alth must be maintained, otherwise it may deteriorate. But taking medications is not always possible, effective and appropriate. Sometimes the activity of the components needs to be enhanced. And here the dietary supplement "Stella" comes to the rescue, reviews of which will be presented below.

BAD Stella reviews
BAD Stella reviews

Indications for use

When can I take this remedy? Bad "Stella", the price of which is approximately 800 rubles, is a non-hormonal plant-based supplement. It is not a medicine, so it cannot be used as the only treatment, but it can enhance the activity of medications and have a positive effect on the hormonal background and the woman's body. BAA "Stella", analogues of which can have a similar effect, is indicated for the following problems:

  • uterine fibroids,
  • mastopathy,
  • endometriosis,
  • hormonal disorders,
  • cervical dysplasia
  • cancerous and precancerous conditions of the reproductive system.

But it is worth repeating thatthe additive can only be used as an additional tool.

BAA Stella price
BAA Stella price

Contraindications, side effects and precautions

Dietary supplement "Stella", reviews of which prove the effectiveness of the remedy, has practically no contraindications. Reception is not possible only during lactation and during pregnancy, as well as in case of intolerance to individual components of the supplement.

As for side effects, they were not identified during the trial of the product, so the supplement is completely harmless and safe.

If we talk about precautions, then you just have to follow the dosage and follow the instructions. So, you need to take the capsules three times a day. For convenience, they are painted in different colors, which allows you to navigate what and when to use. After the last dose, at least an hour must pass, otherwise the components will reduce each other's activity.

Supplement reviews

Is the dietary supplement "Stella" effective? Reviews will help you figure it out. For example, there are women who had problems conceiving. And after taking the supplement, after some time they found out about their long-awaited pregnancy. Indeed, the components of the supplement have a positive effect on the reproductive system.

She has proven herself excellently in the treatment of mastopathy. Many representatives of the weaker sex already after 2-3 months of admission noted an improvement. For some, the nodules in the chest practically disappeared. There was also a reduction in pain.

BAA Stella analogues
BAA Stella analogues

Women who took dietary supplement "Stella" note that premenstrual syndrome has become less pronounced, and menstruation is more calm and painless. In addition, the menstrual cycle normalizes, menstruation becomes less abundant.

So the majority of those who took the drug (about 70-80%) noted a positive effect. Only a few noticed that urination increased when taken. This is probably due to the content of green tea extract in the composition.

In conclusion, we can add that, nevertheless, the Stella dietary supplement, the reviews of which were given above, should be taken only after consulting a doctor.
