In the article we will consider contraindications to "Phlebodia". This medicine is produced in tablet form. The tablets are coated with a special film shell, have a round, biconvex shape, pink color. On the section they have a gray-brown core with a light mantle around. They are packaged in blisters of 15 pieces. A carton pack contains 1, 2, 4 or 6 such packages. In addition, the release form may imply the presence of 1 blister pack in a carton box containing 18 tablets.

Composition of the drug
The composition of the medical product contains granular diosmin, which is the main active element and corresponds to purified anhydrous diosmin (dosage - 600 mg). Contraindications to Phlebodia 600 are described in detail in the instructions.
The ingredients of this medicine are:
- colloidalsilicon dioxide;
- talc;
- stearic acid;
- Color Blend - Titanium Dioxide, Ponceau 4R (Cochineal Red), Propylene Glycol, Iron Oxide (Black &Red);
- microcrystalline cellulose;
- opaglos 6000 - bees and palm wax, 95% ethanol, gummilac.
The protective film covering the tablet consists of:
- microcrystalline cellulose;
- hypromellose;
- polyethylene glycol stearate 400.
Before talking about contraindications to "Phlebodia 600", consider the pharmacological properties.
Pharmacological properties
The main effects of this medication are aimed at the functionality of the venous bed. Phlebodia medicine has the following effects:
- reduces vein distensibility;
- strengthens the walls of capillaries, to a large extent prevents their damage;
- increases the tone of the vascular walls;
- eliminates venous congestion to some extent;
- increases the resistance of microvasculature;
- reduces the permeability of capillary structures.
The phlebotonizing effect of the main active ingredient is considered dose-dependent, that is, the manifestations of biological effects are directly proportional to the amount of medication taken.

In addition, the medication "Phlebodia" can also affect the lymphatic structures. It greatly increases the intensitycontractions of capillaries, which increases their functional capacity (lymphatic drainage increases), expands the vascular bed, reduces lymphatic pressure.
Indications and contraindications for Phlebodia 600 should be studied in advance.
The medical product improves the blood supply to the skin, as it helps to facilitate the processes of oxygen diffusion and perfusion in the epidermis, and also has a stimulating effect on the microcirculatory bed.
What else to consider?
In addition, it should be noted that the drug "Phlebodia" actively affects some components of biological nature:
- prevents the release of prostaglandins, free radicals and thromboxanes into the blood;
- enhances the vasoconstrictor properties of adrenaline and norepinephrine;
- reduces free superoxide anions;
- reduces the adhesion of leukocytes to the wall of the venous bed;
- reduces redistributive migration of white blood cells into the paravenous tissue.
Contraindications to Phlebodia and side effects will be discussed below.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
The drug is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract (oral intake). Its active substance is detected in plasma after two hours, and the maximum level in the blood is observed five hours after ingestion.
Diosmin is deposited evenly - this happens both in the vena cava and in the vascular bed of the extremities and other tissues of the body. Display active elementspredominantly by the kidneys (about 80% of a single dose), to a lesser extent through the intestines (about 11%) and through bile (2.4%).

Indications for prescription
We will deal with contraindications and side effects to Phlebodia later, but for now let's talk about indications. The drug can be prescribed to patients as monotherapy or as part of a combination treatment, together with other medicines, in the event of the following pathological conditions:
- venous insufficiency of a chronic nature;
- feeling of heaviness in the limbs, especially in the evening;
- varicose transformation of the veins of the lower extremities located subcutaneously;
- initial stages of hemorrhoids, rectal pain, and hemorrhoidal crisis;
- treatment and prevention of disorders of the functioning of the lymphatic bed;
- burning and fatigue in the lower limbs while lying down;
- increased fragility of capillary vessels;
- various disorders of blood microcirculation.
Contraindications to "Phlebodia"
Pharmacological agent is contraindicated for those patients who have the following pathological or physiological conditions:
- Intolerance to substances present in the composition.
- Hereditary idiosyncrasy or hypersensitivity to ingredients.
- Also, a contraindication to the use of "Phlebodia" should include lactationperiod.
- Age under 18.
This must be taken into account before appointment.

Side effects
If you do not take into account contraindications to Phlebodia, there is a high risk of side effects. Tablets in most cases are well tolerated by patients, showing the maximum therapeutic result without pronounced side effects. However, the following adverse reactions have been reported in clinical medical practice:
- dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, pain in the upper abdomen, bad breath);
- dizziness, headaches;
- manifestations of allergies (rashes on the skin, itching, angioedema, etc.).
Such negative reactions of the body, as a rule, do not require therapy and disappear on their own after a short break in conservative treatment. It is better to get a complete picture of the contraindications and side effects of Phlebodia 600.
Instructions for use
The tablets of this medicine are taken orally. Reception does not depend on meals, periods of wakefulness and physical activity. The therapy regimen should be prescribed by the attending physician individually, but in most cases it follows one of several of the most effective methods.
If the medication is prescribed for the treatment of varicose veins or insufficiency of chronic venous structures, then the daily dosage of this medicationis 1 tablet. The course of taking the drug depends on the pathophysiological stage of the pathology: at the initial stages of development, tablets are required for 2 months, and at later stages - 3-4 months. If trophic changes occur on the skin (necrotic ulcers as the last stage in the development of the pathological process), the course is extended to six months.
Instructions for taking Phlebodia in case of exacerbation of hemorrhoidal inflammation of the rectal area implies the appointment of the drug 2-3 tablets per day in order to relieve acute conditions. Further, if necessary, the course is extended by one tablet per day for 2-3 months.

During the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, this medication helps to get rid of chronic lymphovenous insufficiency, if you take a pill 1 time per day. The therapeutic course is recommended to take place under the supervision of a qualified specialist, that is, with inpatient therapy. It is necessary to stop sanitation 2-3 weeks before the birth, which the attending physician should inform about, as well as about the contraindications and side effects of Phlebodia 600. Reviews of the drug should be read in advance.
Special Instructions
When treating an acute hemorrhoidal crisis, it is necessary to be observed by a proctologist and carry out regular additional diagnostic studies, since the drug may not have its pharmacological effect immediately, and this may worsen the patient's condition andprovoke the progression of the pathological process - until the inflamed hemorrhoids fall out of the rectum. In the absence of a quick effect, treatment should be supplemented with specialized medications for tonic and hemodynamic effects.
Angioprotectors are a category of pharmacological agents, the effect of which is aimed at strengthening the walls of the bloodstream, preventing the development of vascular insufficiency and stagnation of blood in the veins, the pathophysiological effect on the vessels of the lymphatic system and biologically active elements that regulate these indicators.

Thus, in addition to the medicine "Phlebodia", the following medications are widely used:
- "Vazoket" is a drug based on diosmin, which has a venotonic effect (reduces vein extensibility), enhances vein tone (with a dose-dependent effect), reduces the level of venous congestion, improves lymphatic drainage (increases the tone of lymphatic capillaries, increases their functional density, blocks lymphatic pressure), normalizes microcirculation, reduces the adhesion of leukocytes to the venous walls and their migration to the paravenous tissue, has anti-inflammatory properties.
- "Diovenor" - a medicine whose action is expressed in increased vascular resistance and resistance of venous tone and capillaries, elimination of capillary permeability and venous stasis, as well as increased lymphatic drainage. This medication is usedwith varicose veins and insufficiency of the vascular system of the body.
- "Detralex" is an analogue of the drug "Flebodia". Which, in addition to diosmin, contains another active element - hesperidin. This medicine has angioprotective and venotonic effects. The drug reduces the extensibility of veins, eliminates stagnation of blood in them, capillary permeability.
Use during pregnancy
What you need to know about the indications for use and contraindications of Phlebodia regarding use in pregnant women?
This drug has been involved in numerous teratogenicity studies and they have shown negative results. Thus, no negative effect on the developing fetus was identified. However, in order to avoid adverse reactions or accidental involution, the therapeutic course is prescribed only after the end of the first trimester of pregnancy.
Medication cost
The price of the Flebodia medical product in Russian pharmacies ranges from 520-560 rubles per pack of tablets. It depends on the region.
Find out what people write about the indications and contraindications of Phlebodia in their comments.
Reviews of the drug in the treatment of hemorrhoids confirm the effectiveness of its pharmacological properties. The pathophysiological effect of the drug in a relatively short time allows a conservative way to treat inflammation of hemorrhoidal cavities, even at advanced stages of pathology. In addition, tablets help to alleviate the course of acutecrises, which has a very positive effect on the general condition of patients.
Expectant mothers who were treated for lymphovenous insufficiency during pregnancy were also completely satisfied with the effect of this pharmacological drug. Tablets "Phlebodia", according to them, allow you to get rid of the discomfort and discomfort that accompanies the stagnation of blood and lymph in the extremities, which greatly facilitates the course of pregnancy. Separately, it should be noted that due to the increased blood supply to the skin and a pronounced venotonic effect, the Phlebodia medication contributes to a cosmetic effect.

People suffering from varicose veins also left a lot of positive feedback about this medicine. They note that the veins affected by the pathological process began to hurt less, the swelling of the legs and the feeling of fatigue decreased.
Reviews of medical specialists who use the medication in their practice characterize this remedy on the good side, since the pharmacological effect it has comes on quite quickly. The main thing is to take into account the contraindications of Phlebodia.
As for the side effects that may occur during treatment with this drug, the reviews note that the tablets are easily tolerated by the body and practically do not provoke the development of adverse events. Despite this, some few patients experienced mild digestive disorders, attacks of dyspepsia, changes in stool consistency. Suchmost of the symptoms were short-lived and disappeared on their own.