Changes in the condition of the oral mucosa cause discomfort. They may be associated with various ailments. A common occurrence is a bubble in the mouth on the mucosa. This phenomenon is unpleasant, besides, it can cause pain. The causes and methods of treating such formations are described in the article.
Why do bubbles appear in the mouth on the mucosa? The occurrence of blisters is a sign of the presence of a disease or infection in the body. Often formations appear due to household damage. The main reasons include the following factors:
- Burns. They form after drinking hot drinks. In this state, the mucosa becomes reddish, and then bubbles begin to appear. Treatment consists of anti-inflammatory gels and rinses.
- Herpetic stomatitis. This disease is considered viral. When it appears malaise, high fever, burning inside the mouth. The treatment method is determined by the type of virus.
- Dühring's dermatitis (herpetiformis). Bubbles in this disease are formed in the sky, inside the cheeks. Moreover, they can be different in appearance and form. Pathology is usuallychronic, therefore often recurs after the elimination of the main symptoms.
- Pemphigus. This diagnosis is made in childhood. Treatments are chosen based on the form of the disease, so they can be done as a course or only when symptoms appear.
- Coxsackie virus. The disease is common in children under 5 years of age. After recovery, immunity to the virus is formed, so it will not work again. Small bubbles can appear not only in the mouth, but also on the legs, arms.
- Erythema. With this disease, the mucous membranes become inflamed. In the acute phase, bubbles appear in the mouth on the mucosa. A person feels unwell, fever, pain, difficulty eating.
- Diabetes. With this disease, various unpleasant symptoms appear. There are also formations in the mouth.
- Infectious diseases, including syphilis, scarlet fever.
- Injuries from foreign objects when brushing teeth, from biting and other injuries. In this case, blood bubbles form in the oral mucosa.
- Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, digestion.

Other reasons
Even the appearance of bubbles in the mouth on the mucosa may be due to:
- Hypovitaminosis.
- Reaction to chemotherapy.
- Immunocompromised.
- Malignant growths.
- Kidney disease.
- Respiratory disorders.
- Pathologies of the thyroid gland.
- Metabolic disorders.
- Stress.
- Chronic overwork.
Some of these reasons are not dangerous. The threat is the accumulated liquid, as it contains bacteria or viruses. These pathogenic microorganisms with spontaneous opening enter the wounds that have appeared and can cause complications. To prevent this from happening, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner and choose the appropriate treatment.
In children
Blisters in the mouth in children may be associated with other ailments that do not occur or rarely occur in adults. Often these symptoms appear from diseases of dirty hands (worms, hepatitis A):
- Herpes. After infection, redness and tingling are observed. There may be irritability of the lips and cheeks. Formations appear on the gums, the edges of the lips, inside the cheeks. Over time, they burst, the liquid comes out, and ulcers and wounds appear in their areas. After the disappearance of the ulcers, there may be swelling, swelling.
- Chickenpox. With this disease, formations also occur in the mouth. Fever is also likely.
- Viral pemphigus. Often with the disease there is inflammation of the throat, fever. Then blisters appear in the sky, in the mouth.
- Candidiasis, congenital syphilis. These ailments are diagnosed in the hospital.

Depending on the location of the bladder, the following symptoms may occur:
- Pain when chewing food, if the formation is on the tongue,gums.
- Pain can be with a smile if the bubbles are on the mucosa.
- Discomfort may be at the root of the tongue or at the top of the larynx when a mass is present in the oropharynx.
Wherever the bubbles are, they cause discomfort. With timely treatment, this can be quickly eliminated.
Inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa may appear:
- elevation of the tubercle above the mucosa;
- redness around the emerging tubercle;
- swelling of surrounding tissues.

If there are no such symptoms, then probably the transparent bubbles on the oral mucosa did not appear from inflammation. To establish the causes, you need to go to a dermatologist, otherwise, because of this, there may be dangerous complications.
Types of formations
When examining the oral cavity, the type of formation will be determined. They are as follows:
- Stain. The inner part of the mucosa changes color, but the formation does not rise above the surface. Allergy is believed to be the cause of the spots.
- Papules. They are presented in the form of small formations in the form of a ball, which are filled with liquid. Such formations are transparent. Usually they indicate a small inflammation that affects the surrounding areas. Papules arise from a scratch from food, as well as an injection.
- Lump. It is similar in appearance to a bubble but does not include liquid.
- Knot. This is a dense formation that rises above the skin. There is no liquid inside. There are bonds from the pathologies of the salivary glands.
- Blisters. This is a surface formation that includes liquid inside. Often it appears from a burn.
- Ulcer. Education is presented in the form of a round wound, which can have different sizes, depressions. They appear from various reasons, but usually it is associated with an illness.
What to do?
When a transparent bubble is found on the oral mucosa, simple actions are required:
- Determination of external manifestations.
- Designation of the time of its occurrence.
- Identification of probable causes.
- Antiseptic treatment of areas of the soft palate, mucosal folds where there are bubbles. If the effect is positive, the procedure should be continued. If there is no result, you should consult a doctor.

Treatment of vesicles on the oral mucosa is performed after determining the causes. An accurate diagnosis can be made by a dentist, general practitioner or dermatologist. First, the doctor performs a survey, examination of the formations and laboratory tests. An experienced specialist can determine the disease even at the first consultation, and an additional examination is needed to confirm the diagnosis.
Treatment methods
Therapy is determined by the etiology of the origin of the blisters on the oral mucosa. Doctors usually prescribe the following procedures:
- Effective antibacterial and disinfectants, antiseptics. This therapy is used in the treatment of infectious eruptions. Medications adversely affectbacteria that led to the appearance of blisters. Treatment often requires hospitalization.
- Preparations that have a local effect help, they treat injured places. The funds are used to prevent the appearance of new formations and relieve the appearance of elevations.
- Anesthetics used.
- Bubbles on the oral mucosa with a clear liquid are treated with a solution of furacilin, manganese, soda, s alt, which have a local effect. With them, it will be possible to get rid of the symptoms of inflammation and pain that have appeared. Some solutions can inhibit the activity of staphylococci and streptococci.
- Antiviral agents are used if the rash appeared from herpes activity. A combined type of treatment helps, which involves the use of not only tablets, but also ointments.

If bubbles regularly appear on the oral mucosa, you should consult a doctor. Usually, specialists prescribe the above remedies, as they are effective and safe.
Effective drugs
Often doctors prescribe the following remedies:
- "Novocain". Olive oil (1 tsp) should be mixed with the contents of 1 ampoule of the drug, and egg white should also be added. The finished product is applied to painful places 2-3 times a day.
- "Aerosol with lidocaine". The drug allows you to eliminate pain.
- Geksoral. Tablets have an antiviral, disinfecting effect, relieve unpleasant symptoms from irritationblisters.
- Propolis tincture. The tool allows you to accelerate the healing of small wounds that appeared after the treatment of vesicles.
- Rinses with "Iodinol". The procedures are effective in the presence of blisters from stomatitis.
- "Kalgel". The remedy eliminates pain in the mouth when formations occur in children associated with the eruption of milk teeth.
- Rotokan. Gargling with water with this remedy relieves the symptoms of burning mouth.
- "Oxolinic ointment". The drug performs a disinfecting effect, has an antiseptic effect. The ointment nourishes painful areas.
- "Furacilin". It is an antibacterial medicine that reduces inflammation while protecting against new lesions.
Traditional medicine
Treatment of vesicles in the mouth on the mucosa in adults and children can be performed with folk remedies. But do not ignore the recommendations of the doctor, as this can lead to complications. After all, many pathological processes do not disappear on their own and require drug therapy.

Folk remedies should be used in combination with prescribed drugs, you should only consult a doctor. The following recipes are among the most effective:
- Helps mouthwash with St. John's wort. The procedure must be carried out up to 5 times a day. To prepare the solution, 1 tbsp. l. dry St. John's wort is poured into boiled water (1 liter).
- Aloe must be crushed to obtain a gruel. The finished product is applied to painful placesfor 2 minutes 1 time throughout the day.
- Apple and garlic juice are mixed in equal amounts. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes, after which you can take 100 ml orally. 3 times a day.
- A chamomile compress is used, which is applied to painful places 4 times a day.
- Several times a day, the bubbles are smeared with an ointment created from aloe juice, chopped cabbage leaf and egg white.
As you can see from the photo, bubbles on the oral mucosa are an unpleasant phenomenon. The formations that have arisen inside the cheek must be treated with caution. They may contain blood, so injury is prohibited.
Prevention and complications
Preventive measures are recognized as effective because they reduce the risk of pathologies. It is important to observe the following rules:
- Maintain oral hygiene.
- Timely treatment of diseases.
- Washing hands with soap.
- Using a proper toothbrush to avoid injury to gums and mucous membranes.
- Saturation of the diet with vitamins.

Mouth growths can be symptoms of a he alth issue. If there are no complications (fever, pain when swallowing, enlarged lymph nodes), you should go to the doctor within 2 days. If there is no medical assistance, inflammation may appear in the subcutaneous tissues of the neck, lymph nodes in the lower jaw, oropharynx. And effective methods of treatment and prevention can prevent this.