Feeling a sweet and sour taste in your mouth is quite normal. But this is only if before that you ate the corresponding product or an unusual dish for you. It should also be noted that in such a situation, such feelings pass rather quickly, especially if the teeth are interrupted by some vegetable or milk. Although people often complain that they constantly have a sour taste in their mouths, which interferes with normal life and makes itself felt almost every day. That is why we decided to devote this article to why such a deviation occurs in a person and how to get rid of it.
Sour taste in the mouth: causes of occurrence
It is rather difficult to say why such a phenomenon worries certain people. But, after observing your body or consulting a doctor, you can still determine the true cause of its appearance, and in the future and get rid of it forever. In this regard, we offer you a detailed list of thoseabnormalities that can cause a sour metallic taste in the mouth.
Gum and teeth diseases
Before you visit a gastroenterologist and get checked for gastrointestinal diseases, you should pay special attention to the condition of your own teeth. After all, their darkening, the presence of caries, suppuration or pain in the gums can be the reason why the sour taste in your mouth regularly bothers you.

With such sensations, one should not forget about metal crowns, with which the consumed food or carbonated drinks can react, thereby giving rise to unpleasant taste sensations.
If your teeth, gums, etc. are the cause of such a deviation, then you should definitely contact your dentist. After all, only an experienced specialist will help you quickly get rid of the taste that has arisen.
Ulcer and gastritis of the digestive tract
The two named gastrointestinal diseases are a fairly common cause of such a phenomenon as an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth (most often occurs in the morning). Moreover, a stomach ulcer or inflammation of its mucous membranes (gastritis) can greatly change the color of the tongue (a yellowish-gray coating appears). But these are far from all the symptoms by which you can independently determine whether you have this deviation or not. Thus, during gastritis or ulcers, a person observes the following signs in himself:
- heartburn after every meal;
- pain in the epigastric region, manifested both on an empty stomach and after a meal;
- burp withunpleasant sour taste;
- vomiting and regular nausea;
- constipation alternating with diarrhea.

Sour taste in the mouth, the causes of which lie in the deviations of the gastrointestinal tract, may also be associated with an increased release of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice. It should be noted that a fairly large number of people suffer from such a pathological condition. After all, modern food products contain an incredible amount of artificial additives that adversely affect the condition of the mucous membranes of the stomach, resulting in ulcers, gastritis and, as a result, an unpleasant taste and smell from the mouth.
To get rid of this phenomenon, you should definitely visit a gastroenterologist. An experienced doctor will quickly diagnose the disease, and then prescribe the necessary treatment, thanks to which you will get rid of the disease and its unpleasant symptoms.
In medical practice, this term refers to the process of ejection of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus. As you know, such a pathology happens for various reasons. However, the result is the same: a person begins to feel a sour taste in the mouth and incredibly severe heartburn.
The most common causes of reflux and bad taste in the mouth are:
- Diaphragmatic hernia. This disease is characterized by a significant increase in the lumen in the diaphragm, as a result of which part of the stomach and esophagus penetrate into it. Persistent dry mouth, heartburn, sour taste, and shortness of breathat night, pain in the abdomen and sternum - all this indicates the presence of the presented deviation.
- Chalazia cardia. This disease is an insufficiency of the circular muscle located at the junction of the stomach and esophagus, which works like a valve, preventing the consumed products from moving in the opposite direction. If you have chalazia, stomach acid backs up easily into your esophagus, resulting in a sour taste in your mouth on a regular basis.

Liver disease
The sour taste in the mouth, which is caused by liver disease, becomes stronger over time, and also acquires a bitter tinge. To diagnose such a disease, you should definitely consult a doctor. As a rule, abnormalities in the functioning of the liver, as well as the gallbladder, are easily diagnosed using ultrasound. As a result of such a check, the following pathologies may be found in a person:
- dyskinesia (or impaired tone) of the bile ducts;
- gallstone disease;
- chronic cholecystitis (or, as it is also called, inflammation of the gallbladder).
When making such diagnoses, the patient is usually prescribed a strict diet with the exception of fatty, fried, sweet and spicy, as well as a number of medications that improve the tone of the bile ducts or destroy the formed stones.

Quite a large number of peoplewho take medicines every day, constantly complain that they are bothered by a metallic or sour taste in the mouth. The reasons for this phenomenon are often hidden in medications prescribed by a doctor. So, this sensation is almost always caused by the antimicrobial agent "Metronidazole", the drugs "Trichopolum", "De-nol", "Metragil", etc. If the unpleasant taste in the mouth is so strong that it interferes with your normal life, it is recommended to inform the doctor about it. If possible, the doctor must replace the medicine with a similar one that does not have such a side effect.
Often such an unpleasant sensation worries pregnant women, especially in the later stages. According to doctors, this phenomenon has nothing to do with abnormalities in the body and has several logical explanations.
Firstly, the multiply enlarged uterus begins to squeeze all the internal organs, including the stomach. The main digestive organ reacts to this in a peculiar way, increasing the secretion of hydrochloric acid.

Secondly, the level of the hormone progesterone rises every day in the body of the expectant mother. It is he who is responsible for the relaxation of all hollow organs, which as a result leads to the fact that part of the bile enters the stomach and esophagus.
All the described processes directly affect the fact that a pregnant woman quite strongly feels a sour taste in her mouth. The treatment of this phenomenon comes down to the fact that the doctor recommends that the future woman in labor follow a diet and give up acute andjunk food.
Other reasons
Unpleasant bitterness in the mouth is often a consequence of drinking alcoholic beverages. In addition, this phenomenon often occurs in tobacco lovers, as well as in those people who cannot deny themselves a dense, fatty and high-calorie dinner.