When most people mention summer, they automatically think of hot sun, seaside vacations and barbecue trips to nature. Many in the summer time get a dark golden tan and restore the vitality spent during the long and cold winter. However, there is a type of people who simply cannot enjoy the warm summer days to the fullest. The reason for their inconvenience is a banal allergy to the sun, the causes of which can be very different. This disease is expressed in the form of a red rash, purulent rash or swelling on the skin.

In order to avoid risk, it is necessary to know the causes of sun allergy. One of these can be a long stay on the street during the hours of peak solar activity. At this point, exposed areas of the skin can be severely affected. In addition, the causes of sun allergy include the combination of its rays with the pollen of some plants, chlorinatedwater and even some creams to protect the skin. This disease is a fairly frequent guest in people suffering from endocrine pathologies of varying severity.

In itself, exposure to sunlight cannot be a cause of sun allergy, as it cannot cause irritation. However, it is the sun that stimulates the accumulation of the allergen in the human body, especially if he suffers from diseases of the liver, kidneys or adrenal glands.
The causes of sun allergy can include a strong weakening of the patient's immunity during long winter frosts, as well as a lack of various vitamins in the body and, as a result, metabolic disorders.
In most cases, this type of disease is successfully treated with medication. The main thing is to remember that when allergy symptoms appear, you need to limit your time in open sunlight.
In order to prevent the development of this disease, it is necessary to come to grips with the improvement of the body. The kidneys and liver need to be brought back to normal with the help of some special drugs that can be obtained on the recommendation of a doctor. Their goal is to completely normalize the activity of organs.

Allergy to the sun, the photo of which is presented in this article, causes some side effects, expressed in severe burning and itching of the affected skin. To combat them, you can use various creams and ointments, which includecontains substances such as methyluracil, linoline and zinc. Various antihistamines also have a good effect.
There are various folk methods and means to combat this disease. If the patient has an exacerbation, and there is no pharmacy nearby, then you can always apply compresses and grated potatoes and cabbage leaves to the affected areas of the skin.
It should be remembered that an allergy to the sun's rays is a temporary phenomenon. When the light intensity drops, its signs may disappear completely, until the next summer period.