Testicular hernia in men: causes and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, surgery and its consequences, prognosis

Testicular hernia in men: causes and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, surgery and its consequences, prognosis
Testicular hernia in men: causes and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, surgery and its consequences, prognosis

Inguinal hernias occur both in women and men. However, such diseases are more often disturbed by the representatives of the stronger sex. A hernia of the testicles in men is not a very common occurrence, but it still exists. As a rule, most intimate diseases begin to be treated when they are already beginning to progress, and therefore treatment is not always able to bring excellent results. In this article, we will talk about what a hernia of the testicles of men is, and also find out what are the causes of its occurrence, how it makes itself felt, and how you can get rid of it. Please read the following information carefully in order to arm yourself and protect yourself as much as possible. And so, let's get started.

What is testicular hernia in men

In another way, this pathology is called an inguinal hernia. This disease is considered congenital, but it can also occur for a number of reasons. Its essence lies in the descent of the testicle into the pelvis or into the scrotum fromits proper place in the abdominal cavity. That part of the peritoneum that covers the testicle has an opening, which in some cases does not close. It is through him that the internal organs of the male reproductive system are able to fall out.

Causes of pathology

Testicular hernia in men is most often a congenital disease. However, its development at any age is not excluded. Consider what causes the development of an inguinal hernia:

reproductive system
reproductive system

- excessive physical activity, which has a weakening effect on the inguinal canal;

- men who have noticed increased intracranial pressure can face such a problem;

- quite often the pathology occurs in people professionally involved in sports;

- testicular hernia in men, a photo of which you can see in this article, may occur in men suffering from varicose veins, as well as dropsy of the testicle;

- the disease can occur against the background of injuries to the male genital organs;

- a strong cough and prolonged laughter can provoke tension in the abdominal muscles, which can also lead to a hernia;

- the disease occurs in overweight people, as well as in impaired blood circulation and lymphatic drainage;

- also inguinal hernia in the testicle in men can occur in the presence of a very serious degree of heart failure.

surgical intervention
surgical intervention

As you can see, the reasons for the development of pathologyreally a huge number. But despite this, the disease is still not very common.

How to recognize the disease

The very first sign of an inguinal hernia is the presence of discomfort in the groin. Particularly acute pain is felt during walking, as well as exercise. The pain is further aggravated when the patient attempts to lift a heavy object.

Often there are puffiness in the groin. This area can also be very itchy.

The main symptom of testicular hernia in men is the occurrence of a dense formation in the form of a ball in the groin area. The abdominal muscles become very weak and varicose veins develop in the testicle.

If the ailment turned out to be congenital, then the baby's hernia will significantly increase in size during crying. Pain will further complicate the situation, so the baby may cry all the time and completely refuse to eat.

If this phenomenon is accompanied by infringement of the hernial sac, then the patient may complain of constant nausea, vomiting, and problems with the stool. In some patients, particles of blood were found in the feces.

Stages of development of pathology

Inguinal hernia has four stages of development, each of which has its own characteristics. Consider each of them:

- at the first stage, the formation can be detected only by probing during a strong cough or with strong tension in the abdominal muscles;

- the second stage is characterized by the presence of a canal protrusion of the inguinalslots;

- at the third stage, an oblique hernia begins to form;


- but on the fourth, the contents of this hernia begin to gradually descend into the scrotum.

Baby hernia

As mentioned above, a hernia of the inguinal region is quite often a congenital disease. It is the most common reason for surgery. To identify such a pathology in infants is not at all difficult. Already at the initial examination, it can be determined that the hernial sac protrudes in the pahaya area or in the scrotum. The hernia may disappear if the baby is in a horizontal position, and reappear when the baby is in a vertical position.

At the same time, education can significantly increase its size when the child begins to cry, sneeze or cough.

It is very important to carefully examine the boy's groin, as the size of the hernia can range from very small to incredibly large. Please note that any deviation from the norm requires immediate treatment.

Diagnostic measures

In order to determine the exact diagnosis, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible. With such problems, a urologist will help to cope. Usually, diagnosis consists of several studies, namely:

- The first thing the doctor will do is conduct an eye examination. Using this method, you can determine the size of the hernia, find out what condition the hernial sac is in. The doctor also palpates the neoplasm in the vertical and horizontaldirections.

inguinal hernia
inguinal hernia

- For an accurate diagnosis, it is very important to conduct an ultrasound examination of the hernial sac. Using this method, you can determine whether the abdominal organs have fallen into it, and also find out what state they are in at the moment.

- If necessary, the doctor may also prescribe other diagnostic methods that can show a more accurate picture.

Features of treatment

Treatment of testicular hernia in men can be prescribed only after a comprehensive diagnosis. After all, each case is unique, and therefore requires an individual approach.

If the doctor is in doubt about the exact reason for this neoplasm, he can apply the tactics of waiting in order to see how the disease reacts to the patient's performance of certain actions. In addition, it is possible that the hernia will retract on its own over time. This phenomenon occurred not only in adults, but also in boys. The expectant approach will allow the doctor to decide whether the patient needs surgery.

Many patients wonder how to treat testicular hernia in men. In fact, this pathology is not always eliminated surgically. If the formation is adjustable, and also has a small size, then you can do without the use of the operation. In this case, the doctor simply repositions and orders his patient to wear a special corset.

visit doctor
visit doctor

However, the operation of testicular hernia is most often performed in men. This technique is the most popular and effective, as it gives an exact guarantee that the contents of the bag will not be infringed. Please note that the complete removal of a hernia can only be performed by the surgical method. Therefore, if the doctor advises you to resort to this procedure, you should not refuse it.

Features of surgical intervention

Surgery can be performed on boys and men of all ages. The main thing is that the patient has no contraindications to such manipulation. So, most often doctors use the method of hernia repair, which in other words is called obstructive hernioplasty. The essence of this method lies in the fact that during the procedure the hernia is set into place, after which the hernial ring is closed. This closure is done with the help of tissues that are in the body of a man, or by installing an implant.

Contraindications for surgery

However, as practice shows, not all patients are recommended to use the surgical method of treatment. Testicular hernia surgery in men should not be performed in the presence of obesity, elderly patients, as well as those who suffer from intolerance to anesthesia. What then to do? In this case, the doctor will prescribe you to wear a corset, and will also diagnose diseases that provoke severe coughing attacks.

Puffiness formation

Removal of testicular hernia in men is always accompanied by swelling. This phenomenon usually occurs after any surgical intervention. However, in order to minimize the risk of such a phenomenon, it is recommended to install a special mesh that will stop the process of puffiness formation. If the mesh was not installed, the puffiness usually goes away on its own after a few weeks.


If you have even the slightest suspicion of an inguinal hernia, go to the doctor immediately. A neglected condition can lead to serious consequences, and even death. A formation not cured in time can provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the male genital organs, as well as go into a restrained variant.

a little boy
a little boy

Inappropriately started treatment can provoke intestinal obstruction. Because of this, tissue necrosis gradually begins to occur.

Never repair the hernia yourself, as this can only worsen your situation. The consequences of testicular hernia in men can be really terrifying, so doctors strongly recommend that you monitor your male he alth.

What are the forecasts

Most often, after surgery, testicular hernia no longer bothers the stronger sex. If a man follows all the recommendations of a specialist, the likelihood of a relapse is extremely low. In order to eliminate the risk of recurrence, during the surgical intervention, the doctor must install a special mesh that canprovide abdominal protection. Such a mesh will not be rejected by the body. At the same time, the patient will not feel it and will be able to lead his usual way of life.

Usually, the prognosis for recovery after surgery is good. However, if the patient begins to treat himself on his own with folk methods, then he can greatly worsen his condition.


Inguinal hernia is not a very common disease. But despite this, it occurs both in newborn boys and in adult men. Pathology can be congenital or acquired. In any case, each patient should immediately go to the hospital, where they will be offered surgery or non-surgical treatment.

visit doctor
visit doctor

Never self-medicate. So you can only spoil an already bad picture. Be sure to seek the help of a specialist, and you will forever forget what a testicular hernia is. Take care of yourself and your body will take care of you.