Allergy in a child: treatment and causes of its occurrence

Allergy in a child: treatment and causes of its occurrence
Allergy in a child: treatment and causes of its occurrence

In the modern world, there are a huge number of different diseases that, unfortunately, affect not only adults, but also children. Often among them are various allergic reactions.

child allergy treatment
child allergy treatment

About the reaction

What is an allergy? How does it manifest itself? Since allergies are of varying degrees of complexity, its manifestation is also quite different. It can be the usual sneezing, skin rashes and even swelling. What happens at this time with the body? Allergy, in fact, is a certain reaction of the human immune system to a component that enters the body and is perceived as dangerous. These particles are called allergens. It is worth noting that they are of two types: exo- (formed in the external environment) and endoallergens (formed inside the body). Most often, children are prone to the first type of allergy, since their damage occurs due to dust, chemicals and household substances, pollen.

allergy in a one month old baby
allergy in a one month old baby

About the reasons

If a child has an allergy, treatment should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, knowing the reasons for itoccurrence. But there are some things you can do on your own. So, there are five most important reasons for the appearance of allergic reactions to a particular allergen. An important role in this process is played by the environment in which the child lives, ecology. Equally important is the hereditary factor, because today scientists know that allergies can be inherited. You should also not take too much care of your children, because often allergic reactions appear in children whose parents create sterile conditions for their children. Allergies can also manifest themselves as a result of frequent infectious diseases or damage to any internal organ of the baby.

What to do?

If a child has an allergy, treatment will depend on the severity of the disease. So, if the baby has a runny nose, sneezing, you can simply exclude a possible allergen from the child's environment. Most often it is dust, pollen from flowers, a reaction to certain odors, such as the smell of freshly cut hay. In addition, there may be a slightly different allergy in a child. Treatment is given according to the symptoms present. So, if there is a rash on the skin, various medications can be prescribed, even worse if the baby has swelling of varying degrees. In this case, the treatment should take place in a medical institution. Antibiotics, corticosteroids, and certain therapy may be prescribed.

How do children develop allergies?
How do children develop allergies?


Many parents wonder how an allergy can occur in a one-month-old baby, becausemost often he is breastfed, when the ingestion of various foodstuffs is excluded. So, even with mother's milk, allergens can enter the body of the baby. In addition, no one has canceled the genetic predisposition to this disease, as well as complications of the postnatal period. How allergies manifest in infants: it can be skin rashes, damage to the digestive system, as well as the respiratory tract. Treatment should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, because in such a situation, self-medication can be very dangerous.


Today, doctors are trying to convey the following to all parents: if a child has an allergy, treatment should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, because self-medication often leads to undesirable consequences. So, according to studies, 1st generation antihistamines, which can be easily bought at a pharmacy, have a number of dangerous effects that a wide range of consumers do not even know about. This can be not only a sleep disorder, but also a decrease in the efficiency and learning ability of a toddler, and an overdose of such drugs can cause arrhythmia and even death!
