The most common and unpleasant disease in the modern world is allergy. Treatment in children of this pathology has its own characteristics. However, first you need to understand the reasons for its appearance and the symptoms in which it manifests itself.

So, the disease appears under the influence of certain allergens: dust, pollen, food, poplar fluff, animal hair, bird feathers. The immune system begins to respond inadequately to these factors, and the condition of the body can deteriorate dramatically. The reason for this is the excessive production of histamine. It should be noted that our defense system is able to remember the allergen and immediately respond to it when it is encountered again. If an allergy is detected, the treatment of such an ailment in children should be prompt and thorough.
Consider the symptoms of the disease. In principle, each allergen causes different symptoms. For example, the body's reaction to a pathological factor can be red rashes on the body (urticaria), runny nose and constant sneezing, watery eyes, coughing, high fever, and even suffocation (Quincke's edema).

If an allergy is detected, the treatment of this pathology in children should be serious, as it can lead to major complications, such as bronchial asthma. In some cases, death may also occur.
The most important means of dealing with a disease such as allergies is treatment. In children, it is provided with medications and folk remedies. This process is long or permanent. It is impossible to prescribe treatment on your own. Only an allergist should do this. The specialist will definitely send the baby for all the necessary tests, and also collect information about the diseases of the parents. The fact is that allergies are often inherited.
Allergy in children, the treatment of which must be carried out according to a certain scheme, is a difficult pathology. It is eliminated with the help of certain antihistamines. In addition, you should limit the contact of the baby with a dangerous factor. For example, if your child is allergic to dust, you will need to do wet cleaning daily, and in some cases several times a day. In case of reaction to certain foods, they should be excluded from the diet. Naturally, sometimes it is very difficult to do this, but you have to try.
It is also necessary to strengthen the baby's immune system. In this case, you can reduce the manifestation of an allergic reaction. To do this, you should temper yourself, eat right, often be in the fresh air, and exercise. Naturally, there should be a calm environment in the house so that the baby does not experience stress.

For treatment, you can use ASIT therapy, which is a “vaccination” against an allergen. It can be carried out only after three years. It is also recommended to use soothing herbs that you need to drink or gargle with them. Aromatherapy is an excellent option, but you should choose oils that the child does not react to. So, in this article we found out: when an allergy occurs in a child, what to do and how to act.