In our material, I wanted to talk about such a phenomenon as allergies. What are its manifestations? Is there a cure for allergies? What are the symptoms of pathology? What preventive measures are taken to prevent allergic reactions? All this will be discussed later in the article.
General information

Allergy is a specific reaction of the human body to the effects of certain substances. Often, therapy for a pathological phenomenon comes down to limiting contact with a specific stimulus. Is there a cure for allergies? Prevention is of paramount importance here, which contributes to recovery.
Allergy is an individual disease. Some people suffer from negative reactions of the body to animal hair, others do not perceive certain foods. Similar processes often make themselves felt in the development of other diseases, such as bronchial asthma, dermatitis, urticaria. In some cases, allergies occur against the background of infectious diseases.
In recent years, researchers have attributed the phenomenon to sever altheories. The opinion that allergies can disappear in case of careful observance of hygiene rules, limiting contact with pathogenic substances, which leads to weakened immunity, remains popular. The regular appearance of new products of chemical enterprises on the market is also capable of provoking the development of a pathological condition. In particular, many components of household products can negatively affect the functioning of the endocrine system. Is there a cure for allergies? We will learn more about this later.
Risk groups

To this day, researchers have not been able to figure out why identical environmental factors affect individuals differently. However, some doctors believe that allergic reactions are more likely to occur in people who suffer from clogging of body tissues with all kinds of toxins. In this regard, it is recommended to resort to periodic cleaning of the body. Whether allergies are treated in this way is difficult to say.
It is believed that the risk group also includes persons prone to parasitic invasions. There is no doubt that the problem develops against the background of changes in the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. In other words, allergies can occur not only in people who suffer from helminths, but also in segments of the population who are being treated for dysbacteriosis. In such pathological conditions, intestinal tissue is damaged. Undigested food elements begin to spread through the body through the bloodstream. Some of them can lead to the manifestation of allergicreactions.

In order to identify allergens, doctors resort to the following diagnostic measures:
- Skin test - a test is prescribed if there is a suspicion of an allergy. The essence of the procedure is to influence the body with a small amount of a specific stimulus. Thus, the diagnostician reveals exactly which factors cause acute reactions of the body.
- Blood test for IgE - is to determine the amount of specific antibodies in the body fluid. The study is performed in situations where, for certain reasons, it is not possible to resort to a skin test.
- Application test - in this case, the patient's skin is exposed to allergens that are contained in a mixture of paraffin or petroleum jelly. A person is obliged not to wash off the composition for several days. Then the doctor visually examines the patient's body and determines which stimuli gave the wrong reaction.
Food allergy

Can food allergies be treated? Negative reactions of the body to substances contained in food can develop not only when eating food, but also by contact with it and smelling it. Pathology can develop in several forms - pronounced and hidden. Regular excessive contact with the allergen can lead to the course of the disease in a chronic form.
The hidden type of food allergy is divided into the following groups:
- Year-round - makes itself felt day after day in the form of mild symptoms.
- Spasmodic - periodic, non-systemic reactions to food allergens.
- Temperature - occurs when immunity is weakened under the influence of hypothermia.
- Concomitant - negative reactions are manifested not only by the absorption of potentially dangerous foods, but also by inhalation of their aroma.
As for the severe form of food allergy, it is characterized by an acute reaction of the body to an irritant immediately after eating a certain food. Often, people who suffer from pathology have to completely give up eggs, some vegetables, berries and fruits, fish products, peanuts, chocolate, honey.
Can children and adults treat food allergies? Therapy here involves the use of an integrated approach. Treatment is aimed at suppressing the underlying symptoms. The most important condition is the observance of a certain diet. If a food allergy develops in a pronounced form, such pharmacological agents as Tavegil and Suprastin are prescribed. With a latent form, antihistamines are prescribed: Kestin, Telfast, Cetirazine, Loratadine.
Cat allergy

Incorrect reaction from the body in this case is caused by a specific protein contained in the animal's secretion products. The substance is spread through the air along with pet saliva, deadskin particles, concentrates on wool. An allergen can be found not only in the environment, but also on interior items. Therefore, the presence of a person in a room where a cat is or has been, sometimes becomes simply unbearable.
Can cat allergies be treated? One hundred percent result is not able to give any drug. We can only talk about stopping the main symptoms of such an allergy. There are a number of pharmacological agents, the use of which makes it possible to significantly improve the quality of life of a sick person:
- Antihistamines - block the body's reaction to the allergen, relieve tissue inflammation.
- Moisturizing eye drops - remove red eyes.
- Ointments for skin irritations - relieve rashes.
- Sorbents - contribute to the speedy removal of allergens from the body.
Sun allergy

Some people may experience inappropriate skin reactions to sun exposure. The result is the appearance on the body of all kinds of roughness, inflammation, foci of redness that itch and cause other discomfort. In rare cases, the epidermis begins to peel off strongly, up to the formation of a hard chancre and the occurrence of minor bleeding.
Can sun allergies be treated? A good effect is given by ointments that contain corticosteroids. However, they can only be used for a short time. Otherwise, addiction to such drugs often occurs, which is fraught with the development of skin atrophy.
Iftalking about effective non-hormonal remedies against sun allergy, it is worth highlighting here:
- "Panthenol";
- "Fenistil gel";
- "Elidel";
- "Losterin";
- "Desitin";
- "Wundheal";
- "Psilo Balm".
Allergy to dogs
As in the case of cats, negative manifestations here arise as a result of incorrect reactions of the body to substances contained in particles of dead skin of dogs, their saliva and feces. Therefore, the problem is not only the interaction with animal hair.
Can dog allergies be treated? With such reactions, doctors may prescribe:
- Antihistamines ("Benadryl", "Claritin", "Alegra", "Astelin", "Cirtec");
- Means against the formation of edema ("Sudafed", "Allgra-D");
- Steroid medicines ("Flonaz", "Nasonex").
Allergy to dust
With this phenomenon, the body reacts sharply to substances contained in the structure of microscopic particles of dirt floating in space. Is there a cure for dust allergies? In this case, the drug "Polysorb" is used. Its active ingredients absorb allergens and quickly remove them from the body. Unlike other sorbents, this medicine fights the root cause of the negative reaction.
He alth effects

Many people consider allergic reactions to be absolutely life-threatening. In reality, this statement is not entirely true. The development of allergies is often accompanied by a chronic feeling of fatigue, increased emotional irritability, and a weakening of the body's protective functions. And these are only a few consequences of a pathological phenomenon. Allergies can provoke recurrences of such dangerous ailments as bronchial asthma, eczema, hemolytic anemia.
One of the most serious consequences of the body's improper response to stimuli is a violation of the functions of the respiratory organs. Sometimes it ends with anaphylactic shock, the development of convulsive conditions, fainting, a critical decrease in blood pressure. The most harmless symptoms in this case are the urge to frequent sneezing, a feeling of congestion in the airways.
In conclusion
So we found out whether allergies are treated in children and adults. As you can see, it is almost impossible to completely get rid of the problem. The determining factor in the fight against pathological manifestations of this nature is the avoidance of contact with allergens, the timely intake of drugs suitable for a particular case, as well as the prevention of the disease.