How to determine the acidity of the stomach at home? Signs of increased and decreased acidity of the stomach

How to determine the acidity of the stomach at home? Signs of increased and decreased acidity of the stomach
How to determine the acidity of the stomach at home? Signs of increased and decreased acidity of the stomach

How to understand if the acidity of the stomach is increased or decreased? Let's figure it out.

It is very important for the digestive process that the gastric juice has a normal level of acidity. This level is determined by the concentration of hydrochloric acid. In our article, we will learn how to determine the acidity of the stomach. We will also find out what are the signs of an increased or decreased indicator.

how to determine the acidity of the stomach
how to determine the acidity of the stomach

Gastric juice and its acidity

High acidity is an excess of hydrochloric acid that can weaken the lining that protects the stomach. Increased acidity has an extremely negative effect on its walls. Such a process is closely interconnected with a number of pathologies and unwanted symptoms, for example, it leads to such ailments as ulcers, bleeding, gastritis, and so on.

How to determine the acidity of the stomach at home, many people are interested.

As for low acidity, itrepresents a deficiency of hydrochloric acid and leads to adverse consequences. With this form of deviation, the antibacterial activity of the acid worsens, due to which a significant violation of the intestinal flora occurs. The stomach contains an environment that is favorable for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, and, in addition, fungi. Therefore, when it gets there, Helicobacter bacteria multiply, which causes various diseases, such as erosion, gastritis, polyposis, and, even worse, malignant tumors.

Let's consider how to determine the acidity of the stomach yourself.

Self-diagnosis methods

Failures in the digestive system with different types of acidity can be easily confused with other diseases if you do not monitor the body's reaction to certain taste preferences. There are well-known tests for determining the acidity of the stomach. You need to use the following types of products:

how to determine the acidity of the stomach at home
how to determine the acidity of the stomach at home
  • Test with a lemon. Usually people who have high acidity, this fruit seems to taste very sour. Those who have it low will easily consume the pulp or juice of a lemon, as this will not cause them discomfort. How else to check the acidity of the stomach?
  • Baking soda test. To check the acidity using this method, you need 0.5 tsp. soda, which is dissolved in water and thoroughly stirred. The resulting drink is drunk on an empty stomach and the condition is monitored.of your body. Absence of burping will indicate low levels.
  • Test using millet porridge with butter. In the event that heartburn appears from this dish, it will indicate an increased level. How to check the acidity of the stomach, not everyone knows.
  • Test using apple juice. To check, you should drink such juice on an empty stomach. In the case of increased acidity, there will be unpleasant, and, in addition, painful sensations in the abdomen. In the event that these sensations are absent, this will mean that the level of acidity is normal. If there is a desire to use apple juice or another acidic product, then it is greatly reduced.

Here's how to test stomach acid at home.

Why is acidity low and what are the reasons for this?

Reduced acidity is the result of certain diseases, such as gastritis, gastroduodenitis or stomach cancer. These pathologies are closely related to the disruption of the glands, which are responsible for the presence of hydrochloric acid. As such, low acidity is a rather serious pathology, as it creates an environment for the spread of infections.

Signs of high stomach acid should be known to everyone.

ways to determine the acidity of the stomach
ways to determine the acidity of the stomach

Why is acidity rising?

The main reason for its increase is the wrong diet, along with non-compliance with the schedule for taking products. Eating fatty and spicy foods along with smoked meats, sweets,alcohol and coffee has an extremely negative effect on the digestion process.

In addition, long-term use of some type of medication can increase the acidity in the stomach. These drugs include hormonal drugs along with anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs. Smoking also adversely affects the stomach and increases its acidity.

Signs of low stomach acid

The most characteristic signs of low acidity are the following factors:

  • Having a burp along with a bad smell.
  • Frequent bloating.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the hypochondrium.
  • Presence of dull pain after eating.
  • The appearance of disordered stool.

Secondary signs of low stomach acid that appear after some time, in this case are the following symptoms:

  • The presence of dry skin on the hands, and, in addition, on the face.
  • Presence of brittleness and delamination of nails.
  • Hair brittleness and dryness.
  • The appearance of a rash and an enlarged vascular network on the face.
  • General weakness of the body.
  • Lack of weight.
  • The presence of rapid fatigue of the body.
  • Decrease in hemoglobin even with a balanced diet.

Let's look at the signs of increased stomach acid below.

how to check stomach acid
how to check stomach acid

Symptoms of excess acid

This is a problem with no less negative consequences than the oppositecase. A person has irritation of the stomach wall due to excess acidity, which leads to the following symptoms:

  • Heartburn after eating.
  • Copper taste in mouth.
  • Having a burp after eating.
  • Pain in the stomach that is aching.
  • Heavy with bloating.
  • Appearance of pressing sensations in the abdominal cavity.
  • Defecation failed.
  • The appearance of pain in the stomach after medication.

Secondary symptoms that may occur if left untreated include:

  • Loss of appetite along with apathy.
  • Frequent discomfort in the stomach area.
  • Frequent bouts of nausea and vomiting.
  • Presence of a white-gray coating on the tongue.

As a rule, in the absence of such signs, acidity is normal (zero stomach acid). But, if there are at least some symptoms, it is necessary to contact a specialist in a timely manner in order to identify possible problems and subsequent adjustments. Knowing how to determine the acidity of the stomach is not enough. Next, find out what the diet should be.

Diet choice for high stomach acid

Any diet for problems with acidity should be aimed at normalizing the level of hydrochloric acid and creating favorable conditions for normal digestion. With a high level of acid, it is necessary to refuse rich broths, and, in addition, spicy snacks along with raw vegetables and sparkling water. From vegetables allowedeat boiled potatoes, carrots or cauliflower.

It is also recommended to limit sweets and flour products. Useful for high acidity is the use of cereals, as well as mineral water. It is required to take products in a well-chopped and boiled form.

signs of low stomach acid
signs of low stomach acid

Deacidity and Diet

With low acidity, the principles of the diet are similar, but fatty, peppery and s alty foods should be excluded. With the normalization of well-being, it is allowed to expand the diet by adding meat broths, fish dishes and vegetable dishes. Both diet options exclude drinks containing alcohol. You should be careful with various spices, so it is better to remove them completely, as they can have a strong irritant effect on the stomach and increase unwanted symptoms.

For problems with acidity, frequent intake of foods in small portions is recommended. In both cases, a strict diet should be followed, especially with pronounced signs of acid disturbance.

Methods for determining stomach acidity

First of all, you should know that its normal level should be from 0 to 9 mmol. Medical measures to help determine the level of acidity include the following techniques:

  • Urine color determination. For this, ion-exchange resins are used, for example, Acidotest or Gastrotest.
  • Carrying out fractional sounding of the stomach. This method is used to aspirate gastric juice.through the use of a rubber tube, after which it is examined in the laboratory.
  • Carrying out internal gastric pH-metry. This method is distinguished by the greatest accuracy, and, in addition, information content. It helps to determine the acidity in different parts of the digestive system at the same time.
  • how to understand the acidity of the stomach is increased or decreased
    how to understand the acidity of the stomach is increased or decreased

Homemade ways to reduce high acidity

You can try to reduce acidity through diet. To do this, stop eating foods that cause its increase, namely coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, pickled vegetables, sweets, legumes, mushrooms, sour-milk fatty foods and high-calorie dishes. You should take more foods that help reduce acidity, which include low-fat milk along with fermented baked milk, yogurt, milk porridge, cottage cheese and fruit casseroles, carrot and beetroot juices. It will also be useful to use honey and medicinal mineral water, but without gas.

To reduce acidity, you can use folk methods. An effective folk method is the use of herbal tea, infusions or decoctions, the effect of which is aimed at restoring the normal function of the nervous system. It is recommended to drink mint tea, adding a couple of drops of ginger juice with a spoonful of honey. The tea prepared according to this recipe will not only calm the nerves, but also help the digestion process.

You can drink a decoction made from flax seeds, a tincture ofdill seeds. The action of these products is aimed at restoring the he althy functioning of the stomach. Number of applications per day: two times. A very effective method is to take activated charcoal tablets, which can bind excess hydrochloric acid.

Metal is needed to eliminate acid. Calcium is good for this. It is necessary to crush the egg shell, mix the resulting powder with vitamin "D" or fish oil. It is necessary to use such a remedy with a sour taste in the mouth.

We reviewed the basic methods for determining the acidity of the stomach.

zero stomach acid
zero stomach acid

Prevention of acidity

If an increase in acidity occurs only from time to time, then such a condition rarely leads to serious consequences. But in the event that an elevated level is observed regularly, then this can lead to serious diseases. In this regard, it is very important to observe the following preventive measures:

  • Correct, and, in addition, eat rationally. Eat a lot of foods that contain fiber and proteins with vitamins. Food is recommended to be taken in small portions, excluding fatty and spicy foods. Under a special ban should be dishes from the category of fast food.
  • It is equally important to stop smoking, and, in addition, the use of alcoholic beverages.
  • Regular examinations for the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection should be carried out.
  • You should try to avoid stress and nervous strain.
  • Implementtimely treatment of pathologies of infectious origin, as they can lead to the development of complications.


How to determine the acidity of the stomach, now it's clear. But, in spite of everything, it should be remembered that in any case, you need to seek qualified help from a doctor. After all, it is the specialist who, with the help of the intended diagnostics and clinical examinations, will help to make the correct diagnosis by prescribing adequate treatment.
