What happens when you quit smoking, by day? Recovery of the body after smoking

What happens when you quit smoking, by day? Recovery of the body after smoking
What happens when you quit smoking, by day? Recovery of the body after smoking

Everyone would like to have good he alth and live happily. But there are people who, for certain reasons, harm their body. It seems that they do not want to be he althy and live long. According to psychotherapists, addictions, such as alcohol, tobacco and drug addiction, occur in those who want to avoid some kind of failures and unpleasant situations, hiding from them. By harming himself, such a person, as it were, challenges both his personality and other people. Such behavior may be due to a variety of prerequisites, but, of course, its negative results always affect the he alth and quality of life of the individual.

Psychological effects of addictions

People who are in the grip of bad habits feel that they are caught in a vicious circle from which it is extremely difficult to get out. And indeed it is. A person experiences the effect of euphoria, and at the same time it seems to him that he successfully copes with problems and negative emotions. However, he does not think about what caused his troubles and failures. And it seems to him that this is not necessary: after all, you can create positive emotions in an artificial way. Smoking, alcohol, drugs, sugary foods and fast food - all this drowns out loneliness, anger, boredom and longing, unpleasant experiences. But at the same time, the stressful and depressive state does not disappear anywhere, problems are not solved by themselves, and the person does not make any efforts for self-education and self-improvement.

According to many experts, people with an unstable psyche, as well as those who do not have developed volitional qualities, and people who feel loneliness, emptiness and who have not fully realized themselves, are subject to addictions. Often, bad habits appear during adolescence, due to the desire to be different from their peers, to prove their masculinity and involvement in the company, or (in closed personalities) to cope with longing and internal conflicts.

The school plays a big role in preventing the development of addictions. Teachers have a huge responsibility for the life and he alth of future generations. Promotion of a he althy lifestyle, the rejection of addictions because of their destructive effect on the body and psyche - these topics must be present at extracurricular activities, especially in high school. Then the youth will be aware of the various negative consequences and will notprone to curiosity and a strong desire to try new things, experience thrills.

The mechanism of formation and development of dependence

Many experts believe that the psychology of bad habits is based on a tendency to escape from reality. This is most often the property of weak natures. For example, a person does not like his job. Instead of sorting himself out and, if necessary, looking for new job opportunities, he often takes smoking breaks to cope with stress. Or someone feels an acute lack of close relationships and joy, but instead of finding ways to feel less alone, they eat a lot of desserts and fast food, trying to forget about negative emotions.

Also, the formation of addictions, according to psychologists, is associated with a lack of self-love. After all, a person who knows his own worth, respects his body, so irreplaceable and unique, will never be poisoned by products and substances that are far from he althy, gain excess weight or be inactive.

However, such people can sometimes be understood. After all, in childhood, not everyone felt loved and needed. Someone, for certain reasons, lacked spiritual warmth.

The problem of psychological dependence can be solved, for example, by studying special literature. Richard O'Connor's The Psychology of Bad Habits is perfect for this purpose.

Tobacco addiction

The article is devoted to the above problem, and it examines the impact of smoking on the human body. It also describeswhat happens when you quit smoking, daily.

So, such an addiction as tobacco addiction can occur already in adolescence. Get used to nicotine very quickly. However, those who smoked cigarettes for the first time, claims that they encountered disgusting sensations. But over time, the body adapts and no longer rejects toxic substances so much.

what happens when you quit smoking daily
what happens when you quit smoking daily

It is rare to meet a person who has never tried tobacco in his life. The pleasurable arousal associated with exposure to tobacco smoke makes smokers more likely to reach for a cigarette when fear or failure strikes. Gradually, the psychological dependence becomes more pronounced.

It must be remembered that this habit causes damage to absolutely all organs and systems, leading to premature aging and a reduction in life expectancy.

Although this does not stop cigarette manufacturers. More and more new types of tobacco products appear.

Types of cigarettes

Tobacco products are very popular. Speaking about their varieties, several types can be distinguished:

  1. Strong (usually used by men and longtime smokers).
  2. High strength (available in red and black packaging).
  3. Light (cigarettes in light-colored packs; preferred mainly by boys and girls).
  4. Ultralight (Popular with beginners and quitters).
  5. Extra light (cigarettes in white packaging).

There are thin and standard tobacco products, as well as products containing flavors.

types of cigarettes
types of cigarettes

Cigarette types also include cigars, cigarillos and the recently popular and fashionable vape, a vapor-based tobacco product. But this variety is no less dangerous than the rest, although some consider it almost harmless. Vapes are widespread among teenagers and cause strong psychological dependence in young people with an unstable body and a fragile nervous system. Cravings for smoking are not the only negative effect. Vapors and fragrances have an extremely negative impact on the physical well-being of young people.

Studies conducted among groups of adolescents have shown that vape addiction most often occurs in boys and girls with pronounced conformism, mentally unstable and with a low level of intelligence and erudition. Some parents turn a blind eye to such a habit of a son or daughter, considering vapor-based cigarettes to be practically safe. Unfortunately, there are many adults who are not yet fully aware of the negative effects of these tobacco products.

What is in a cigarette?

In addition to tobacco extract, smoke contains many compounds that cause significant damage to human he alth. They suppress the immune system, impair the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and provoke cancer.

Those who smoke are classified as drug addicts, because by inhaling smoke, they poison the bodyharmful substances. Nicotine, which is part of cigarettes, is a poison that affects the nervous system and provokes addiction. It does not kill the smoker just because it enters his body gradually. How much nicotine leaves the body? For at least ten to fifteen hours after smoking a cigarette. Some of the poison remains in the kidneys, liver and body cells for a long time.

smoked cigarettes
smoked cigarettes

In addition to nicotine, cigarettes contain the following ingredients:

  1. Carbon monoxide (provokes hypoxia, reduces physical and mental capacity).
  2. Tar (causes oncological diseases of the lungs and digestive organs).
  3. Heavy metals.
  4. Resins.

If all smokers thought about the terrible consequences of tobacco use, they would immediately wonder how to get rid of nicotine addiction. After all, even passive inhalation of smoke causes a deterioration in well-being. And what about those who touch these dangerous components with their fingers, lips, let them inside the cells of their body?!

Effects of a bad habit on he alth

Smoking primarily knocks out the nervous system, causing anxiety and irritability, headaches and sleep disturbances.

By inhaling tobacco smoke, a person increases the risk of lung and respiratory diseases, throat diseases. Common side effects of tobacco use are coughing up dark sputum, trouble breathing, and hoarseness.

Smoking increases the risk of pneumonia, asthma, cardiovascular diseases such as bleeding, heart attacks and coronary heart disease. The use of tobacco products contributes to the destruction of gums and teeth. It negatively affects the digestive organs, contributes to the appearance of symptoms such as decreased appetite, salivation, and gastrointestinal ulcers. The habit also affects the emotional-volitional sphere. Tobacco-addicted people are inactive, irritable and aggressive, get tired quickly. Due to shortness of breath, heart problems and increased fatigue, they cannot play sports. They lack perseverance in the process of intense mental activity.

It's easy to get used to smoking. Quitting and getting rid of the terrible consequences is much more difficult. And given how much nicotine is excreted from the body, it will take a long time to undo all the damage done to the body.

psychology of bad habits
psychology of bad habits

It is much worse when a serious problem, such as having cancer, having a heart attack, a stroke, or an acute attack of hypertension, requires giving up an addiction.

Cigarettes and women

Tobacco addiction has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the reproductive organs. Women who smoke have difficulty conceiving and getting pregnant much more often than women who do not use tobacco products.

Children of such women are often born prematurely (due to the effects of nicotine on their fragile body), and are also characterized by poor he alth and poor immunity. If a parent smokes at home, the childconstantly inhales toxic smoke. This harmful effect leads to poor school performance, poor memory, distracted attention, nervousness and insomnia. And sometimes, despite the fact that teachers are actively anti-promotion of tobacco addiction, the children of smoking mothers copy their behavior pattern.

weight gain
weight gain

Women who use cigarettes have problems with their teeth, gums, their bones become brittle, their hair falls out, their skin dries and turns yellow, wrinkles appear early on their faces, cellulite on their bodies. A smoking woman gets tired quickly, she often does not have enough energy for household chores, she is often nervous and does not sleep well.

The effect of nicotine on the male body

Smoking causes significant damage to the reproductive organ of the stronger sex.

Smokers often suffer from diseases such as prostate cancer and adenoma.

They have reduced sexual function, and due to low sperm activity, it is difficult for them to produce offspring. Children born to smoking men are often prone to various physical pathologies. Since many begin smoking in adolescence, copying the behavior of peers or adults, many tobacco-addicted youths adopt their fathers' addiction. This is highly undesirable. I would like dads to set a positive example: go in for sports, play chess or be fond of creativity, and not passively sit with a cigarette in the kitchen or on the couch. Then the child will imitate the model of a he althy lifestyle.

Many verywant to quit this habit and seriously think about it. But they have no idea how they will live at least a day without smoking. However, the sooner a person takes measures to get rid of addiction, the easier it will be for him to cope with difficulties, both physical and psychological.

Kicking the habit

The effects of smoking are inextricably linked to the length of time a person has used cigarettes. Sometimes it takes at least ten years to eliminate the consequences of long-term tobacco dependence. Some people think that it is impossible to quit smoking abruptly, it is better to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes consumed. Of course, everyone chooses the way to get rid of the habit, which is convenient specifically for him. However, many believe that it is better to give up completely, once and for all.

The following will tell you what happens when you quit smoking, by day.

how much nicotine leaves the body
how much nicotine leaves the body

In general terms, ex-smokers experience a gradual recovery and cleansing of organs and systems: lungs, heart, teeth and gums, nervous system and sexual function. The person sleeps better. He feels the taste of food, there is a good appetite. The skin becomes more ruddy and fresh. Irritability, depression disappear, and a surge of strength is felt. And, of course, we should not forget that people who said goodbye to addiction protected themselves from many oncological, cardiovascular, pulmonary and dental diseases, as well as, of course, from early aging and a high risk of death.at a young age.

One of the concerns of ex-smokers (especially women) is weight gain. In order not to get better, while quitting a bad habit, you need to carefully monitor your diet.

Starting life without cigarettes

During the first day after quitting smoking, the body functions perfectly. The person is in high spirits, he has a lot of energy, he is pleased with himself.

Then, excitability increases, there is a decrease in appetite and poor sleep. On the second day, the person may become aggressive, his state of mind is changeable, he suffers from respiratory disorders and stomach pains. On the third day, he can have nightmares, suffer greatly from the lack of cigarettes. If on the fourth day these signs do not disappear, you can take a mild sedative. The fifth day is one of the most dangerous for those who smoked cigarettes and decided to give up this habit. It is during this period that the probability of returning to it is high. Also on the 5th day there is a cough with dark sputum, and on the 6th day, strong thirst, trembling of the hands and nausea are added to this symptom. A week after quitting smoking, there is an increased appetite. If we consider what happens when you quit smoking, by the day, we can conclude that only after a week the body is partially restored, although not without difficulty.

It should be taken into account that the regeneration of the bronchi, blood vessels and skin will take a little longer - about 14 days. And the cells of the internal organs will recover in no less than a month.

Quit smoking and notgain weight for women: is it possible?

In today's world, many of the fair sex use tobacco products. Women find it harder to remain calm in stressful situations and often resort to cigarettes to relax and collect their thoughts. Their he alth and appearance suffer from this: teeth deteriorate, hair grows dull and falls out, the face acquires an earthy hue, an “orange peel” appears on the body. When planning to quit smoking, women worry about such a problem as weight gain after quitting cigarettes. Certain metabolic processes, changes in the brain, as well as a lack of the hormone of joy - all these factors associated with quitting tobacco provoke the appearance of extra pounds. Do not quit smoking before and during your period. During the period of premenstrual syndrome, weight gain is almost inevitable, and, in addition, a woman in this case exposes herself to additional psychological stress.

In order not to gain weight while quitting smoking, you need to carefully plan your diet. Sweets, lollipops, confectionery and fast food, as well as sausage, smoked meats, fried foods, chips and crackers are recommended to be excluded. Sweet fruits like bananas and grapes should be limited. Eat more grains, vegetables, lean stews, and drink plenty of water.

a good appetite
a good appetite

You can cook for a couple, you must also reduce the use of butter and vegetable oil to fifteen grams per day. It is worth refusing to visit places such as institutionscatering, bars and disco clubs, where there is a great temptation to smoke in company or drink alcohol along with unhe althy snacks.

Some psychologists advise those women who quit smoking and are afraid to gain weight to make a list of the foods they are going to eat for the day, write down their names on separate sheets of paper and fold them into a bag. Every time you consume a dish, you need to throw out the plate with its designation from the bag. This will help you better control yourself.

And it is important to remember that junk food is not an alternative to cigarettes. It is better to find other activities that can distract from cravings for tobacco (creativity, going to the cinema or theater, going to nature, sports). Of course, breaking a bad habit is not an easy task. But, having learned about what happens when you quit smoking, by the day, perhaps many will reconsider their attitude towards themselves and their he alth and engage in physical and psychological self-improvement.
