In today's world, there are many diseases that can occur unexpectedly and cause a strong sense of discomfort. Some of the ailments affect the eyes. At the same time, the state of the organs of vision deteriorates significantly. Often the eyes itch and the eyelids swell, there is severe irritation and burning. What to do? First of all, it is worth finding out the reason for this phenomenon.

Eyelids itch: causes
And the eyes swell and itch as a result of exposure to some irritant. It could be an allergen, an infection, or fatigue. Among the main reasons for this phenomenon:
- Allergic reaction.
- Infectious disease.
- Acquired and congenital ailments.
- Wearing contact lenses.
- Working at the computer for a long time.
- Some diseases not related to the organs of vision.

Allergic reaction
If your eyes are swollen and itchy, it could be an allergy sign. This is the most common reason. Allergies can be caused not only by plant pollen, but also by dust, animal hairand even laundry detergent. There are many such irritants. With seasonal allergies, eye problems occur only in spring, early summer and late August. At this time, many plants bloom, and the fluff of poplars also flies. Many patients complain that their eyes are swollen and itchy. In addition to these symptoms, someone has a runny nose and watery eyes.
How to treat allergies
What to do if the eyes are swollen and itchy? If the main reason is an allergy, then you should consult a doctor. It is worth considering that not only pollen can be an irritant, but also cosmetics, as well as some medications. Before visiting specialists, it is worth determining what specifically caused such a reaction. This will allow you to avoid contact with the allergen in the future.
To eliminate swelling, itching and redness, you can use eye drops, for example, Cromohexal or Hydrocortisone. In addition, the doctor may prescribe an antiallergic drug. It can be "Suprastin", "Diazolin" and so on.
If the eyes are swollen and itchy, but there is no way to visit a doctor, then you can use alternative medicine. A decoction made from plantain, clover and chamomile will help to cope with itching. You can also make a compress by soaking gauze or a cotton pad in a strong but not sweet tea infusion.
If the symptoms persist for a long time, it is recommended to take allergy tests. After such an examination, the doctor will be able to accurately determine the cause of swelling and itching.

Infectious diseases
Why are my eyes swollen and itchy? The reasons can be completely different, only a specialist with a narrow profile can determine them. Often the eyes turn red and begin to itch as a result of an infectious disease. Most often this manifests itself in children during the period of illness.
The most common infectious disease is conjunctivitis. This disease is an inflammation of the tissues of the mucous membrane of the eyelid and often the eyeball itself. It is worth noting that such a disease can be caused by chlamydia, fungi, viruses, bacteria, and so on. In the acute form of conjunctivitis, the eyes often itch and the eyelids swell. How to treat such a disease? Usually, with such an ailment, special drops are prescribed. In the acute form, there may also be a burning sensation and purulent discharge from the eyes, as well as a headache. Often with conjunctivitis, body temperature rises and vision decreases.

Blepharitis and trachoma
If the eyes are swollen and itchy, then the cause may be a disease such as blepharitis. This is an infection that causes an inflammatory process that is localized at the edge of the eyelid. This disease occurs for various reasons. However, most often this disease occurs in people with reduced immunity as a result of an illness. There are several varieties of blepharitis: acne, allergic demodectic, ulcerative, seborrheic. It is worth noting that the disease does not go away on its own. In addition, it is unlikely that it will be possible to cure it with folk remedies. ATin this case, consultation with a qualified specialist is required, as well as adequate therapy.
Another infectious chronic eye disease is trachoma. With such an ailment, damage to the conjunctiva and cornea of the organs of vision is noted. The disease itself is not very dangerous. However, as a result of its development, patients complain that the eye is swollen and itchy. What to do in such cases? Seek help from experts. Often, trachoma is a common barley. This is an inflammation of the sebaceous gland. Most often, barley occurs as a result of a bacterial infection. It could be Staphylococcus aureus. You can bring the infection along with dirt and dust.
How to treat an infection
To cope with an infection that has affected the organs of vision, drugs are often prescribed in the form of drops. For children, it is recommended to use drugs such as Tobradex or Tobrex. These drugs are topical antibiotics. Such drugs are often prescribed even to newborn children.
For adults, cheaper drugs can be used to treat eye infections. The drug "Sofrodex" is especially popular. To enhance the effect, you can put antibacterial ointments behind your eyelids: "Floxal", tetracycline ointment.
It is worth noting that the inflammatory process can begin not only because of an infection, but also because of a long stay in a draft. Therefore, for prevention, experts do not recommend sitting in a vehicle under an open hatch or near an openwindows, and also stand under a stream of cold air supplied by an air conditioner. In addition, it is worth strengthening the immune system and observing all the rules of personal hygiene.

Acquired and congenital diseases
Why do the eyelids swell and itch? Than it can be caused? There are some diseases that affect the condition of the organs of vision. One such disease is glaucoma. This is a chronic disease that is often accompanied by an increase in intraocular pressure. As a result of this symptom, redness, itching occurs.
Also, clouding of the cornea, a thorn in the eye, affects the condition of the eyes. This disease can appear over time as a result of an inflammatory process or injury, and can also be congenital.
Cataract is considered to be no less dangerous disease. As a result of the development of this disease, clouding of the lens of the eye is observed. This disease, if not properly treated, leads to blindness. Cataracts often occur as a result of injury, as well as elevated temperature on the legs. In addition, the disease may accompany severe forms of diabetes.

How to treat such ailments
If a person has red eyes for a long time and itchy eyelids, then you should definitely contact a specialist. This will avoid serious complications and start timely treatment of congenital or acquired diseases. Do not forget that, for example, such an ailment as a cataract can bebe cured only by replacing the lenses of the eyes with special lenses.
To make a diagnosis and choose a therapy, you should consult an ophthalmologist. The specialist will conduct a full examination and carefully examine the fundus, measure the pressure, and write out all the necessary tests.
Symptoms of a serious illness
Itchy and swollen upper eyelid, there is itching, redness and watery eyes? Perhaps these are signs of a serious disease that develops gradually and is hidden. Similar symptoms may occur when:
- Violation of metabolic processes in the body.
- Diabetes.
- Disorders of the digestive system.
- Worm infestation.
- Liver disease.
- Alcohol abuse and smoking.
- Due to improperly fitted lenses or glasses.
Wearing contact lenses
If a person has poor eyesight, then contact lenses can become an irritant. During the adaptation period, some discomfort may be felt. After all, at this time the eyes get used to the foreign body. Often during this period there is itching and redness. Tearing is allowed. If these symptoms do not go away for a long time, then it is necessary to change contact lenses to products of a different brand or to refuse them altogether.
When using such accessories, you must strictly follow all the rules. In addition, it is recommended to regularly change the liquid intended for storing lenses, as well as the lenses themselves.

Long stay at the computer
In the age of modern technology, it is difficult to do without a personal computer or laptop. Many people work sitting at the computer throughout the working day. It can also adversely affect the condition of the eyes. After all, at a certain point there is an overstrain of the organs of vision. As a result of this, not only itching and swelling can occur, but also redness of the proteins. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to take short breaks in work, as well as specially designed gymnastics for the eyes.
To avoid serious eye diseases and discomfort, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene. In addition, it is recommended to carefully choose cosmetics, as well as cleansers. If redness, itching and swelling persist for a long time, you should immediately consult a doctor. Do not start the inflammatory process, as this can lead to the development of more serious complications. Only in this way will your eyes remain beautiful and he althy.