Every person once faced a very unpleasant problem: for no reason, itchy eyes. In terms of the level of discomfort caused, such itching can be compared with a toothache, or even surpass it. While in most cases itchy eyelids are not a serious he alth hazard, you can't just wait until things go away on their own. To fix the problem, it is better to either use medicines or proven folk remedies, and if the itching becomes unbearable, you will have to see a doctor.
Causes of eyelid itching
Special case - allergens. It is because of them that sometimes itchy eyes. This case requires immediate consultation with a doctor. Non-allergy causes of itching can include:
- dry eyes, which in the elderly is caused by a lack of eye fluid, and in young people by long work at the computer. The body is trying to fix the problem on its own, so scabies after a while begins to be accompanied by profuse tearing. Such a problem can last from half an hour to three days;
- wearing lenses that cause itching inin the event that they are selected incorrectly or processed with the wrong liquid;
- get under the eyelid of a foreign body;
- the presence of harmful substances in the air;
- excessive lighting;
- lack of sleep hygiene;
- diseases of internal organs, in particular the gastrointestinal tract or endocrine system;
- ophthalmic diseases.
In women, itching of the eyelids can be caused by a specific reason: the use of low-quality or expired cosmetics, or its abundance.

If the eyes itch for a long time, then the reason for this can be very serious. Especially when it comes to the last item.
Eye diseases
The first of these is conjunctivitis. It is caused by pathogenic microbes that settle on the mucous membrane of the eyes with dust or touch with dirty hands. Eyelid itching, rash and pus accumulating in the corners of the eyes are symptoms of this disease.
Glaucoma and cataracts also itch the eyes. The cause of these diseases is an increase in intraocular pressure due to a malfunction of the organs responsible for the timely outflow of fluid. As a rule, people of retirement age suffer from these diseases.
A fairly common problem is eye stye. Its carrier is staphylococcus aureus, which causes severe itching and swelling at the site of its ingestion.

Additional complications of eyelid itch
SoThere are many reasons why itchy eyes. What to do in this case is determined taking into account possible side effects. So, for example, with improper treatment, barley at the final stage provokes the formation of a purulent rod.
Itching may be accompanied by severe redness, peeling of the skin of the eyelid, tearing. If itching is due to a serious pathogenic or other cause, eyelid edema may occur.
In addition, in some cases, there is a loss of eyelashes and the formation of white spots on the cornea. Regardless of the cause, itching can be accompanied by a deterioration in the quality of vision: objects appear blurry and cloudy.
A child's eyes itch for another reason, the name of which is blepharitis. This is an eye disease that is expressed in redness of both eyelids, both in one eye and in both.
Blepharitis can occur both due to infectious agents that have entered the body, and as a result of the effects of vitamin deficiency or intense eye strain. In adolescents and students, it may occur after the wrong selection of glasses or refusal to wear them. This condition is chronic and can be managed with good eye hygiene.
But one should not rely on hygiene alone. Indeed, the correction of sleep patterns or the correct selection of glasses and lenses can eliminate unpleasant symptoms. But in advanced form, blepharitis becomes a serious problem. Its course may be complicated by the appearance on the upper eyelidbloody crusts, under which ulcers are very often found. Seek medical attention immediately to avoid this.
Itching in the inner corners of the eyes
The most common cause of this disorder is infectious disease. But it is also impossible to lose sight of other options for the reasons that the inner corners of the eyes itch. The reason can be quite trivial - the ingress of a foreign body. On the other hand, discomfort can be caused by inflammation in the organs of vision or the body's reaction to an injury.

Itching can be caused even by the microclimate created in the room. In winter, the eyes are especially exposed to negative effects: there are frosts on the street, and the central heating battery is working with might and main - in both cases, overdrying of the mucous membrane of the eye is inevitable, and this is what causes the eyelid to itch. What to do in this case is easy to guess: just cover the battery with a damp cloth.
Exercising your eyes will be useful. To do this, a number of simple tricks are used, for example, rotation of the eyeballs in different directions alternately. To prevent drying of the mucous membrane, you can blink frequently. While working at the computer, it is important to take breaks of 2-3 minutes from time to time and change the focus and range of your gaze: first look at some close object, for example, at your bridge of the nose, and then at a distant one - the top of a tree outside the window, a house - or watch moving cars.
Treatment of eyelid itch at homeconditions
Methods of treatment, of course, are determined by the causes that caused itching. In mild cases associated with fatigue, lack of sleep, or when the eyes itch in the evening, after intensive and long work at a computer or laptop, folk remedies can be dispensed with.
Decoction of calendula or chamomile not bad soothes the skin. Some people doubt whether it is possible to wash the eyes with chamomile, and therefore use lotions applied to the area that causes discomfort. From a medical point of view, there is nothing wrong with washing with a decoction cooled to room temperature. The main thing is that it should be well filtered, since getting a twig or leaf under the eyelid will only complicate the situation.
Parsley masks are popular. To eliminate fatigue, ordinary parsley is finely chopped, ground to a state of homogeneous gruel and applied to closed eyelids for 20-30 minutes. Such a tool not only eliminates itching, but also removes bags under the eyes.

A good remedy for itching and swelling is strong green tea without sugar. Washing should be done several times a day, and tea bags can be applied to the eyelids at night.
Another common folk remedy for itchy eyes is a mask of overripe banana, butter and honey. These ingredients are taken in equal proportions and ground until smooth (you can use a mixer or blender). The resulting mixture is laid out in the form of a mask around the affected areas for 15minutes.
Drug treatment for itchy eyelids
If there is no trust in folk remedies, or the components included in them may be allergens, or are contraindicated for another reason, you can turn to ointments and drops to eliminate discomfort.
It should be borne in mind that it is highly recommended not to use drugs without prior consultation with a specialist. This is especially true in cases where the eyes have been itching for a long time and the itching is accompanied by additional symptoms. Fortunately, most eye medications are available from pharmacies by prescription only.
One of the most popular remedies for itchy eyes is tetracycline ointment. It has antibacterial properties. But at the same time, it is strictly forbidden to use it for the treatment of children under five years of age, for the treatment of fungal and viral diseases and during pregnancy. To eliminate the discomfort associated with itching, a small amount of tetracycline ointment is placed behind the lower eyelid 3-5 times a day.
When using this drug, be aware of possible side effects. It can be an allergy to the active substance, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, and even fungal infections.
Unlike tetracycline, erythromycin ointment has virtually no side effects. This allows you to use it even for the treatment of children. Erythromycin stops the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and even destroys them. It is used, like tetracycline ointment, by laying behind the lower eyelid. The number of procedures is determined by the nature of the disease:conjunctivitis is enough 2-3 times, and with trachoma - from 4-5 times a day.
In addition to ointments, there is a fairly wide range of eye drops in case your eyes itch. Due to the content of stronger active substances in them, they are not released without a doctor's prescription. What are these medicines? "Tobrex", "Ketotifen" and "Opatanol" are the most common drugs in the case when the eyes are very itchy. Which drops from this list to use is determined by the doctor, having studied the symptoms and individual reactions of the body to the active substances that make up them.

Prevention of eye diseases
Most of the preventive measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of eye infections, itching, redness and swelling are based on the requirement of basic hygiene. It is enough not to touch the eyes with dirty hands and with 95% confidence it can be argued that no itching should be feared.
But as mentioned, eyes can itch for a variety of reasons. In particular, it may be a consequence or symptom of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, you should monitor your diet, focus on foods containing a high amount of vitamins and minerals. This is especially true of the transitional seasons - spring and autumn, when the body is especially vulnerable.
Pollution in the air in large cities and a large amount of dust have a negative impact on eye he alth. To minimize the impact of these factorsdamage, it is recommended to wash your face with cool water using mild detergents after each walk.
Office workers or teenagers who devote the lion's share of their time to computer games are especially advised to make moisturizing eye masks at least three times a week. Such procedures not only create additional protection and relieve fatigue, but also have a positive cosmetic effect.
Women's eyes are especially vulnerable due to the use of various cosmetics. It is recommended to carefully study its composition in order to avoid fakes, use only high-quality products and clean your eyelids, eyelashes and eyebrows daily.
People of both sexes and all ages should avoid direct exposure to bright sunlight on the retina. The ozone layer, which prevents ultraviolet radiation from penetrating through the atmosphere, is gradually thinning, and this is one of the reasons that the number of ophthalmic diseases is constantly growing and at least the eyes turn red and itch. Sunglasses help minimize possible risks.
Finally, with already identified vision problems, you should be especially careful about choosing glasses and lenses. At the slightest discomfort associated with wearing them, you should immediately consult a doctor. Procrastination or ignoring this issue can lead to dire consequences.
Itchy eyelid as an allergic reaction
Problems associated with seasonal or chronic allergies are a separate body of causes that itchy eyes. What to do in this case, you can find out by visitingdoctor's office.
The exact reason why the body is hypersensitive to certain substances is unknown to science. Anything can become an allergen: plant pollen, pet hair, household chemicals, cosmetics or food. Allergens are most often found in the air, so the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes come into contact with them most often.

Once in the eye, the allergen provokes a reaction in the body. It can be expressed in damage to the skin, inflammation of the choroid, and in severe situations lead to inflammation of the optic nerve. In these cases, the eyes swell and itch, and the usual methods of dealing with these symptoms are powerless.
To make sure that itching is caused precisely by an allergic reaction of the body to an external irritant, it is necessary to take tests: a blood test for eosinophils, skin tests to detect an allergen.
Treatment for Allergy Itching
The first step in the treatment of allergies is the isolation of the patient from the source of the disease, as well as the prevention of possible subsequent contact with him.
Drug treatment is the use of a complex of drugs aimed at eliminating both the symptoms and the underlying causes of allergies. Thus, histamine receptor blockers prevent the release of substances in the body that cause allergic reactions. They may be indicated as eye drops or oral preparations.
To eliminate external forms of expression of diseases - redness,swelling and edema - anti-inflammatory drugs are used. For the same purpose, the doctor may prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs. However, they can only act as an additional tool, since the effect of their use is not long-term.
In case of allergies, the thin skin of the eyelids suffers greatly. To improve her condition after the cure, you can take brewer's yeast.

Prevention of eye allergies
Most of the recommendations coincide with general advice on the prevention of inflammatory processes in the eye area. However, the diet of allergy sufferers should be built not only on the principle of eating as many vitamins as possible. The main importance is the consumption of hypoallergenic foods, such as fresh vegetables and leafy greens, dairy products, various cereals (oatmeal, rice), boiled beef and white poultry meat. Citrus fruits, coffee and chocolate, eggs, mushrooms, all types of smoked meats, as well as alcohol are completely prohibited.
Eyes are an important sensory organ, thanks to which a person receives a significant part of information about the world around him. Therefore, they must be treated with special care. Overwork, frequent stress, lack of sleep - all this provokes he alth disorders of varying severity, and this concerns the eyes almost in the first place. Therefore, hygiene, diet and sleep are especially important in the prevention of both natural causes of eyelid itching and those caused by allergic reactions. If you can not cope with discomfort at home, thena visit to the doctor is the only reasonable and reliable way to prevent serious consequences.