Many have heard this name, but not everyone knows what it is, Charcot's douche. An effective shower is a procedure that was invented a long time ago. It was used primarily to treat nervous disorders. Nowadays, doctors unequivocally recognize the high effectiveness of this type of hydromassage for the treatment of nervous disorders, poor circulation, problematic functioning of the immune system, as well as for preventive purposes. Let's find out in more detail that this is Charcot's shower, the photo of which will be presented below.
A bit of history

The Charcot shower was invented by Jean-Martin Charcot, a specialist in the field of neurology. In the 19th century, at the dawn of its use, the procedure was carried out only in hospitals, as a rule, for diseases of the nervous system. After some time, this technology began to be used by SPA-salons, as well as he alth centers.
Of course, the procedure can be performed by all people, but nevertheless, experts with experience note that it is not worth joking with the Charcot shower, since this is a rather serious procedure suitable for the treatment and prevention of diseases.
Indications fordestination

After many doctors found out that it was Charcot's douche, hydromassage began to be prescribed for the following conditions:
- fatigue, depression and prolonged stress;
- endocrine disorders;
- disrupted metabolic processes;
- diseases of the supporting apparatus;
- pain of different etiology;
- vegetovascular dystonia;
- rheumatism;
- muscle weakness;
- increased loads on the muscle corset;
- problem circulation.
In the absence of contraindications, the procedure is prescribed for patients as a tonic. A rather strong jet of water will create some stress for the body, because the water seems to awaken hidden reserves in order to more successfully resist the disease.
Sharcot's shower for weight loss, performed according to all the rules, has a general strengthening effect, while stimulating blood circulation, strengthening blood vessels, improving brain function, providing an increase in overall tone.
Cosmetic indications

What is Charcot's shower is well known to cosmetologists. It allows you to deal with the following problems:
- excessive weight;
- cellulite;
- normalization of the functioning of the sweat glands;
- eliminate toxins and waste.
A fairly sharp temperature drop will speed up the metabolism in the body, as a result of which the accumulated kilograms will be burned more intensively. Thanks to the stimulation of blood circulation, the skin becomes more elastic and cleanses much better.
It is important to understand that Charcot's shower will not give a visible effect immediately. It is necessary to prepare for the fact that bruises may initially form from excessive exposure to the water jet. Therefore, not all women are able to complete the entire course, which is usually 10-15 sessions.
Also, as noted above, this procedure has a lasting effect of burning fat: a jet of water, when exposed to the body, accelerates the removal of excess fluid, as well as toxic substances, making the “orange peel” less noticeable.
Benefits of the procedure

During this procedure, hot (45 °С) and cold (20 °С) water alternately act on a person. Because of this, the vessels narrow and expand more intensively, the body is provided with an effective tonic effect, there is an increase in the blood supply to the organs, in which the blood is saturated with a large amount of oxygen.
At the same time, there is a simultaneous activation of blood circulation, as well as the full functioning of the excretory system. Due to such changes, metabolic processes are improved, cellular nutrition is enhanced, as well as the removal of accumulated toxins. Charcot's shower even helps benign neoplasms to dissolve.
An additional positive quality of this procedure is the restoration of the skin. Depending on the temperature of the water used, a Charcot shower session also has a calming effect: it eliminates pain inspine, relieves muscle tension caused by sedentary work and excessive exercise.
The course of procedures for this shower is usually 10-15 - 20 sessions, during which the patient is provided with a complex effect:
- normalization of the nervous system;
- muscle relaxation, giving it a normal state;
- reduce spasms and pain;
- reduce pain in joints, muscles and spine;
- improving the efficiency of metabolic processes;
- strengthening the heart and blood vessels;
- acceleration of tissue regeneration;
- increasing stamina and improving immune function;
- skin rejuvenation, getting rid of cellulite.
These are the main medical indications.
Contraindications for Charcot's shower

Of course, any treatment has positive and negative qualities. This type of shower is no exception. The following contraindications are distinguished:
- kidney disease;
- chronic diseases in the acute stage;
- malignancy risk;
- colds with fever;
- damage to the skin;
- some mental illness;
- complex skin diseases such as pustular lesions, dermatitis, weeping eczema;
- menstruation;
- tuberculosis;
- certain heart disease (previous stroke or heart attack);
- pregnancy;
- hypertension;
- risk of blood clots.
WhenFor the upcoming trip on vacation, it is better to postpone the implementation of this procedure, so as not to complex due to hematomas formed on the body. The fact is that the jet of water hits the body quite hard, as a result of which hematomas may occur in some places, which, however, cease to appear after several sessions.
It is very important to remember that this type of shower is absolutely contraindicated for use in the presence of an inflammatory process with a high temperature. But sometimes, even with existing contraindications, doctors may prescribe Charcot's douche. For example, with thrombophlebitis or varicose veins, only he althy areas of the body are affected.
It is noteworthy that some people experience some discomfort, as a result of which they may stop attending procedures in the future. The doctor can cancel Charcot's shower and prescribe alternative, but no less effective methods of exposure to water, for example, underwater massage.

It is important to note that this procedure should be performed by a specialist who will accurately assess the person's condition and be able to independently regulate the temperature of the water jet, change its pressure, and also provide the patient with the necessary assistance.
A person without clothes should move away from the shower pulpit by about 2-3 meters. Initially, a stream of water at room, comfortable temperature is directed to the body. First, they wash the front of the body, then they move to the sides and back. The jet of water is directed from the bottom up, so that the water does not fall on the genitals, the spinal column, butalso head.
How the procedure starts
The limbs are poured in turn, then the jet is directed to the abdomen. The duration of the shower is initially 2 minutes, and for the last - about 7 minutes. They undergo this procedure 2-3 times a week, but not every day, because not everyone can cope with the increased load.
During the first procedure, the temperature of the water should not exceed 40 °C, but gradually lower it to 20 °C. For the first 40 seconds, the body must be exposed to warm water, and after that the water temperature becomes lower. It is advisable to undergo at least 10-15 procedures, depending on the available medical indications and the tolerance of Charcot's shower by the patients themselves.
Reviews about Charcot's soul
It is necessary to study the reviews of the procedure in order to know whether it is worth doing or not.
People say that Charcot's shower has become a real salvation for them: it perfectly tones the body, energizes, improves mood, and also effectively relieves fatigue. According to their reviews, this procedure is a real pleasure! Yes, there are a few bruises at first, but after two sessions, the skin becomes less sensitive.
The power shower is especially recommended by people who openly admire their results. The first procedure is usually liked by everyone. Patients firmly decide not to stop, despite the discomfort during the session, because after the fourth procedure they disappear.
Some people only visited this procedure once (for their own interest). Manynote that this is an analogue of underwater massage, so they became interested in the difference between the procedures. For some people, after Charcot's shower, their legs were covered with unpleasant bruises, which, however, quickly passed. By the way, in this case, the anti-cellulite effect is noticed immediately.
Negative reviews
But there are those who did not like the procedure at all.
When spring comes, women want to shed a few pounds, increase muscle tone. It seems to them that this magical procedure will show its effectiveness. But in fact, they can open the bathing season with terrible bruises, because of it they have to stock up on drugs that allow them to be eliminated faster. That is why some do not see any effect, and do not get pleasure from the shower.
Many, having read rave reviews, often decide on a full course of Charcot's soul. But after the first procedure, their ardor subsides. The reason for this - solid bruises and terrible discomfort. In the reviews, women and men read that after a shower they want to fly, but in reality there is a desire to quickly run away from the office. However, cellulite is still becoming less noticeable.

Charcot's shower is a great way to activate the flow of lymph through the vessels, nourish and supply organs with essential substances and oxygen. Numerous reviews fully confirm the effectiveness of Charcot's shower. It has been proven that during the procedure the body activates its own recovery processes.