Homeopathic ointment "Brionia": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Homeopathic ointment "Brionia": instructions for use, analogues and reviews
Homeopathic ointment "Brionia": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Even Hahnemann described the healing effect on the body, which has an ointment "Brionia". The drug is currently a common homeopathic remedy, which has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. The article describes the cases in which Briony ointment is used, how to use the drug in the treatment of children and adults. Various uses of the drug are described.

Brionia ointment: indications for use

The drug with this name is produced in different forms:

  • pellets;
  • drops;
  • ointments;
  • butter.

Suitable drug for:

  1. Impetuous, lean and able-bodied patients.
  2. Diligent children, distinguished by efficiency.
  3. Babies who don't like being carried.
  4. Brionia ointment will help patients who work with special pressure. They often lose heart when things don't work out.
  5. For patients with yellow skin tone.
  6. For severe liver disease.

Assigned to

bryonia ointment
bryonia ointment

The composition of the medicinal product includes a white step. The component is the main active ingredient. Ointment "Brionia" has a beneficial effect on the synovial, mucous, serous membranes of the human body. Based on their described properties, the drug is recommended for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • dry pleurisy, especially if it is right-sided;
  • exudative pleurisy;
  • for pneumonia, Briony ointment is prescribed together with other homeopathic medicines;
  • the initial stage of bronchitis;
  • asthma, which is accompanied by vomiting and pain on the side.

What the drug can do

Doctors have proven the effectiveness of the drug in the following cases:

  • He quickly copes with disturbances in the digestive system. Briony ointment is especially effective in the fight against gastritis and duodenitis.
  • Recommended for use in various malfunctions in the activity of the secretory gland.
  • Helps to cope with rheumatism, especially muscular.
  • Indispensable for neuralgia.
  • Defeats rheumatic fever.
  • Used to treat neuritis.
bryonia ointment for children
bryonia ointment for children

The drug is often prescribed by doctors to children who are prone to irritability, angry for any, sometimes very insignificant reason. Oftendoctors recommend using this drug as a complex treatment for a number of diseases.

In addition, the ointment "Brionia" has proven itself in the treatment of mastitis. It quickly restores the secretion of milk, eliminates inflammation in the mammary glands. The drug is allowed to be used by breastfeeding mothers.

Use for treating children

Thanks to the components that make up the product, Briony ointment for children is used in the fight against various diseases as often as for the treatment of adults.

What problems the drug will cope with:

  • with respiratory diseases;
  • with disorders in the digestive system;
  • with flu;
  • with diseases accompanied by fever;
  • with a headache;
  • with pain in the back;
  • with mastitis;
  • with constipation;
  • with heat;
  • with burning in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract;
  • with a dry, irritating cough.
bryonia ointment instruction
bryonia ointment instruction

Instruction for adults

Depending on what disease is being treated using "Brionia" ointment, the instruction for the use of this drug implies different ways of use:

  1. In case of lung diseases, the chest and lungs are rubbed with ointment twice a day, after which they put mustard plasters and carry out a warm wrap.
  2. In the treatment of joints, especially secondary and primaryosteoporosis, sore spots are rubbed with the drug twice a day for six weeks.
  3. In the treatment of a fresh runny nose, a cotton swab is lubricated with ointment and placed in each nasal passage. The procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes. Repeat three times a day.

Instruction for kids

bryonia ointment for children instruction
bryonia ointment for children instruction

One of the most effective homeopathic remedies today is Briony ointment for children. Instructions for use are in each package of the drug, where it is noted that the drug quickly copes with numerous bronchopulmonary diseases. Doctors recommend using it to relieve a child's dry cough and increase sputum discharge.

Ointment is widely used for rubbing the chest and back. After this, the child must be well wrapped. In the treatment of joint diseases, children are rubbed twice a day.

During the treatment of any disease, it is important that the child follows the rules of a he althy lifestyle. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor about the advisability of using it for the treatment of a specific disease in a child.

Features of use

To facilitate the flow of inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract, the homeopathic ointment "Brionia" is especially effective. It is applied to the skin of the chest and back. The drug is rubbed for a while until it is completely absorbed into the skin. Then a warm compress is applied. The procedure is repeated 2 times per day.times.

To relieve the pain syndrome that accompanies various joint diseases, it is recommended to apply a thin layer of ointment to problem areas twice a day.

bryonia ointment reviews
bryonia ointment reviews

Efficiency reviews

Patients who used the drug for the treatment of pleurisy note that its effectiveness is increased if the drug is used in complex therapy. In no case should you self-medicate. Only an experienced doctor selects medicines that will enhance the effect of each component on the human body.

As an additional measure in the fight against gout and s alt deposition, the remedy had a healing effect. Patients note that during treatment it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations and not to take breaks during the treatment course, because this will reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

For many patients, "Brionia" (ointment) has become a useful find in the treatment of pneumonia. Patient reviews indicate a noticeable improvement in well-being after using this drug.

Side effects

According to the conducted studies, the majority of patients who used the Briony ointment did not notice any side effects. Patients tolerate this form of the drug without complications.

Only in exceptional cases does it cause an allergic reaction of the body to the drug.

At the beginning of treatment, a temporary exacerbation of the disease is possible:

  • pain inperitoneum;
  • convulsions;
  • diarrhea with blood;
  • paralysis of the nervous system.

The reactions described above may occur due to the fact that the composition of the ointment includes the roots of bryony. They contain poisonous amorphous glycosides, brionin, brimonidine. It is they who have a side effect if the drug is used in doses exceeding the data indicated in the instructions for use.

bryonia homeopathic ointment
bryonia homeopathic ointment

Who is contraindicated to use

The instructions indicate when it is forbidden to use the drug:

  • like many medicines, it is not recommended for use in case of individual intolerance to the components that make up the ointment;
  • during pregnancy, the appropriateness of using the drug is determined by the attending physician.

Storage conditions

The maximum storage temperature should not exceed 20 degrees. It is better to choose a dry dark place. From the moment of release, the drug is valid for two years. The drug has no structural analogues.
