Cleaning the smoker's lungs. Can the lungs be cleansed?

Cleaning the smoker's lungs. Can the lungs be cleansed?
Cleaning the smoker's lungs. Can the lungs be cleansed?

If you have finally been able to get rid of such an addiction as smoking, then this article is for you, below we will tell you how to clean your lungs from tar, slag and other contaminants in a short time and without much efforts.

Many people, having said goodbye to the nicotine monster, decide to start a new life in which there will no longer be a cigarette, but, unfortunately, the symptoms of an ex-smoker constantly accompany a person, bringing him a lot of discomfort. Therefore, in order for you to be able to breathe deeply again, while not coughing up sputum, we have compiled a few points below that will help you answer the question “how to clear your lungs quickly?”

How to understand that the lungs are clearing

The first step to recovery, and therefore a sign of clearing your lungs, is coughing up phlegm. This reaction of your body first of all indicates that the process of getting rid of garbage has begun and it is irreversible, now you need to make a little more effort.

clean the smoker's lungs
clean the smoker's lungs

The first step is inhalation

Inhalations are the mostan effective tool that must first be used when cleansing. We advise you to contact the nearest clinic in order to take one course of inhalations (it is advisable to visit the inhalation room at least 10-15 times).

The second step is sports

If you are still in doubt about whether you can clear your lungs, then the first procedure did not alleviate your physical condition, and you still want to get rid of lung pollution as quickly as possible. In this case, you must begin to actively engage in sports exercises. It is best to use outdoor areas for sports and preferably closer to water bodies and plants, at least thanks to this your blood will circulate better, and the body will become younger, more beautiful and he althier. In order for our operation called "cleansing the lungs of a smoker" to begin to work as quickly as possible, we advise you, in addition to jogging in clean air, also visit the pool, yoga classes or just a gym.

how to cleanse the lungs of tar
how to cleanse the lungs of tar

The third step on the road to success is correct breathing

Clean the smoker's lungs with breathing exercises. Today, there are many complex breathing exercises that can help you cleanse the body. Below are a few of them:

  1. The first exercise must be done as correctly as possible. Initially, you will need to stand on two supporting legs, placing them shoulder-width apart. Next, you need to take a deep breath and begin to sharply exhale the air in jerks (as if cutting it off), while drawing in your stomach. Such exercises should bring you to a state of peace and complete peace.
  2. The second exercise helps a person to concentrate on his thoughts. Stand exactly on two supporting legs, look at a point at eye level, fix your gaze. Start slowly and deeply inhaling air into yourself through the mouth and then sharply push it out of the nose. After several repetitions, it is necessary to accelerate until the opportunity to inhale deeply is exhausted. This exercise must be performed more than 20 times.
  3. Besides the above two exercises, there is one more that is the most effective. Take a position lying on your back, inhale deeply and blow out the abdominal cavity. Breathing should be fixed for no more than 10 seconds, after which you can exhale slowly and a little abruptly. This procedure must be repeated about 5 times.

After getting acquainted with the main and really effective exercises, in the future you will be able to answer for yourself one of the main questions in our life without anyone's prompting: "Is it possible to clear the lungs?"

is it possible to clear the lungs
is it possible to clear the lungs

The fourth step is a good bath

In order for the body to cleanse itself of toxins as quickly as possible, we recommend that you visit the bathhouse at least once a week for several months in a row. In addition, do not forget that we are cleaning the smoker's quickly and effectively as possible, so it is necessary to drink real herbal tinctures more often.

how to clear your lungs fast
how to clear your lungs fast

Fifth step - teas made with real herbs

Fir, mint, sage, oak leaves, currant leaves, chamomile flower leaves, etc. can serve as an excellent medicine for cleansing the body. It is necessary to brew one pot with herbs and breathe in a little fragrant vapors that will relax you and immerse you in a world of peace and tranquility. We advise you not to go out into the cold after the fumes and not talk to others for another 30 minutes.

how to clear the lungs of dust
how to clear the lungs of dust

Sixth step - proper nutrition

We all know from childhood from the lips of our mother or grandmother that onions and garlic have certain antibacterial properties that help our body fight various harmful substances. The task we have set ourselves called “cleansing the lungs of a smoker” is no exception. In order for such a product to benefit you, you first need to finely chop it, add water and mix with sugar. Next, you need to use a previously prepared decoction of three to four tablespoons throughout the day. The duration of the procedure should be at least a week.

In addition to the above, we advise you to pamper your stomach with chicken broths, but only warm or hot, and in order for the result not to take long, add onion and garlic to their composition. First of all, chicken broth contributes to the fact that phlegm in the lungsbegins to liquefy faster and, as a result, be excreted from the body. Also, do not forget that milk cleanses the smoker's lungs.

milk cleanses the smoker's lungs
milk cleanses the smoker's lungs

The seventh step is the use of folk remedies

About how to clean the lungs from dust, tar, slag, etc. with the help of nutrition, sports and breathing exercises, we are already aware of, but only a few people know how to become he althier with the help of folk remedies, so below you will find several recipes available for a modern person.

  1. Tincture containing pine buds is the most effective remedy that promotes the rapid removal of sputum. To prepare this wonderful seagull, you will need one tablespoon of kidneys and 200 grams of warm boiled water. You can use the prepared medicine only after several hours of infusion for one week.
  2. On various Internet resources lately, you can often stumble upon a question from ex-smokers: “Is it possible to cleanse the lungs with violet and oregano?” The answer is simple: "Of course, yes." Moreover, this decoction is one of the best folk remedies of our century. To prepare it, you will need one spoon of violet and one spoon of oregano, then you need to pour them with several glasses of warm water and leave for at least an hour. You need to drink a decoction three times a day, without using sugar.
  3. Another way to quickly and effectively cleanse your body of impurities is a decoction prepared on the basis of milk and oats. For this youyou will need to boil milk (0.5 l) in a saucepan and add a glass of oats there. After the contents begin to boil, reduce the heat and leave on the stove until it has evaporated by half. Then you need to strain the broth through a sieve and drink it half an hour before eating. The procedure must be repeated throughout the week.

Above, we have described all the possible ways to cleanse the lungs that you can use at home. In addition to the above, you can also resort to modern medicine, but, unfortunately, as practice shows, these methods are not 100% effective until today.

He alth to you and success!
