Sleeping pills: benefits and harms. Which sleeping pills to choose?

Sleeping pills: benefits and harms. Which sleeping pills to choose?
Sleeping pills: benefits and harms. Which sleeping pills to choose?

Today it is very common to see people taking sleeping pills. The worst thing is that lovers of such drugs are absolutely convinced that they really need them, and without them it is impossible to sleep, work, communicate with other people, or live. Something worries them all the time, as a result of which a huge number of diseases arise. How not to fall into such a trap, and what to do next?

What is insomnia?

sleeping pills
sleeping pills

Everyone knows one of the most common phenomena for humanity - insomnia. People who suffer from this disease cannot sleep peacefully, and even if they do, they often wake up early enough and their sleep is very disturbing. Such symptoms turn into a nightmare for many of them, and they immediately try to do something. Today, sleeping pills are freely sold in pharmacies without prescriptions, and a person goes for them to escape from an annoying condition. After taking such a drug, rest, of course, comes, but it cannot be called he althy and strong. People seem to forget heavysleep, but they do not pay any attention to this and continue to take the medicine again. Therefore, patients' attention should be drawn to how they should be used, and whether there is a need for them at all. Many do not even imagine how such a "pill" can affect the entire human body. Few people know that the benefits of such drugs are rather doubtful.

Sleep disorder

sleeping pills without prescription
sleeping pills without prescription

Those who suffer from this phenomenon sleep poorly, fall asleep late and wake up very early, their sleep is superficial. Life becomes a nightmare, and they are ready to do anything to get rid of it. Sleeping pills are an excellent way out of this situation. Desperate people accept them with joy, because they have the opportunity to simply fall asleep, completely ignoring the fact that their sleep cannot be called calm at all. Doctors believe that these drugs should not only provoke sleep in the patient, but also ensure its duration and quality. Quite often they are taken as painkillers. They are considered potent drugs, so they are not recommended to use without first consulting a doctor. The specialist must first examine the patient and only then prescribe the appropriate type and dose of a particular medication. Only good sleeping pills can benefit a person. And for each organism they will be different.

Features of modern drugs

Sleeping pills in modern medicine exist inhuge amount. Among them are sedatives. These are sedatives that are not only artificial, but also of natural origin. They are able to deepen sleep and facilitate the process of falling asleep. There are strong sleeping pills - barbiturates. They have a narcotic property and depressing effect on the human nervous system. These drugs are very easy to get used to.

Means "Tryptophan"

herbal sleeping pills
herbal sleeping pills

This name for sleeping pills is well known to those patients who cannot fall asleep for a long time. They can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. But no one knows how effective and safe they are for the human body. This medicine is considered rather weak and supposedly has no serious side effects. However, in the early 1990s, restrictions on its sale were introduced in many countries, because eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome was found in patients who took it. In fact, tryptophan (the amino acid after which the drug was named) is found in a lot of foods. That is why there are a large number of folk methods on how to deal with insomnia. A glass of warm milk will be quite effective. You can eat some cookies. Bananas and turkey meat are considered especially rich in tryptophan.


Sleeping pills in this category are prescribed by a doctor. They are considered among the most effective. These drugs help you fall asleep very quickly and significantly prolong the stage of sleep. Awakening stageis reduced, and a feeling of a good night's rest is created. However, these drugs have not yet been fully studied, and no one knows how safe they are for humans.

good sleeping pills
good sleeping pills

Today, benzodiazepines are very popular. They are quickly absorbed into the blood and enter the brain. Their action is designed for the whole night. The substances that underlie them are very quickly excreted from the human body. If the dosage is chosen correctly, then side effects do not occur. But addiction to this drug is still there. One of the dangers is that the dose must be constantly increased, which is why addiction occurs. In addition, people who suffer from insomnia are beginning to notice the side effects of these drugs. During the day they experience dizziness. Consciousness is often confused, visual acuity deteriorates, visual contrast becomes worse, legs lose sensitivity. Benzodiazepines inhibit human activity, muscle strength decreases, it is difficult for a person to be in one position. Many begin to notice the manifestation of fixation amnesia. This phenomenon is especially often observed in people who take the drug "Triazolam".

overdose of sleeping pills
overdose of sleeping pills

Together with alcoholic beverages, these drugs increase the effect, and as a result, a serious sedative effect occurs. The person often falls and feels dizzy.


These depressants are not only addictive, but alsocapable of inhibiting the entire activity of the nervous system. Many substances have a similar chemical structure.

overdose of sleeping pills
overdose of sleeping pills

Some over-the-counter sleeping pills are available at any pharmacy. For people who suffer from sleep disorders, doctors recommend Temazepam. The drug "Flurazepam" is recommended for those who find it difficult to fall asleep; Triazolam is not only a sleeping pill, but also a sedative. All of them are benzodiazepine derivatives, but their hypnotic effect is much stronger. Means "Temazepam" has many contraindications, and the drugs "Triazolam" and "Flurazepam" also have a number of side effects. Therefore, do not make rash decisions. First you need to go to a consultation with a doctor who will prescribe the right drug. An overdose of sleeping pills is especially dangerous. The specialist will determine the required rate for each patient individually. For example, the drug "Triazolam" is able to provoke anterograde amnesia, when a person remembers old events perfectly, but is unable to remember what happened yesterday. Flurazepam causes drowsiness and later ataxia. The coordination of movements is disturbed, and the person is unable to maintain balance. This drug should be taken with extreme caution.

The danger of insomnia drugs

There are many drugs that pose a certain threat to human he alth, but nevertheless they must be taken in certaincases. You should not take risks and buy sleeping pills without prescriptions. Also, you do not need to advise them to your good friends or acquaintances. Such advice can become very dangerous for a person's life, and even provoke a fatal outcome.

Effect on the body

strong sleeping pills
strong sleeping pills

Commercially available drugs usually contain diphenhydramine or H1-blockers that calm you down and help you fall asleep quickly. But these drugs have not been tested, and it is difficult to speak unambiguously about their impact on the person as a whole. Many blockers work long enough. After taking them, a person experiences constant drowsiness, lethargy and severe headache. Quite often, you can notice a strong motor activity during sleep. The person may become confused and feel dry mouth. Urinary retention was also a fairly common occurrence. Although there are a great many side effects, people still take these drugs for a fairly long period of time. It should be noted that the effect of the blockers themselves becomes rather weak later.


Quite often, people who have sleep problems replace drugs with alcohol. Sleep does come on sooner, but its cycles become much shorter. A person wakes up from time to time and does not get enough sleep at all. It's no secret that alcohol is very harmful to the human body, so it's better to choose herbal sleeping pills that willless dangerous and will have no side effects.
