One of the main problems of everyday life is insomnia. Almost everyone faces it in their life, but not everyone knows the reasons for this problem.

Causes of insomnia
The causes of insomnia can be many, but most of them are related to the nervous system. It is believed that fatigue is the best way to fall asleep. This is true. But when fatigue becomes chronic, it is she who causes insomnia. There are also a number of other reasons that sleep auto-training helps to deal with.
Workdays have a great impact on a person's life: work, conflicts with superiors, quarrels with colleagues, problems at home - all this has a great impact on a person's sleep.
It's no secret that a person sees dreams thanks to the subconscious, which often reproduces the past events of the day and impressions from them, even if sometimes in an unusual form. Even a person who does not suffer from insomnia, but who endures a lot of stress, will have problems with proper rest, as it will be reflected in the subconscious mind, not allowing you to fall into deep, he althy dreams.

It is known that the development of insomnia undergoes several stages of the disorder, one of which is presomnic - the stage when a person is afraid not to fall asleep.
The fact is that at the first signs of sleep disturbance, anxiety begins to arise in the mind with each new night: what if I don’t fall asleep again? Oddly enough, but it is the fear of not falling asleep that often causes insomnia. That is why auto-training before going to bed is based on suggestion to oneself.
Problems with the body
But not all problems are centered around our conscious and subconscious. Sometimes the cause of insomnia can be an unhe althy body. Do you work in an office and sit about 5-7 hours a day? Not surprisingly, such a person may experience pain in the muscles, back and joints. And, as you know, such pain can keep you awake until morning.
In addition, our digestion affects sleep. A hearty and hearty dinner just before the rest will be a serious hindrance to falling asleep. But you shouldn’t go to bed on an empty stomach either, because then the brain will remind you every minute to open the refrigerator. Fans of "don't eat after 6" diets are probably familiar with this.

After we figured out the main causes of insomnia, let's move on to its treatment, namely, let's figure out what auto-training for sleep is.
The concept of auto-training
Many are faced with this term for the first time, but some have probably already heard this word, and this is not surprising: auto-training techniques have arisenin the last century and today have received serious development.
It can be said that auto-training against insomnia is no longer something unusual - today there are many new methods that are mainly based on the principles of auto-training.
So what is it?
Auto-training is a psychotechnics, the main element of which is self-hypnosis, which allows you to influence your own thoughts, change character traits and influence the he alth of your own body.
Auto-training for sleep is closely related to psychosomatics - a science that puts forward the theory that certain human thoughts, actions and emotions affect the occurrence of diseases of certain organs or, conversely, contribute to recovery.
But auto-training is much easier. Many skeptics may call this technique another word - hypnosis. But there is a fundamental difference here.

Hypnosis and auto-training - why not confuse?
Hypnosis is the impact on the consciousness of an individual by a specialist who sets certain thoughts and rhythms to the subconscious. In this case, the suggestible person plays a passive role.
During self-hypnosis, it is not required to involve second parties, therefore the person himself takes an active role, and his body takes a passive role.
Although in the scientific world this technique is considered hypnotic, and indeed you can find a lot in common with this technique, the difference is still significant.
Let's see what effect auto-training has before going to bed onorganism.

Technique action
The pioneer of this technique was the German doctor I. Schulz. Auto-training technology is based on the influence of a person's mood on his biological rhythms and on the body as a whole and vice versa. This suggests that if you get the right heartbeat and breathing rhythm from your own body, then it will be much easier to enter sleep.
Because auto-training in a dream, suggesting good thoughts, helps to influence the body. This helps to relax the mind, body, muscles and nervous system.
Mastering the technique of auto-training for sleep is not so difficult, but it does not take so little time. Someone is able to learn how to manage their body in a month, while someone will need more time. Remember, it's all up to you, and the speed of learning comes first.
Auto-training components
What will it take to learn this technique? First of all, the belief that any person can influence their own subconscious. If you do not understand this, then at a subconscious level you will not trust your words and actions, which means that no matter how much you try to overcome your insomnia, auto-training for sleep will not help you.
The text that we will use should preferably be written down on paper and read aloud at first. Here are a few items you can use.
- My body is relaxed. I feel the fatigue slowly leaving my body, leaving only pleasant warmth.
- All worries and worries leave me.
- I'm distracted from everything around me and immersed in my own thoughts.
- I can feel my body. I feel my heart beating. I breathe deeply and calmly.
- I feel a wave of warmth starting from my fingertips slowly rising up my legs. Slowly reaches the hips, passes into the tips of the fingers, then into the stomach, envelops the back and reaches the chest.
- My thoughts are slowly flowing, more and more subconscious and going to sleep.
You can use your own settings. The main thing is that they should be aimed at relaxing your body and mind.
The next component is music that improves auto-training before bedtime. Kozlov A. A. offers a special album that helps to fall asleep quickly. It includes soothing music and pre-recorded settings for your mind, which the author says at the right pace, and, importantly, in a pleasant voice.
Music is important for correct technique, but not essential. If you notice that it does not help you, then it is not necessary to use it.

In order for success to be just around the corner, and auto-training before going to bed really helped, you must follow the following rules:
- When composing the text for your auto-training, exclude from it all words that have the prefix "not". The same applies to verbs with a negative meaning. For example: “I don’t think about my problems…”. This phrase can be replaced by: "I forget about business, work, fatigue …". Such settings will properly affectsubconscious.
- Take a comfortable position. It is best to lie on a flat surface, on your back, so that nothing interferes with you.
- Finish all tasks before going to bed so that your thoughts are not busy with them.
- Learn to turn off your mind from the problems of the future day - do not think about the past or the future.
- Try not to eat fatty and high-calorie foods before bed.
- Try to minimize the sounds around you. Of course, there is auto-training for sleeping with noise, but if you are just starting to learn this business, then it is better to organize complete silence or calm music.
- It is best to go to bed no later than 23:00. This time corresponds to the biological rhythms of a person and is the best time to fall asleep. This does not mean that after 23:00 you will not be able to fall asleep, but it will be much more difficult, and rest will no longer give the benefit that it could have done a few hours earlier.
- Take an hour before bed to rest - do not engage in physical activity, listen to heavy music or watch action movies.
Such fairly simple rules will help you quickly master the technique of auto-training.
The process itself
Now let's put all the knowledge together and do an auto-training before going to bed.
Lie down on a comfortable bed or sofa. Relax and take a comfortable position for you. Take a sheet with prepared phrases and start slowly reading them out loud - this is important, because the sound of the voice has a better effect on consciousness.

Reading the text,imagine everything you say. Once you have completed the first reading, put the paper aside and close your eyes. Now your task is to repeat the same phrases, only already reproducing them from memory. No need to force yourself to remember every word - after the first reading, your brain remembers enough to repeat the general meaning of the written words without difficulty.
The most difficult moment in auto-training is the need to catch the state when you need to stop saying relaxing words and start only thinking about soothing phrases. Most often this moment comes after 15 minutes of class. But since this is a purely individual process, it is up to you to understand when to stop talking.
It's easy. At the moment when you notice that your body is already noticeably relaxed, your eyes are closed and you no longer want to open them, you need to start talking to yourself. This state can be called half-asleep, and it is important not to lose it.
It is worth noting that the entire auto-training session can take quite a long time - from half an hour to two hours. If you do everything right, then after an hour the body should enter sleep. However, it may happen that for the first time it does not work out to plunge into it - this is not scary. Keep practicing, and each time it will be much better to perform auto-training for sleep.
Fall asleep in 5 minutes? If at one time it seemed fantastic, then after a couple of months of classes you will completely master this technique. Of course, there is no need to expect momentary results from auto-training - this isa very delicate process that takes time.
Fast falling asleep
When you have already mastered the technique and can quickly fall asleep, you can move on to a new auto-training - in 5 minutes. What is he like?
Turn off your thoughts completely. Pictures from the past day or just your imagination should not “pop up” in front of you. You must imagine the most ordinary darkness in which there is nothing. If this is difficult for you, imagine a wall with black velvet wallpaper. Peer into it (with your eyes closed, of course), examine and plunge into this darkness.
You can also say preset phrases, but mostly you need to concentrate on the darkness. Surprisingly, such auto-training for deep sleep really allows you to quickly fall asleep and sleep soundly and well.
Here is a fairly simple, but effective technique that can overcome serious problems with a night's rest. Do not forget that in addition to auto-training for sleep, there are similar techniques for self-confidence, raising morale and even losing weight. Therefore, after mastering one technique, you can easily learn another, improving your skills. Believe in yourself and everything will work out!