In the Russian Federation there is a developed system of organizations providing medical services to the population. Such institutions are called he alth care facilities - medical and preventive institutions. They carry out diagnostics, therapy and measures to prevent the occurrence of various diseases. In the last few years in Russia there has been a tendency towards an increase in mortality and a decrease in the birth rate and life expectancy. This is due to the difficult economic situation in the country. Citizens of Russia, of course, need to provide quality medical services. It is for this purpose that organizations such as he alth care facilities are created.
Classification of institutions
This article discusses the types of he alth facilities and their description. These organizations are divided into several types according to the nature of the medical services they provide.

There are the following types of he alth facilities:
- Outpatient clinics.
- Inpatients.
- Sanatoriums, dispensaries and resorts.
This classification does not include emergencyassistance, organizations for the provision of medical services to pregnant women and women in childbirth (maternity hospitals, antenatal clinics), as well as institutions whose task is to prevent diseases. In addition, child care facilities and blood transfusion points are considered separately.
Types of he alth facilities (stationary) and their brief description
These organizations are aimed at providing emergency medical services, as well as for the examination and treatment of patients whose condition requires complex diagnostic and therapeutic measures. There are hospitals that provide medical care for people with various types of diseases (cardiology, otolaryngology, and so on). These institutions are made up of several divisions. This type of organization also includes maternity hospitals.
There are specialized hospitals that only treat patients with a certain group of diseases. A stationary institution, on the territory of which, in addition to diagnosis and treatment, research work is carried out, is called a clinic. A hospital that provides medical services to the military and combatants is called a military hospital.
Outpatient facilities
Dispensaries belong to organizations of this type. In such institutions, diagnostics and therapy of patients with certain groups of pathologies (mental, cancerous, tuberculosis, skin) are carried out. At the same time, the well-being of patients does not require hospitalization in a hospital. Employees of this type of he alth facility monitor the condition of patients,provide medical services, carry out the prevention of various diseases among the population.

Outpatient organizations also include polyclinics, whose employees provide medical care to the population of nearby territories. The list of he alth facilities includes institutions located in villages and villages. They are called outpatient clinics. In addition, there are feldsher-midwife stations in rural areas. Employees of such institutions provide emergency care and prevent various diseases.
He alth centers
He alth centers do not belong to the types of medical institutions described above. They are usually part of other medical organizations. Such institutions carry out emergency measures in cases of intoxication, bodily injury, and infectious diseases. Preventive work is also carried out by employees of he alth centers. Often these facilities are part of the he alth units that are attached to the enterprises and provide medical services to their staff. The Ministry of Emergency Situations is a complex organization that includes not only a he alth center, but also a polyclinic, a hospital, and sanatorium-resort institutions.
First aid stations
These organizations carry out emergency medical measures in situations where there is a real threat to the patient's life or in the presence of chronic pathologies in the acute phase. EMS stations carry out hospitalization of people who need treatment in hospital conditions.

Usually thisoccurs in the following situations:
- Burns.
- Intoxication.
- Bodily injury.
- Severe infections.
- Terminal states.
- Birth.
- Acute diseases of various organs and systems.
The above term refers to the admission of a patient to a hospital. Hospitalization is urgent when the patient's condition requires urgent medical care, so he is taken to a medical institution in a special car. With a planned hospitalization, a doctor is sent to the hospital for the purpose of diagnostics and therapy, which is difficult to carry out on an outpatient basis. In some cases, the doctor transfers the patient from one medical institution to another. If a person is injured or feels a sharp deterioration in his physical condition on the street, he can go to any hospital, trauma center or emergency station.
Military hospital
Employees of this institution provide medical services to the military, reserve officers, combatants and, if necessary, their relatives. Military hospitals treat viral, surgical, neurological, mental pathologies. Also, on the territory of these organizations, complex therapy, operations, care for injuries, transportation and hospitalization of victims, isolation of patients with various infectious diseases and severe nervous disorders are carried out.
He althcare facility for children
Significant reduction in the number of underage citizenswhich there are no any chronic pathologies, occurred due to shortcomings in the work of pediatric medical institutions. After all, these organizations are responsible for the he alth of future generations. To preserve it, polyclinic personnel are required to conduct regular examinations, as well as diagnostic and preventive measures among minors.

Unfortunately, today the system of work of many organizations of this type needs to be reformed. One of these institutions, the children's outpatient clinic, is engaged in the provision of medical services to minors. The pediatric general practitioner employed by this organization can refer their patients to other specialists as needed.
Types of he althcare facilities for children are also hospitals and sanatoriums. The hospital provides emergency medical care to persons under the age of fourteen who are diagnosed with acute diseases, pathologies requiring surgical intervention, conditions that require constant monitoring and control by doctors. A sanatorium for children is an institution that aims to rehabilitate a child after illness, surgery or injury.
There are institutions that provide therapy and prevention of various diseases and provide medical care at home. This type of medical facility is called a polyclinic. This organization is distinguished by a large number of departments, it employs many specialists of various profiles.

In polyclinics there are rooms for diagnostics, laboratory tests, physiotherapy, consultations, vaccinations. Patients can come for procedures or doctor's appointments during certain opening hours. These institutions can also give referrals to a hospital or sanatorium if patients need them. In addition, employees of polyclinics conduct preventive examinations.
These organizations are created in places with natural and ecological conditions that are best suited for restoring he alth. The main characteristics of this type of he alth facility are as follows:
- They are aimed not only at treatment, but also at rehabilitation, as well as strengthening immunity through special procedures.
- They suggest the creation of favorable conditions for the restoration of the body: physiotherapy, exercise therapy, clinical nutrition, mild climate.
- There are sanatoriums for adults, for children with parents and for teenagers.
These institutions can be specialized, that is, provide their services to patients with certain pathologies (diseases of the lungs, heart, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine glands, and so on). Contraindications for treatment in such he alth facilities are complications during childbearing, late pregnancy, breastfeeding, and viral diseases. However, there are specialized sanatoriums for expectant mothers, sometimes doctors send women there. Persons of transitional age who have pathologies that have arisen against the background of hormonal changes in the body can also undergotherapy in a medical facility of a sanatorium-resort type.
This type of institution is slightly different from the previous one. It has its own characteristics. What is the difference between two types of he alth facilities - sanatoriums and dispensaries? The second, unlike the first, are located next to factories, factories and agricultural institutions. In dispensaries, medical and rehabilitation measures are carried out for employees of the above-mentioned organizations. Unlike sanatoriums, people can visit these he alth resorts not during the holidays, but after the end of the working day.

Therapeutic dispensary is also aimed at diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases associated with certain work activities (for example, work in industry, in chemical production). These organizations can provide medical services to patients who do not require hospitalization or visits to sanatoriums and resorts.
Sometimes the condition of patients is so severe that they cannot be treated either in the hospital or at home. This can be associated with serious, incurable pathologies (for example, cancerous tumors at the last stage), accompanied by severe pain, which can only be reduced in a specialized hospital. These institutions are hospices.
In addition to oncology, they also provide assistance for severe brain diseases, dementia, and the consequences of serious bodily injuries. If the doctors of the local polyclinic cannot providethe patient needs his services, and he needs constant care and procedures aimed at alleviating the condition and reducing pain, he can be referred to a hospice. Also, this organization accepts people who, due to the difficult situation in the family, cannot be provided with proper medical care at home.

The first hospices were built in France in the 19th century. Now in our country there are many such institutions. The most famous hospices in Moscow are the European Clinic and the First Moscow Hospice. V. V. Millionshchikova. The first organization was created to provide palliative services to patients with malignant neoplasms in the case when the doctor confirmed the fact that the pathology is incurable. In addition to specialists who help patients cope with pain, this institution employs psychotherapists who support the relatives of a person suffering from cancer.
Unfortunately, many public institutions of this type cannot provide enough free places, and the quality of medical services offered there leaves much to be desired. Therefore, some hospices in Moscow work on a paid basis. Thanks to the help of qualified medical personnel, the quality of life of even terminally ill people can be significantly improved.