Why stings eyes: possible causes and treatments

Why stings eyes: possible causes and treatments
Why stings eyes: possible causes and treatments

If a person stings his eyes or feels a burning sensation, this can interfere with current affairs and bring a lot of inconvenience. In most cases, such a symptom can quickly diagnose what the root cause of its appearance is, and begin to treat the eyes with over-the-counter drugs. As a rule, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial eye drops come to the rescue in this case. They are usually good at troubleshooting issues like this. However, there are some rare causes of burning eyes that may require specialized treatment. Here you can not do without consulting a specialist.

This article will help you figure out why it stings your eyes, how to determine the real cause, and also which doctor to consult. In addition, it will be possible to find out from it what ophthalmic diseases this unpleasant symptom may indicate.

Why does it sting my eyes? Possible causes

One of the most common causes of discomfort in the eyes (they can sting, burn or tear) is contact with the mucous membrane of cosmetics, soap accessoriesor any other household chemicals. The first thing a person feels is the desire to quickly rinse their eyes, which is why such a reaction of the body as tears comes in to protect the eye.

stings eyes what to do
stings eyes what to do

The second reason (it is worth noting that it can sometimes be a continuation of the first - contact with cosmetics or household chemicals) is an allergic reaction that occurs upon contact with an irritant. If the discomfort manifests itself at the same time of the year or under the same circumstances, it is necessary to ask the question: why is it stinging the eyes right now? Looking closely at the world around you, it is important to understand as quickly as possible which plants bloom during this period, what products or cosmetics you have come across, etc.

An infection could be another reason for burning eyes. Tingling and other unpleasant sensations may indicate the development of adverse processes that are caused by viruses, fungus or other pathogenic microorganisms entering the body (directly through the mucous membrane of the eye or otherwise).

Another reason why eyes sting may be various cosmetic procedures. This phenomenon is especially common among girls who resort to eyelash extensions or tattoos on the upper part of the eyelid.

If the eyes bake and tingle at the same time, this may indicate their overexertion. Such discomfort can occur when working at a computer monitor for a long time or work that requires a lot of visual concentration. It is worth remembering thatfrequent eye strain causes serious vision problems, so it is worth paying attention to breaks and visual exercises.

Hormonal disruptions can also affect the condition of the mucous eyes. Therefore, tingling may indicate that adverse processes are taking place in the body at the level of hormones.

Many people who start wearing contact lenses for whatever reason may experience burning eyes, increased watering, or other discomfort.

It is important to understand that in addition to everything described above, burning or tingling may be evidence of the development of a serious illness. It is worth considering the most common eye diseases, the symptoms of which can be tingling or burning.

dry eye eye drops
dry eye eye drops

Possible diseases

According to statistics, most often burning or tingling may indicate the development of such diseases:

  1. Glaucoma. In addition to burning or stinging, a very noticeable pressure is created in the eye.
  2. Conjunctivitis. A very common disease in which, in addition to burning, there is severe itching.
  3. Keratitis. Tingling or burning most often occurs when moving the eyes. In addition, the eyes become red, indicating inflammation.
  4. Dry eye syndrome. The tingling can also be caused by such a common phenomenon, which is associated with insufficient production of the natural lubrication of the mucous membrane of the eye.
  5. Barley. The most common symptoms aretingling, burning, and sometimes severe pain.
  6. Dacryocystitis. In adults and children, such a disease can be diagnosed when inflammatory processes of the lacrimal sac are detected. Tingling or burning in the eyes with such a disease is a very characteristic phenomenon.
  7. Blepharitis. Stinging and a feeling of clogging of the eye are the most important symptoms of blepharitis.

Only a qualified specialist will help determine how to treat such diseases. Therefore, you should not independently take up treatment and taking medications. However, it is necessary to learn more about these diseases in order to better understand what processes can occur in the eye with all these diseases.

burning sensation in the eyes
burning sensation in the eyes


Glaucoma is a condition that causes damage to the optic nerve of the eye. This is often associated with increased pressure in the eyeball. Glaucoma tends to run in families and may not show up for a very long time, until old age.

Increased pressure, called intraocular pressure, can damage the optic nerve, which transmits images to the brain. Glaucoma can lead to complete loss of vision, and without treatment, this can happen in just a few years.

Most people with glaucoma have no early symptoms or pain. Therefore, if tingling or burning in the eyes is accompanied by a feeling of increased pressure in the eyes, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.


Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea(the transparent, dome-shaped tissue on the front of the eye that covers the pupil and iris). Keratitis can be either infectious or non-infectious. Non-infectious keratitis can be caused by relatively minor trauma, wearing contact lenses for too long, or a foreign body in the eye. Infectious keratitis can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.

If a person has eye redness, pain, burning, or other symptoms of keratitis, make an appointment with a doctor. When diagnosed promptly, mild to moderate keratitis can usually be effectively treated without risk of loss of vision. If left untreated, or if the infection is severe, keratitis can lead to serious complications.


Conjunctivitis is an infection of the outer membrane of the eyeball. With this disease, the eye becomes red or pink, which indicates an inflammatory process. As a rule, with conjunctivitis, there is a sensation of a foreign body in the eye, itching, burning, stinging, and the eye also secretes a cloudy liquid.

eye strain
eye strain

Bacterial conjunctivitis is most commonly caused by the same type of bacteria that causes sore throat and staph infections. Viral conjunctivitis is usually a manifestation of the viruses that cause the common cold. Allergic conjunctivitis can be caused by various external irritants, such as pollen. In this case, the body is stimulated anda large amount of histamines are produced.

Dry eye syndrome

If the glands that produce natural tears are inflamed or abnormal, this can lead to dry eye syndrome. The most important symptom of this disease is the feeling that the mucous membrane of the eye is very dry. In addition, a person may feel burning, pain, tingling. If extremely rapid eye fatigue is added to such a general clinical picture when working, watching TV or reading, then this is probably a dry eye syndrome.

Eye drops in this case are the fastest and most reliable way to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. However, it should be remembered that a visit to the doctor for this disease is mandatory, since with prolonged dry eyes, other adverse effects may begin to develop, leading to loss of vision.


This disease is caused by a bacterial infection or a skin mite. With barley, the sebaceous gland becomes inflamed near the bulbs of the cilia located on the eyelids, which protect the eyes from various debris and injuries entering them. With this disease, there is swelling of the eyelid and purulent discharge. In this case, there may be such unpleasant sensations as discomfort and burning of the eye.

antibacterial eye drops
antibacterial eye drops


Dacryocystitis is an inflammation or infection of the lacrimal sacs. These sacs are the upper part of the tear ducts that run from the inner corner of the eye down to the nasal passages.

As"Used" tears leave through the lacrimal ducts, new tears appear. When there is a blockage in the tear sacs or tear ducts, this process is disrupted and "used" tears cannot leave the eyes. This violation favorably affects the reproduction of bacteria, which also causes inflammation.


As noted a little earlier, the eyelids are folds of skin that cover the eyes and protect them from debris and injury. Along the edge of the eyelids are eyelashes with short curved hair follicles. These follicles contain sebaceous glands, which can sometimes become clogged or irritated, which can cause certain problems. One of these disorders is known as inflammation of the eyelids, or blepharitis.

Inflammation of the eyelids is usually noticeable, as it can immediately make itself felt. It is worth noting that with blepharitis it is always very stinging and watery eyes. In addition, there may be itching, redness, swelling, sensitivity to light, a feeling of debris in the eyes, and there may also be a crust on the cilia or in the corners of the eyes.

dry eye eye drops
dry eye eye drops

First Aid

The first question that arises in a person whose eyes sting is what to do to get rid of this sensation? So, there are a number of recommendations that will help to alleviate the condition for a while.

First of all, rinse your eyes with warm and clean water, and then pat them dry with a clean, lint-free cloth. Next, you should drip anti-inflammatory and antibacterial eye drops. After that, you need to give your eyes timeto rest, it is best to sit for a while, closing them.

If such actions did not help get rid of discomfort, then this may be evidence of the onset of the development of the disease, so in this case it is best to immediately consult a doctor.

Prevention of eye diseases

To avoid eye problems, regular check-ups to check for diabetes and high blood pressure are essential, as these conditions can cause vision problems in the first place.

You must always protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation. When outdoors during the daytime, it is always a good idea to wear sunglasses that protect your eyes from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. This may help reduce the risk of cataracts and other problems.

You should not use other people's personal hygiene products, and also consciously contact people who suffer from infectious or viral eye diseases.

eyes sting and tear
eyes sting and tear

And of course, it is important to follow the basics of a he althy diet, saturate your body with vitamins, micro- and macronutrients that are good for the eyes, and also lead an active lifestyle.


As it became known, tingling or burning in the eyes can be signs of both minor, temporary disorders of the eye, and serious diseases.

Now, knowing what to do with burning sensations and tingling in the eyes, it is worth remembering that it is impossible to delay with an emergency reaction. It is important to consult a doctor in time formedical assistance.
