In the article we will consider how to treat prostate adenoma. What is this pathology? Prostate adenoma is a tumor benign process in the prostate gland, occurring due to age-related hormonal changes in the body. In the course of the development of the disease, the functions of urination are disturbed or may stop.
About pathology
Many men with this diagnosis are frightened by the prospect of surgery. They are interested in all the possibilities of treating this disease without surgery. Conservative therapy of prostate adenoma with medicines and drugs of traditional medicine is possible if a person has a 1 degree ailment. In the presence of the 2nd degree of the disease, there are frequent cases when surgery is no longer enough. When diagnosing prostate adenoma of the third degree, the tumor must be removed. This is the only opportunity to return to a full life for a man. How to treat prostatitis and prostate adenoma for a particular patient, the doctor will tell.

Regardless of what the patient chose - to be treated with drugs or folk methods - he should consult a urologist. With regular examinations, the progress of the therapy process can be assessed. Also, the doctor will monitor whether prostate cancer has developed, because this pathology and adenoma often have the same symptoms. So, how to treat prostate adenoma with drugs?
The doctor prescribes complex therapy aimed not only at eliminating the manifestations of prostate adenoma, but also at getting rid of the inflammation itself. At the initial stages, with long-term use of medications, a positive trend is provided, while a chronic disease can no longer be treated without surgery. If urination is disturbed and progressive prostatitis is detected, then the names of medicines and daily dosages are determined by the doctor strictly individually. How to treat BPH with drugs, it is important to find out in advance.
Using alpha blockers
This pharmacological group provides a painless outflow of urine, as the tone of smooth muscles in the bladder is reduced. At the initial stage of prostate disease, such conservative methods of treatment normalize the process of urination, the elasticity of this organ increases, inflammation and hypertrophy of the walls decrease.

If pronounced swelling of the prostate tissues is observed, medications from the group of alpha-blockers of the type are prescribed:
- "Terazosin" which can be found commercially in tablet form. The daily dosage should be gradually increased. The active components expand the veins and blood vessels, and stagnation is prevented in the pelvic organs. The course of therapy lasts 2-3 weeks.
- "Alfuzosin". Also available in tablets. The remedy is taken in a course of 2-3 weeks (1 pill of 10 mg per day, or 5 mg 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.)
Another way to treat BPH with medication?
Considered to be effective means, alpha-blockers can also be taken against their background. Their therapeutic effect is that they block the increased effect of acetylcholine on the smooth muscles of the bladder. In this way, the hyperactive state of the organ is controlled.
In the presence of acute attacks, the following drugs are prescribed:
- "Prostatile". The medicine normalizes the processes of microcirculation in tissues, reduces increased swelling, and has a bacteriostatic effect. On sale you can find rectal suppositories, which are inserted 1 suppository into the anus. The course of treatment is up to two weeks.
- Injections of atropine. A derivative of belladonna, it helps to fight pain syndrome well, muscle tension in the bladder decreases, tissue swelling goes away. Injections are administered intramuscularly in the mornings and evenings, the dosage is negotiated individually.

Hormonal drugs
Hormon altherapy is appropriate for a complex clinical picture, imbalance of hormones and purulent discharge, malfunctions of the endocrine system. It is recommended to take 5-alpha reductase inhibitors for a long time with individual adjustment of daily dosages.
Below we will talk about effective hormonal drugs like:
- "Oxyprogesterone", which ensures the stabilization of the level of prostate hormones. The drug is administered intramuscularly, 1 injection per day in a course of five injections.
- "Finasteride". The drug blocks the process of conversion to the active form of testosterone, as a result of which the endometrium ceases to grow so actively and undesirably. The course of therapy is up to six months, the daily dosage is determined individually.
How to treat prostate adenoma with herbal remedies?
Medicines of plant origin
When choosing reliable medicines for such an ailment as prostate adenoma, many patients prefer herbal medicine. Such drugs have a stable therapeutic effect. Plant components have practically no contraindications, and the risk of adverse reactions of the body is reduced to nothing. At the same time, the pharmacological properties of the selected medication are not reduced. The most effective drugs for adenoma should be considered:
- "Raveron". On sale you can find suspensions and tablets for internal use. The drug is prescribed at an early stage of the pathology, and naturalcomponents in the form of extracts from the prostate of cattle. Therapy continues for several weeks, dosages are individual.
- Pills for oral administration "Speman", they contain nine active ingredients that successfully relieve a man of prostate adenoma. Perhaps the development of a side effect - an allergic reaction. Daily Dosage - Orally 2 pills twice or thrice a day.

Below we will tell you how to treat prostate adenoma in men with folk remedies.
Folk recipes for the treatment of adenoma
Treasury of traditional medicine recipes can be considered priceless. Simultaneously with the prescribed medications, many men use them for adenoma. Consider below the most popular of them.
This remedy can be found in everyone's home. Therapy of prostate adenoma with soda involves its use internally and externally, in the format of trays. Wellness treatments are as follows:
- One teaspoon of young birch leaves or buds, pour 250 ml of boiling water, warm for 20 minutes.
- Then the broth is filtered, a pinch of soda is added.
- It is better to drink the drug before meals, four times a day.
And here is another recipe: 1 tablespoon of soda and 1 teaspoon of iodine are added to a liter of cooled boiled water, everything is stirred and poured into a container of hot water. The bath is taken for 20 minutes.

How was prostate adenoma treated in the old days? For this, propolis was used. This is a useful product of beekeeping, which has a positive effect on the he alth of the whole organism. If there is no individual intolerance to this substance, you can start the fight against male disease with the help of such a unique natural medicine.
Alcohol tincture is prepared and used according to the recipe: 10 g of propolis is crushed, alcohol is added in an amount of 100 ml. The liquid is thoroughly shaken for half an hour. Insist on a dark shelf for 3 days, then shake, place in the refrigerator for 2 hours and filter. Use for 20 days as follows: take 15 drops of tincture and 50 ml of water, mix, and drink 3 times a day 10 minutes before meals. Take a break for 15 days, then repeat the course.
To successfully relieve the painful symptoms of prostate adenoma, men can use ready-made suppositories with propolis. They are purchased at a pharmacy or they are made independently in such a simple way:
- Crush 10 g of propolis and fill it with 30 ml of alcohol.
- Leave the mixture for 10 days in a dark place, stir daily.
- Next, the alcohol is evaporated over a fire until a thin brown mass is obtained.
- Heat the resulting mass in a water bath with 150 g of cocoa butter or butter until smooth. When it cools down, roll up 10 candles.
- Each candle is wrapped in foil and stored in the refrigerator.
New suppositories are made after the previous ones have been used, for a long timestorage should not be allowed. You need to apply one suppository at bedtime, inserting the remedy into the anus. This course of therapy is continued for 1 month. Then they take a break for 2 months. Therapeutic measures are repeated 2-3 times. When using such a folk method, inflammation is removed and the exacerbation of the disease is prevented.

How else is prostate adenoma treated without surgery?
Dead bees will help fight the disease. You can prepare a decoction according to this recipe: put 0.5 liters of water on the fire, to which dried insect bodies (2 tablespoons) are added. After boiling, the deadwood is boiled over low heat, then filtered. The product can be stored for no more than 10 days in the refrigerator. A decoction is taken orally 3 times a day before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon, you can seize 1 teaspoon of honey. The therapy lasts 1.5 months, after a break (for 30 days) the course is repeated twice more.
How to treat prostate adenoma with onion peel? To prepare a decoction, you need 1 liter of hot boiled water and a glass of chopped onion peel. The mixture is boiled on fire for an hour. Then she wraps herself up and insists. The product is used in 50 ml after each meal. Treatment continues for 30 days. Next, they take a break of two weeks, then the therapy can be repeated.
Herbal treatment
Various medicinal herbs are used as medicines for prostate adenoma. Here are the recipes:
- Parsley seeds (4 teaspoons), which are ground into powder, pour hot water, strain the infusionin 20 minutes. Take four times a day for 1 tbsp. l. means a quarter of an hour before meals. Treatment lasts 3 months.
- For two months (or longer if desired) they drink Ivan-tea twice a day.
- You can take boiled nettle leaves three times a day.
- Use freshly squeezed celery juice before meals, 2 teaspoons three times a day.

Use of celandine
How to treat prostate adenoma at home is interesting to many patients. Therapy involves the use of celandine, which is able to slow down the development of the tumor. It is important to remember that the daily dose should never be exceeded - in large quantities it is poisonous. The infusion is prepared in such a quick way: 1 tablespoon of celandine is poured with a glass of boiling water, it is best to insist in a thermos, strain after four hours. Take the remedy for 20 days, 1 tbsp. l. in the morning and in the evening. We looked at how to treat an enlarged prostate.