Diet for prostate cancer: nutritional principles, he althy and forbidden foods, sample menu

Diet for prostate cancer: nutritional principles, he althy and forbidden foods, sample menu
Diet for prostate cancer: nutritional principles, he althy and forbidden foods, sample menu

Prostate tumor often appears in people who have reached middle or advanced age. It can take a long time to develop. There are different ways to deal with the disease. Treatment involves surgery, radiation therapy, drugs. Diet for prostate cancer is also of great importance.

The importance of a proper diet

Prostate tumor develops under the influence of various reasons. Among the factors that provoke the disease are:

  • Hormon imbalance.
  • Heredity.
  • Old age.
  • Bad environmental conditions.
  • Working with chemicals.
  • Benign neoplasms of the prostate.
  • Exposure to harmful radiation.
  • Smoking, alcohol abuse.
alcohol consumption
alcohol consumption

Wrong diet

The disease is often found in residents of North America, the former USSR and Western Europe. In these states, people consume a lot of fast food, meat and dairy products. For the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, on the contrary, such a disease is rare. Thethe fact is explained by the fact that fish, vegetables, fruits and berries predominate in their diet. Such information allows us to conclude that nutrition plays a significant role in the formation of tumors. Diet for prostate cancer is an important component of therapy. A well-designed diet helps reduce the likelihood of the spread of the pathological process.

General recommendations

Prostate cancer patients should remember the following rules:

  • You need to include lean fish and seafood in your diet. This food contains lipids that are easy to digest.
  • Refuse animal fats, margarine, fast food.
fast food and sweets
fast food and sweets
  • Eat enough fresh fruits, berries, nut kernels and vegetables.
  • Take supplements containing vitamins B, E and C, folic acid.
  • Refuse drinks that contain caffeine. Drink green tea.
  • Avoid products containing artificial additives.

Why does the patient need to change the diet?

The Prostate Cancer Diet aims to achieve the following goals:

  • Reduce the activity of pathological cells.
  • Quick recovery of the body after radiation therapy sessions, surgery, taking heavy drugs.
chemotherapy for prostate cancer
chemotherapy for prostate cancer
  • Improve the functioning of the immune system.
  • Maintaining good he alth.
  • Growth Preventionneoplasms.

Diet for prostate cancer is compiled by a specialist. When choosing a diet, factors such as the age category, the characteristics of the prescribed therapy, and the stage of development of the pathological process are taken into account. The doctor should give the necessary recommendations immediately after confirming the diagnosis. After all, if a person eats improperly, his condition will worsen significantly, and the treatment will not lead to the desired result.

Foods to Avoid

An unbalanced diet does not necessarily lead to the development of cancer. However, the patient must remember that the diet after prostate cancer should not be short-term, but permanent. If you do not change your eating habits once and for all, the disease may return again, despite the treatment. The diet of the patient at any stage of the pathology, during and after therapy, involves the exclusion of the following products:

  1. Pates, sausages and sausages, fast food, canned food.
  2. Fatty meats, bacon, lard.
  3. Margarine.
  4. Confectionery (cakes, pastries, gingerbread, cookies, waffles and so on).
  5. Marinades and pickles.
  6. Fried food.
  7. Soda water, black tea, caffeinated drinks.
  8. Chocolate, sweets.
  9. Flax seed oil and corn kernels.
  10. Alcoholic products (during remission, red wine is allowed in small quantities).

To restore the body after therapy and reduce the likelihood of complications, you need to adhere todietary restrictions. The table for prostate cancer is indicated by number 5. Such a diet involves a minimum amount of s alt and lipids.

What foods are good for patients?

However, too severe dietary restrictions for patients are undesirable. Moreover, for a quick recovery, the body needs certain vitamins and minerals. Patients are advised to include the following foods in their diet:

  • Dishes of skinny varieties of fish and poultry. It is useful to use sardines, pink salmon, mackerel, which include fatty acids.
  • Tomato dishes. This product contains anti-cancer agents.
fresh tomato
fresh tomato
  • All varieties of cabbage (white, red, cauliflower, broccoli).
  • Olive oil, which contains vitamin E. It should be used as a salad dressing.
  • Carrot dishes. This vegetable contains carotene, which speeds up the recovery process of the patient's body.
  • Nut kernels. They contain beneficial lipids.
  • Parsley, dill, leaf lettuce.
  • Low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt, milk). The composition of such products includes proteins, which are also necessary for the patient.
  • Grape juice or red wine, which contains substances that prevent the development of tumors.
  • Mushroom dishes.
  • Dishes from cereals, bran.
  • Green tea (contains antioxidants).
  • Citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, grapefruits, tangerines), as well asmango. These fruits are rich in vitamin C. It has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

Nutritional rules for the second stage of the disease

The diet in this case should be designed in such a way as to reduce the activity of pathological cells and prevent the risk of metastases. If the patient does not adhere to the necessary advice, his condition deteriorates sharply. The diet for grade 2 prostate cancer is based on the following rules:

  1. Get rid of pork and replace it with lean fish, chicken, rabbit or turkey.
  2. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.
  3. As a drink, herbal teas, fruit drinks from berries or fruits are recommended.
  4. Caffeine should be cut completely.

Features of the diet in the third stage of the disease

In this situation, the patient will not be able to completely defeat the pathology. However, it is necessary to reduce the severity of the consequences of the disease. The diet for prostate cancer of the 3rd degree is compiled taking into account the peculiarities of the course of therapy that the man is undergoing.

patient consultation with doctor
patient consultation with doctor

The menu is based on the following principles:

  1. Eating foods rich in vitamin A, E, C.
  2. Include vegetables, fruits, fresh berries, lean fish, chicken or turkey in your daily diet.
  3. It is useful to add vegetable oil to dishes.
  4. Eat whole grains in the morning.
  5. Eat a sufficient amount of fermented milk products with a minimum contentfat.
  6. If there is an increased concentration of calcium in the blood, you need to limit the food, which includes this substance.
  7. From drinks, preference should be given to compotes, herbal teas and fruit drinks prepared at home.

How to eat in the fourth stage of pathology?

This stage of development of a cancerous tumor is considered the most difficult. The patient's body becomes sensitive and reacts even to minor changes. The specialist must carefully select the diet for such patients. The grade 4 prostate cancer diet is based on the following principles:

  1. Balanced and varied diet.
  2. Minimum carbohydrates in the diet.
  3. Eat enough fish, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  4. Frequency of meals - at least 5 times a day, in small quantities.
  5. Don't overeat, especially in the evening.
  6. Vegetable dishes are recommended as a side dish.
  7. From drinks, preference should be given to decoctions of herbs, rose hips, weakly brewed tea with mint leaves.
  8. Restricted intake of s alt, dairy products.
  9. If you have diarrhea, which often occurs during chemotherapy, you should eat boiled rice and include more protein-rich foods in the diet.

If the patient's he alth worsens during the diet, he is not recommended to correct it on his own. You must first consult with your doctor. Vitamin supplements should also not be taken without a specialist's approval.

Features of foodduring chemotherapy period

During treatment, patients experience such unpleasant phenomena as loss of appetite, taste of metal in the mouth. In addition, medications provoke bouts of vomiting, loose stools. The diet for prostate cancer during chemotherapy courses involves the use of sour fruit drinks and juices. Such drinks improve the functioning of the digestive tract, increase appetite. In addition, honey, sweet-tasting fruits, dried fruits, and low-fat milkshakes should be included in the diet. On the day of taking medication, the patient should consume enough fluids and meals that include proteins.

Proper nutrition during treatment with hormonal drugs

Means of this kind are often recommended to patients to reduce the likelihood of tumor growth. Medications reduce the production of testosterone. The diet for prostate cancer during hormone therapy involves the rejection of milk and red meat, as these foods increase the production of this substance. The patient is advised to consume more greens, fruits, berries, nut kernels, salads.

fresh vegetables
fresh vegetables

Foods containing selenium, B vitamins should be included in the diet. Special supplements should be taken as directed by a doctor.

Diet during radiotherapy

This treatment can lead to increased urine output. In the event of such a side effect, the following types of food should be excluded:

  1. Cheese, cottage cheese, meat and other high protein foods.
  2. Wheat flour and foods containing starch.
  3. Fatty foods, canned food, pickles, smoked meats and seasonings.
  4. Spinach, horseradish, garlic, onion.
  5. Radish, radish, sorrel.
  6. Soups based on fish, meat, poultry and mushrooms.
  7. Alcohol-containing products.
  8. Foods containing a lot of sugar.

Should be included in the diet:

  1. Mineral water recommended by the doctor.
  2. Juices and compotes with non-sour taste.
  3. Morses made from blueberries, blueberries, lingonberries.
  4. Weakly brewed tea.
  5. Whole grain dishes.
  6. Melons and watermelons.
  7. Fresh vegetables and fruits.
  8. Decoctions of herbs.

Diet after surgery

Removal of the tumor is an important part of the treatment of patients with malignant tumors. Proper nutrition during the rehabilitation period helps the patient not only recover quickly, but also prevent the recurrence of the disease. The diet after prostate cancer surgery is to eat the following foods:

  1. Green tea.
  2. Olive oil.
  3. Cabbage of all kinds.
  4. Turnip.
  5. Seafood.
  6. Radishes.
  7. Rotabaga.
  8. Vegetables and fruits containing iron and vitamin C. They help restore lost blood, improve the immune system.

Do I need to adjust my diet while recovering from prostate cancer? The diet recommended by experts should be based on the Mediterranean diet.

mediterranean diet
mediterranean diet

It consists in the use of a sufficient amount of cereals, fish dishes, vegetables and fruits, vegetable lipids (olive oil, nut kernels). Red meat, butter, dairy products should be limited.

Approximate diet for the day

This sample menu was designed by experts. The patient can slightly change it to his liking. It is only important not to violate the prohibitions. Only approved foods for prostate cancer should be included in the diet.

In the morning, dried fruits or nut kernels with juice, compote or water are recommended. A little later, you can eat a meal of cereals with tea or steamed rice grits and a fish patty.

Daytime, the first course based on vegetables or beans is allowed. As a drink, a decoction of herbs is used. For the second, fish with greens and salad is recommended.

Snack consists of a low-fat fermented milk product in the amount of 150 g. You can replace it with juice with biscuits or a handful of dried fruits with tea.

In the evening you should eat stewed vegetables and boiled chicken. In addition, compote with crackers is recommended for dinner.

Diet after removal of the prostate in cancer, as well as the correct diet during the period of use of drugs - an important condition for rapid recovery and a better effect of therapy. We should not forget that the use of he althy products helps to avoid relapse and prolong the patient's life even in the later stages of the disease.
