Which is better - "Validol" or "Nitroglycerin"? Comparison of drugs, indications for use, mechanism of action

Which is better - "Validol" or "Nitroglycerin"? Comparison of drugs, indications for use, mechanism of action
Which is better - "Validol" or "Nitroglycerin"? Comparison of drugs, indications for use, mechanism of action

In what cases is it best to use "Validol", and in which - "Nitroglycerin"? As a rule, people do not always see the difference between these drugs. The effectiveness of "Validol" in heart disease is very doubtful, its pharmacological activity is poorly expressed, but there are practically no side effects. What is better - "Validol" or "Nitroglycerin" - for pain in the heart?

The second remedy is considered more effective in cardiovascular diseases. They differ among themselves in activity, as well as in the range of indications and side effects.

what is better validol or nitroglycerin
what is better validol or nitroglycerin

When and what medicine is better to take

In what cases are Validol and Nitroglycerin taken? The composition of the first drug contains valerian ether and menthol. The drug has a slight sedative effect and quickly dilates the coronary vessels.

"Validol" from what else helps? With it you can:

  1. Eliminate minor pains in the heart. Most people who suffer from chronic cardiac diseases keep Validol in their first aid kit as a first aid medicine.
  2. Calm down with hysteria and neurotic conditions.

It must be admitted that "Validol" is a very weak medicine, it's almost menthol lollipops.

What helps "Validol"? This drug can eliminate the pain syndrome near the heart, which is caused by vegetovascular dystonia, as well as neurosis, as it has a slight calming effect on the nervous system, and its vasodilating effect is too weak and occurs reflexively.

But "Nitroglycerin", on the contrary, has proven itself as a "reactive" medicine for patients who have developed acute ischemic heart pain. The drug can eliminate discomfort in a short time and acts as a benchmark against which all modern remedies are compared, suitable for solving such problems.

The therapeutic effect of nitroglycerin is that it dramatically expands the capillaries, from which the heart itself is nourished. Thanks to such a complex effect on the myocardium and surrounding vessels, it ensures the stability and instantaneous therapeutic effect.

what does Validol help with?
what does Validol help with?

How to take"Validol"

Tablets "Validol" are recommended to patients for resorption under the tongue. You can use the medication regardless of the meal, three times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the specialist individually for each patient.

If within 10-15 minutes after the resorption of the drug there is no positive pharmacological effect, then the patient should consult a doctor to prescribe another medication. With nausea while riding in transport, it is enough to take "Validol" once.

Using "Nitroglycerin"

To prevent complications, you must use the drug as prescribed by the doctor. According to the instructions for use for Nitroglycerin tablets, the dosage is 1 piece.

It is kept in the oral cavity until completely dissolved, without swallowing. "Nitroglycerin" must be used immediately when the first symptoms of an angina attack occur or before the proposed physical exercises.

With stable angina, the effect may also come from a lower dosage, in this situation, the remainder of the tablet, which has not resolved, should be spit out. In most cases, improvement is noted within the first 3 minutes of taking Nitroglycerin. If an attack of angina pectoris is not eliminated within five minutes, you need to take 1 more tablet.

If there is no pharmacological effect after using 2 Nitroglycerin tablets, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Spray injectedon or under the tongue, best of all - in a sitting position, while holding your breath. After injection, the medicine is not swallowed immediately, but held for a few seconds.

To avoid complications, "Nitroglycerin" must be used as prescribed by the doctor. When the first symptoms of angina pectoris occur, 1-2 dosages of the spray are administered.

If necessary, another injection is likely, but no more than three doses within 15 minutes. If after using 3 doses during this time the condition has not improved, it is important to consult a doctor. The maximum single concentration is 3 spray doses.

If the purpose for the use of "Nitroglycerin" is considered to be the prevention of angina pectoris, the medication is used in 1 dose ten minutes before a possible load or stress. It is not necessary to shake the spray before use.

validol and nitroglycerin comparison
validol and nitroglycerin comparison

Can Validol and Nitroglycerin be taken together

Yes, it's allowed. Although "Validol" expands the capillaries and has a sedative effect on the body, it is useless for angina pectoris. But still, it is not recommended to immediately refuse to use it. Since during an angina pectoris attack the patient not only experiences pain behind the sternum, but also the fear of death.

"Validol" will help eliminate this fear. Nitroglycerin can quickly neutralize a heart attack, but it provokes nausea and headache, which can also be removed with Validol. Therefore, in this situation, it is best to use these medicines at the same time.

when to take nitroglycerin and when to take validol
when to take nitroglycerin and when to take validol

What are the differences between drugs

What is the difference between "Validol" and "Nitroglycerin"? Both medicines have long been known to everyone.

But despite this, there will always be those people whom the question of what is the difference between "Validol" and "Nitroglycerin" puts in a difficult position. And the difference is significant, starting from the appointment, dose, ending with adverse reactions.

can validol and nitroglycerin be taken together
can validol and nitroglycerin be taken together

When drugs are prescribed

When to take "Nitroglycerin" and when "Validol"? Indications for use vary. Here are the situations in which Validol should be used:

  1. Stable mild angina pectoris (attacks of sudden onset chest pain that develops as a result of an acute shortage of blood supply to the heart muscle).
  2. Pain of various etiologies.
  3. Insomnia (a pathological condition in which the process of onset and maintenance of sleep is disturbed).
  4. Neurotic disorders (a collective name for a group of functional psychogenic reversible disorders with a tendency to a protracted course).
  5. Kinetosis (sickness disease develops in people when riding ships, cars, planes, less often on a train).
  6. Migraine (the primary form of headache, the symptoms of which are recurrent attacks of headachemedium to high intensity).
  7. Hysterical disorder (a personality disorder characterized by an inexhaustible need for attention, unstable self-esteem, overestimation of the significance of gender, feigned behavior).
  8. Panic attack (an anxiety attack that is accompanied by causeless fear, combined with various symptoms).
  9. Nausea.
what is the difference between validol and nitroglycerin
what is the difference between validol and nitroglycerin

Which is better - "Validol" or "Nitroglycerin"? The second drug is considered an active ingredient for many nitro drugs:

  1. For acute angina pain, it can be used as a sublingual tablet, spray or IV.
  2. In acute myocardial infarction (a focus of ischemic myocardial necrosis, which occurs after an acute violation of the coronary circulation).
  3. Myocardial insufficiency (disruption of the heart muscle).
  4. Hypertensive crisis (a serious illness that is provoked by an increase in blood pressure, manifested clinically and involves an immediate decrease in blood pressure to limit target organ damage).

Which is better - Validol or Nitroglycerin, many people are interested.

Adverse reactions "Validol"

The preparation does not contain monosaccharides, so it can be given to people who suffer from diabetes. Patients tend to tolerate it well, sometimes there are negative effects:

  1. Angiodystrophy (violation of vascular tone and blood circulation in a separate place or in the entire circulatory system at once).
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Nettle rash.
  4. Epigastric pain.
  5. Vomiting.

All of the above symptoms do not need treatment, they go away on their own in a short time.

Negative effects of "Nitroglycerin"

But "Nitroglycerin" has more adverse reactions, but it also acts somewhat stronger than "Validol". Negative effects that the drug can provoke:

  1. Dizziness.
  2. Redness.
  3. vomit.
  4. Cardiac arrhythmia (a pathological condition in which there are violations of the frequency, rhythm and sequence of excitation and contraction of the heart).
  5. Nausea.
  6. Syncope
  7. Skin allergic manifestations.
  8. A sharp drop in blood pressure with increased signs of angina pectoris.

These negative phenomena are provoked by a sharp expansion of the cerebral capillaries, which causes a lot of blood to flow to the brain. But the effect of "Nitroglycerin" is short-lived, and when it ends, side reactions also pass.

Restrictions on taking "Validol"

Tablets are not prescribed in pediatrics and with individual intolerance to the active substance. With extreme caution, "Validol" is prescribed to people with respiratory failure andbronchial asthma.

This medicine is not recommended for patients with acute myocardial infarction.

Contraindications to "Nitroglycerin"

Use the drug is prohibited in the following pathological conditions, which include:

  1. Arterial hypotension (prolonged condition of the body, characterized by low blood pressure and various autonomic disorders: lower body temperature, sweating of the feet and hands, pallor).
  2. Constrictive pericarditis (fibrous thickening of the pericardial layers and obliteration of the pericardial cavity, leading to compression of the heart and impaired diastolic filling of the ventricles).
  3. Squeezing the heart.
  4. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (primary isolated myocardial lesion, characterized by hypertrophy of the ventricles (often left) with a reduced or normal volume of their cavities).
  5. Increased intracranial pressure.
  6. Angle-closure glaucoma with increased intraocular pressure (a pathological process that leads to injury to the optic nerve).

Before starting therapy with Nitroglycerin, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications.

validol or nitroglycerin for pain in the heart
validol or nitroglycerin for pain in the heart

Comparison of "Validol" and "Nitroglycerin" during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug "Validol" is sometimes recommended to women during an interesting situation in the first three months to alleviate early toxicosis. According toto the responses of expectant mothers, the pills are really good at neutralizing nausea, as well as increased salivation and preventing increased gas formation.

The use of medication in women in position should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor, while it is important to monitor the pulse and pressure. During lactation, you can use "Validol", but only under strict medical conditions.

"Nitroglycerin" can be used during pregnancy. But this is only in the situation when for the unborn child there will be more benefit from it than harm. During its use, it is necessary to refuse breastfeeding. Therefore, it will not work to say which is better - "Validol" or "Nitroglycerin" - during pregnancy.
