Unfortunately, many patients complain about tingling in the hands and feet. This problem is present in people regardless of age category, gender, weight and their physical activity. Discomfort in the upper and lower extremities appears not only after a hard day, but also from a number of reasons. Unpleasant sensations can also occur when the human body is at rest. What could this indicate?

What are the tingling sensations?
Tingling in arms and legs happens:
- Permanent. Lasts a very long time. The person is practically exhausted from pain symptoms.
- Short-term. Continues for several minutes.
By feeling:
- Painful. Leaking tingling with sharp and sharp sensations.
- Weak. The person barely notices the symptoms that appear.
By the nature of tingling, doctorsestablish the potential cause of their occurrence. Of course, a full medical conclusion can only be made after a thorough examination and a series of tests. But in most cases, this is a signal of internal disturbances in the human body.

Influence of disease
Tingling in the hands and feet is provoked by many factors associated with acute and chronic diseases. These include nerve damage, impaired blood supply to the vessels, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, Buerger's disease, and multiple sclerosis. Lyme disease should be added to the listed list of diseases. Sometimes tingling leads people to a panic state, anxiety, heart-rending screams. If the cause is not identified in time and timely treatment is not started, this problem will lead to swelling of the joints and arthritis.
Tingling in the legs: causes
In the human spine there are a large number of nerve roots that stimulate the motor functions of the limbs. The lumbar region is responsible for the innervation of the legs. He requires special attention. The largest and strongest vertebrae are concentrated in this area. However, due to weight lifting, injury, their strength is impaired, which leads to all sorts of diseases.
Besides this, the strength of blood flow to the legs also changes. Tingling in the toes is most often associated with the fact that the vessels also receive an increased load. Moreover, venous blood must still overcome incredible efforts in order to make its circulation when squeezed.certain areas of the body, such as when a person is sitting.

Therefore, if tingling in the legs bothers you, the reasons must be established immediately. The practice of doctors and scientific research has long confirmed the fact that the following can contribute to the development of diseases that cause such sensations:
- alcohol;
- radiation exposure;
- muscle strain;
- dehydration;
- high blood sugar;
- lack of vitamins;
- women's menopause and more.
Discomfort in hands
The causes of tingling hands are not always associated with the same disease. If the symptoms are localized symmetrically, this is a characteristic sign of s alt deposits in the cervical spine. Accompanying tingling will be pain in the head and neck. The picture of the disease can also be aggravated by turning the upper parts of the torso of the body. Clinical manifestations usually make themselves felt after prolonged tension of the neck muscles.
Sprains, tendon ruptures, broken bones are no less important factors leading to tingling in the hands. The edematous limb compresses the soft tissues, and there is no normal blood supply to the damaged area. Symmetry of symptoms in this case is absent. Only the injured hand will feel the tingling discomfort. The same signs are characteristic of vascular pathology.

You should be wary of such a symptom as tingling in your left hand. This is the first sign that a person has developed angina pectoris or other serious malfunctions in the cardiovascular system.
In the left hand, it can also tingle against the background of a aching headache. Sometimes, in this condition, one side of the body begins to go numb, including the face, arm, leg. The main causes of this condition are ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular accident. In no case should such attacks be ignored, otherwise the picture of the disease will turn into a diagnosis of “stroke” and paralysis of the limbs will occur on the left or right side.
Problems in the hands
Carpal tunnel syndrome of the wrist is a likely answer to the question: "Why does tingling occur in the hands?" This symptom began to manifest itself more and more often not only in adults, but also in children. This is due to the constant use of the keyboard and mouse. Some systemic diseases, heredity, mature age, cervical osteochondrosis are also the cause of impaired innervation processes.
The wrist connects the radius and ulna, including the eight bones of the hand, the median nerve passes, and the tendons are located. If the tunnel canal is under constant pressure, the tendons will swell, pinching the nerve, resulting in tingling.

How can I help myself?
Tingling in the hands and feet, not associated with serious diseases, can be eliminated by yourself:
- Change posture while lying or sitting.
- Make a light massage of the problem area.
- Purchase a comfortablefree shoes. Women will have to give preference to models without high heels.
- Switch to a balanced diet. Eat more foods containing vitamin B and potassium.
Yoga has a good effect, because many positions relax the muscles, which improves blood circulation.
Treatment of similar conditions
Treatment of tingling in the arms and legs is carried out by various methods after a complete diagnosis of a person's he alth status: massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy exercises and much more. Immediate medical intervention is required when the patient's condition is when there is a direct threat of myocardial infarction and stroke. For quick relief of symptoms, drug therapy with special drugs is prescribed.