People suffering from diabetes, vitamins are prescribed quite often. This is due to the fact that due to chronically elevated blood sugar levels, diabetics have frequent urination. Because of this, the body loses a lot of minerals that are excreted in the urine. The resulting deficiency of useful trace elements must be replenished. Therefore, special vitamins have been created for people with diabetes.
Benefits of vitamins for diabetics
And the benefits for diabetics are undeniable. He alth problems develop due to high blood sugar levels. Therefore, diabetic vitamins are being developed for different organs and systems. The benefits of trace elements and vitamins are below.
- Magnesium. This mineral has a positive effect on the human nervous system, calms excessive excitement, and significantly reduces the symptoms of premenstrual syndromes in women. It also normalizes the pressure in the arteries, normalizes the heart rhythm. In addition, it increases the sensitivity of tissues to the effects of insulin. A distinctive feature is the low price of magnesium with its high efficiency.
- Alpha-lipoic acid. It is useful for those who suffer from diabetic neuropathy. It not only stops its development, but also reverses the disease when taken for a long time. In men suffering from diabetes, nerve conduction improves, as a result, potency is restored. You can supplement your acid intake with vitamin B. This acid is quite expensive.
- Eye vitamins for diabetics are prescribed to inhibit the development of retinopathy, glaucoma and cataracts.
- Coenzyme Q10 and L-carnitine. These elements help to strengthen the heart. They also help increase energy in humans.
Vitamin intake for diabetics brings obvious benefits. In addition, they have very few restrictions, so you can buy them without a doctor's prescription. Caution should be only for people who have kidney failure or liver problems, as well as pregnant women.

Common features of vitamins
Whatever complex is chosen for the treatment of a particular disease in diabetes, all complexes have common features. They are expressed in the presence of the following beneficial substances in all formulations of vitamins for diabetics:
- Vitamins from group B.
- Antioxidants.
- Minerals including zinc, chromium and selenium.
This generalization is explained by the fact that diabetes mellitus causes thickening of the walls of blood vessels. Because of this, fibrin and cholesterol molecules are attached to the walls. The lumen in the vessels decreases, as a result of which the systems and organs in the body suffer from constantnutrient deficiency. In this regard, the general composition of vitamin complexes helps to build a protective barrier for the nervous system of the body, as well as improve metabolism and bind a large number of radicals that are formed when there is a lack of oxygen in the body.
Zinc, which is part of vitamin complexes, is involved in the synthesis of insulin. Chromium contributes to the normalization of the activity of the channels that carry glucose from the blood to the tissues. For people with type 2 diabetes, type 2 diabetic vitamins with higher chromium content are needed, as the body stops absorbing it.
Doppelhertz Active
According to the rating of vitamins for diabetics, the most popular supplement for people with diabetes is the Doppelherz Active complex. These vitamins are produced in two versions: classic diabetic and for vision.
The complex for diabetics contains the entire set of vitamins from group B, which contribute to the normalization of the central nervous system. At the same time, the content of nicotinic acid in the complex is increased, which affects the ordering of the process of cholesterol metabolism and the expansion of blood vessels. Increased in the preparation and the content of B9. Folic acid promotes the synthesis of proteins and acids (nucleic acids), and also has a positive effect on tissue regeneration.

The complex also contains a small amount of vitamin E (42 mg) and biotin (vitamin H), which has a stimulating effect on the process of tissue regeneration, as well asincreases cellular insulin sensitivity.
In addition to vitamins, the drug contains chromium, magnesium, zinc and selenium. Chromium (and in an increased amount), in addition to the main functions, helps to reduce the cravings of a diabetic for sweets. Zinc promotes the synthesis of insulin molecules, and selenium is a powerful natural antioxidant.
In the process of replenishing the deficiency of nutrients in the human body, he alth improves, metabolic processes return to normal, and patients' resistance to various stresses and problem situations increases. In type 1 or type 2 diabetes, patients are prescribed half a tablet or one tablet of the complex (if there are no contraindications).
Vitamins for diabetics "Doppelgerz" is recommended for taking at any stage of diabetes, without complications and with complications. It is especially recommended for people who buy drugs that reduce sugar levels, and diabetics with damage and dryness of the skin. Diabetics need to take vitamins one at a time.
This type of Doppelherz vitamin for diabetics is very different in composition from the classic version, since this complex focuses on vision.
Unlike other diabetic vitamins, this complex contains lutein and zeaxanthin. These substances contribute to the normalization of the functioning of the visual organs, reduce the need for oxygen delivery to the optic nerves, and, together with other substances, synthesize visual pigments.
The complex also contains vitamin E, or tocopherol,in small quantities; A, which enhances the antioxidant properties of tocopherol and prevents retinopathy. Also, with the help of retinol, the visual analyzer works without interruption.

It is important to know that the vitamins contained in the complex are fat-soluble, so their removal from the body is a long process, there is a risk of vitamin A hypervitaminosis and intoxication. Therefore, without a medical recommendation, taking the complex for more than two months is not recommended.
The indisputable advantage of the complex is its strong activity as an antioxidant, the ability to restore and improve eye regeneration processes.
This complex also contains water-soluble vitamins such as B2 (normalizes the central nervous system) and C (antioxidant). The drug contains lipoic acid, which normalizes carbohydrate metabolism. In addition, the eye complex, as well as the main one, includes zinc, selenium and chromium (in a reduced concentration).
This complex is recommended for patients who:
- Visual or eye problems associated with diabetic retinopathy.
- Visual or eye problems or being overweight.
- Visual or eye problems along with sugar-lowering medications.
Werwag-Pharma Food Supplement
When choosing which vitamins are best for diabetics, you should pay attention to the German supplement from Werwag-Pharma. This complex contains almost the entire set of vitamins from group B, as well as biotin in a small amount, zinc and selenium. It also contains fat-soluble micronutrients such as tocopherol and beta-carotene, i.e. provitamin A.
Their advantages are as follows:
- contains the optimal amount of vitamins;
- no risk of overdose;
- take once a day;
- issue of thirty and ninety tablets, you can buy tablets for a monthly course or immediately for a quarter;
- affordable price.
There are also disadvantages. These include:
- lack of nicotinic acid in the complex, which regulates vascular tone and fat metabolism in the body;
- when smokers consume beta-carotene along with vitamin A, there is an increased risk of lung cancer;
- lack of lipoic acid, which is an antioxidant and takes part in the regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

This complex is especially recommended for patients diagnosed with diabetic lesions of the central nervous system, the symptoms of which include tingling, burning, pain in the legs / arms, decrease / loss of sensation in the palms or feet.
Complivit Diabetes
This is a Russian-made complex. It contains more useful substances than the previous one. It also contains almost the entire set of B vitamins, ascorbic, folic and nicotinic acids, as well as vitamin E. Other nutrients they contain are magnesium, chromium, zinc and selenium. Lipoic acid is also present in a small amount. Magnesium, albeit in a small concentration, in the vitamin complex takes part in streamlining vascular tone, and also improves the functioning of the central nervous system.
The special ingredient in these vitamins and minerals for diabetics is Ginkgo biloba extract (16mg). The substances included in the extract improve cerebral circulation. The dosage, as in previous cases, is one tablet per day.
The following categories of patients are especially recommended to purchase such vitamins for diabetics:
- Smokers and people who buy drugs that reduce sugar.
- Suffering from lesions of the central nervous system in diabetes.
- Those who are overweight.
Alphabet Diabetes
The next complex from the category of “what vitamins diabetics need to drink” is the Alphabet complex. This preparation contains minerals and vitamins in multi-colored tablets, which must be taken three times a day, one at a time.
This complex contains almost all important trace elements. In addition to the main set, it contains iron, manganese, copper, calcium and iodine, but in very small quantities. The preparation also contains vitamin D. It is useful for diabetics, since together with vitamin K it is involved in calcium-phosphorus metabolism and blood clotting. In addition, the composition includes extracts of beneficial plants (dandelion, burdock and blueberries), which stimulate the release of insulin (endogenous), resulting in a decrease in blood glucose levels.

Purchasesuch vitamins for diabetics, despite the difficulty of taking, are recommended for elderly patients who do not have other diseases, but have vision problems.
Glucose modulators
Despite little fame, one cannot ignore such a name of vitamins for diabetics as "Glucose Modulators". Despite the small concentration of nutrients, there are a lot of them in the complex.
Of the considered substances, this complex includes lipoic acid, magnesium, chromium, zinc. Previously not considered pantothenic acid and niacin are involved in carbohydrate metabolism, and also increase the nutrition of cells with glucose. In addition, the complex contains extracts of bitter Chinese melon, tea (green) and fenugreek. Together, they help stimulate the natural production of insulin, normalize fat metabolism and accelerate carbohydrate metabolism.
The vitamin complex includes inulin, which is difficult to digest by the stomach and intestines, but prevents the absorption of glucose into the blood, absorbing most of the glucose from food.
Purchasing such a drug is best for those who have a slight increase in blood sugar levels for the first time, as well as for those who need to increase the effectiveness of purchased hypoglycemic drugs.

Features of rated vitamins
After analyzing reviews of vitamins for diabetics, we can draw the following conclusions about the considered rating vitamins:
- Complex "Doppelgerz Active" - ideal for people suffering fromcaused by diabetes, skin problems (irritation, dryness, etc.).
- Complex "Doppelherz Active OphthalmoDiabetoVit" is designed primarily for diabetics with vision problems and overweight. The lutein, zeaxantite and vitamin A contained in the complex not only improve the condition of the organs of vision, but also prevent complications from their side. And acid (lipoic) helps to get rid of excess weight.
- Verwag-Pharm's vitamin complex is especially designed for diabetics who have been suffering from diabetes for a long time and for those who have complications from it. The antioxidants necessary for this are released due to the presence of beta-carotene and tocopherol in the complex.
- Complex "Complivit Diabetes", due to the content of lipoic acid in it, is perfect for people suffering, along with diabetes, overweight. In addition, it is suitable for those who have insufficient cerebral blood supply.
- "Alphabet Diabetes" is designed for people suffering from high blood sugar levels, as well as vision problems. The multi-colored tablets included in the complex, with different contents of minerals and vitamins, extracts of dandelion, blueberry and burdock, contribute to the resolution of these problems.
- Glucose Modulators is very useful for overweight people and those who need to produce their own insulin. In addition, it is recommended for those who have recently developed diabetes problems. This effect is achieved due to the presence of extracts in the complex.herbs and acid (lipoic).
Doctors advice
According to doctors, vitamins must be taken both in diagnosing type 1 diabetes and in identifying type 2. This is due to the fact that most of the vitamins do not stay in the body for a long time and can even be excreted practically when they enter the body. According to clinical studies, it is possible to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients without taking a vitamin complex by eating one kilogram of fish (marine), a large number of fruits (exotic), berries daily, which is almost impossible in practice.

Doctors recommend taking vitamin complexes due to the fact that a person's well-being improves along with the saturation of the body with useful substances. In addition, immunity is strengthened, which affects the body's ability to prevent complications caused by a deficiency of useful trace elements.
When choosing balanced complexes in which the emphasis is on magnesium, doctors recommend choosing those in which vitamin B6 is combined with magnesium. This helps to increase the effect of the substance.
When taking previously unacquired vitamin complexes, doctors advise paying attention to the sensations of taking. If the effect of the reception is not noticeable, you should change the complex. Due to the nature of the disease, the state of he alth in a positive direction should change from the beginning of the reception. If you feel worse from vitamins, you should immediately stop drinking them and consult a specialist.
Choosing a complex,you need to not only pay attention to the composition, but also carefully study the reviews on the complex. Also, be sure to consult your doctor before taking it. Despite the fact that complexes for diabetics are practically safe, potential risks still exist.
Diabetes is an insidious disease, so it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations, take pills, dietary supplements, eat right, try not to violate the treatment regimen. With this disease, it is quite possible to live fully if you develop good habits: lead an active lifestyle, do not overeat, engage in moderate physical activity.