Warming ointments for athletes before training are usually recommended to accelerate blood flow and improve metabolic processes at the site of application. With the biological fluid, the nutritional components that are needed for tissue repair come to the affected area. As a result, such medicines successfully heal, as well as eliminate pain, eliminate complications, and reduce inflammation.
The warming effect of drugs occurs due to certain substances, for example:
- apitoxin;
- snake venom;
- 8-methyl-6-nonenoic acid vanillamide;
- camphor;
- turpentine.
Why is heat therapy needed just before training? Warming ointments for athletes are made with a combined composition, with the help of which they have several actions at once,for example, they eliminate discomfort during movement or warm and eliminate the inflammatory process.
As a rule, warming preparations are used in the presence of the following conditions and diseases. These include:
- closed soft tissue injury;
- stretching;
- myalgia (pain in the muscles that cause hypertonicity of myocytes, i.e. muscle cells in a state of tension or rest)
- pain syndrome in the joint;
- neuralgia (a pathology that manifests itself in damage to certain parts of the peripheral nerves);
- sciatica (damage to the roots of the spinal cord, causing motor, autonomic and pain disorders).
- vasodilation;
- pain relief;
- rheumatism (a systemic inflammatory disease of the connective tissue with predominant localization of the pathological process in the membranes of the heart).

Which drug to choose
List of the best warming ointments for athletes before training:
- "Apisatron".
- "Viprosal".
- "Virapin".
- "Ben Gay".
- "Thermobalm Rescuer Forte".
- "Gymnastogal".
- "Nicoflex".
- "Capsicam".
- "Efkamon".
- "Finalgon".
- "Espol".
- "Myoton".
It is not uncommon for a muscle to be torn orits stretching. In such cases, Thai warming ointment for athletes is widely used, it is also used before physical exertion. Depending on their composition, such preparations can have both warming and cooling effects. For athletes, it is good to use balms based on scorpion and cobra venom. Another great remedy is Counterpain ointment, which comes in different colors: blue, yellow and red. The latter option is more suitable for intense physical exertion.

All of the above medicines also do an excellent job with osteochondrosis and similar musculoskeletal diseases.
In addition, sports warming ointments for muscles and joints are often used by athletes as protective preparations before physical exertion. This allows you to avoid stiffness during movements. In order not to injure already existing problem areas, athletes warm up the damaged areas with ointments. Such funds allow you to increase the mobility of the joints.
In addition, masseurs use them for medical procedures. People with sciatica also use these drugs to treat their lower back.
Ointments that warm up muscles are not always allowed for athletes. In case of injury, consult a medical professional before using the drug.
As a rule, immediately after tissue damage, on the contrary, it is necessary to cool this area with the help of compresses or ice. Byafter a certain period of time, doctors recommend the use of such medicines.
Therefore, apply warming ointments for muscles before training very carefully so that there is no complication. If the goal is to prepare the muscles before exercise, the medicine must be gently rubbed into the area of \u200b\u200bthe muscle that will be subject to maximum stress.
The same should be done with the joints. It is especially important to warm up the muscles before doing heavy basic exercises.
Warming ointments for athletes before training are used by athletes to eliminate pain and increase blood flow in the tissues. As a rule, drugs are used for a number of ailments of the musculoskeletal system.
They eliminate unpleasant signs and help accelerate the regenerative processes in tissues. Another reason for the use of drugs is preventive measures to prevent injuries during exercise and myalgia.
Together with a warm-up, pre-workout warming ointments will help prepare a whole muscle group and significantly reduce injury risk during a number of exercises.
What restrictions do drugs have
In an "interesting position" it is forbidden to apply warming creams, especially if the medicine contains poisons. In addition, such drugs are contraindicated in children under twelve years of age and women during lactation. The list of restrictions also includes the following states:
- Individual allergic reactions.
- Skin disorderscovers.
- Exacerbation of musculoskeletal diseases.
- Chronic hepatitis (inflammation, which is characterized by fibrous and necrotic changes in liver tissue and cells without disturbing the structure of the lobules and signs of portal hypertension).
- Tuberculosis (contagious infectious disease, the main source of which are pathogens).
- Diabetes mellitus (chronic metabolic disorder, which is based on a lack of insulin production and an increase in glucose levels).
How to use sports warming ointments for muscles before training
It must be remembered that they are not recommended to be applied to skin with broken integrity. It is strictly forbidden to use such ointments on the mucous membranes, moreover, it is necessary to ensure that the medicine does not penetrate there, as negative reactions may occur.
Before use, the affected area of the skin should be prepared - cleaned and heated by rubbing. Apply balms and ointments in an even layer in a small amount only on the broken cover no more than three times a day.
Duration of therapy is a maximum of seven days, after which it must be stopped, otherwise poisoning may occur.
All warming creams for athletes before training are divided into two categories:
- based on pepper;
- based on various poisons.
Both types are effective, but they still need to be selected individually.
The fact is that not all patients toleratecapsaicin (a component found in hot peppers), to which some athletes develop an allergy on the skin.
In this situation, it is better not to apply a warming ointment for athletes before training, but switch to other options with a similar active ingredient. Next, the most effective drugs will be considered.

Medication for external use with local irritant and analgesic effects. The active substances of the ointment have a prolonged warming effect, which helps:
- Eliminate tension and fatigue at the application site.
- Improve tissue nutrition and blood circulation.
Tincture of capsicum, which is included in the structure of the drug, has a distracting and analgesic effect by increasing the temperature of the skin at the site of application. "Efkamon" is an effective warming cream before training.
Other botanicals, such as camphor, as well as menthol, mustard, clove and eucalyptus oils, reduce inflammation and have a positive effect through a distracting and relaxing effect.

Ben Gay
A good analgesic, which is also often used to eliminate fatigue after physical exertion. Produced in two forms:
- pain relief ointment;
- balm.
The main substances of the drug are menthol and methyl salicylate.
The first eliminates pain, and the second has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. This combination improves blood circulation in the tissues and helps them heal faster.
According to the instructions for use, it is known that the drug is also used to treat joints that are affected by arthritis. When using the drug, the active substances are completely adsorbed through the skin, actively penetrate into the focus of inflammation, providing an analgesic effect.
Topical application helps dilate blood vessels while providing a cooling effect that eventually changes to a slight burning sensation. The drug promotes the rapid removal of lactic acid from the muscles.
Using the ointment promotes:
- Reduce inflammation in the muscles.
- Increasing endurance during physical exertion.
- Prevents the development of pain.
What other warming ointments for joints before training are there?

Medication of plant origin, which has an analgesic effect on the body, as well as a local irritating and distracting effect. The use of the drug improves the microcirculation of the biological fluid.
It is used to quickly repair closed injuries. According to reviews, it is known that the drug causes a feeling of warmth and redness of the skin about ten minutes after its application.
According toinstructions for use, the ointment is rubbed into the painful areas of the epidermis with a thin layer two to three times a day. After using the medication, wash your hands well with soap and water. To enhance the pharmacological action, you can apply a dry dressing on top.
It is not recommended to allow the ointment to get into the visual organs, mucous membranes and broken areas of the skin. If allergic reactions occur, the ointment should be removed with a cloth moistened with soapy water. The drug does not affect the ability to drive.

Warming ointment for muscles and joints contains two active ingredients at once:
- nonivamide:
- nicoboxil.
Nonivamide is considered a synthetic generic of capsaicin and has analgesic and vasodilating effects. Nicoboxil is included in most brands of warming ointments for muscles and joints.
The combination of these components improves metabolism in the area of action, which helps to quickly heal muscles after injury.
"Finalgon" is for external use only. Before starting therapy, the drug is applied in a small amount to the skin to exclude allergies. In the absence of side effects, a certain pharmacological dosage in the area of inflammation is used.
The applied ointment is rubbed with light movements. With prolonged drug therapy, its effectiveness may be somewhatdecrease, which requires an increase in dosage to achieve certain warming and analgesic effects. The average frequency of use of the drug is from two to three times a day at regular intervals.
The ointment is applied thirty minutes before the expected physical activity. In the absence of proper pharmacological action, it is necessary to stop therapy and consult a doctor.
Before starting treatment, you need to read the annotation to the drug and pay attention to certain features:
- Since the drug provokes vasodilation, in the area of its application there is hyperemia of the skin, as well as burning and itching. Such signs are more pronounced when applying a large amount of ointment or with intensive rubbing.
- After using the product, wash your hands well with soap and water.
- You need to carefully use the medicine, avoiding contact with he althy areas of the epidermis.
- It is necessary to carefully avoid the penetration of the ointment on the mucous membranes or conjunctiva of the visual organ. If this happens, then they should be washed with water, and then consult a doctor.
- It is not recommended to take a shower or bath before and after using the medicine.
- Sweating can cause a recurrence of heat or burning.
- Because this medicine contains sorbic acid, its use may cause contact dermatitis.

This is one of the most famous sports pre-workout warm-up ointments. The medication contains several active ingredients at once:
- 8-methyl-6-nonenoic acid vanillamide;
- ethylnicotinade;
- ethylene glycol salicylate;
- lavender oil.
Together they have analgesic and absorbable effects, as well as increase the temperature of the skin, resulting in a feeling of warmth.
You can use the drug as a preventive measure to prevent injuries before or after training, as well as after bruises or sprains. Another ointment can be used for polyarthritis, as well as arthrosis and neuralgia.
Apply a small layer of an external agent to previously cleansed skin in the painful area of the body. Not recommended for use on broken skin.
Dosing regimen:
- Diseases of the joints: 1 time per day for the first three days, then - 2 times in an equal period of time.
- Warming up the muscles in athletes: 3-5 centimeters of squeezed ointment must be rubbed well into the epidermis during the massage.

The active ingredient in this preparation is bee venom. It improves the elasticity of muscles and connective tissues, and also enhances blood flow and metabolic processes, reduces sensitivity to pain. An allergy test must be done before using the medication.
For thisyou need to apply a little medicine on the skin and wait a few minutes. If an allergic reaction occurs, it is better not to use the medication, but to replace it with a drug with a similar warming effect.
The ointment is contraindicated to be applied to irritated and disturbed skin and to areas that are prone to any skin disease. In case of kidney disease, the medicine should not be used over large areas and for a long time.
It is not recommended to allow the penetration of "Apizartron" into the mucous cavities, into the visual organs and open wounds. During childbearing and lactation, the ointment cannot be used.

The drug has a long-term effect - up to twelve hours. "Capsicam" contains a whole series of components that are designed to improve blood flow and warm up the muscles. It can also be used for sports massage.
The drug has a pronounced irritating effect on the skin, due to which blood flow to the place of application of the ointment increases, providing a warming and analgesic effect.
After applying the drug, the active substances are instantly absorbed into the blood and after a few minutes provoke a feeling of slight burning and warmth in this place.
Due to the warming effect, pain and muscle tension are reduced. The maximum result from the application of "Capsicam" is observed after forty minutes andcontinues for five hours.
The irritating effect of the ointment on small areas of the skin improves human he alth with myalgia, injuries, as well as bruises and inflammation in the joints.

The drug is for external use only. The active substances have a warming and analgesic effect. Getting under the skin, the active ingredient irritates the nerve endings, due to which the blood flow to the place of application of the medication improves.
Patients who used this drug for medicinal purposes noted that already ten minutes after applying the ointment, pain was eliminated.
It is strictly contraindicated to use "Viprosal" orally or apply the ointment on mucous membranes. Wash your hands well after each application.
The drug is not recommended for the treatment of women who are preparing to become mothers. Active substances enter the bloodstream, which means they can cross the placenta to the fetus.
Warming ointments before workouts are a great way to prevent injury. The drugs are classified as hyperemic, due to their ability to increase the blood supply to tissues and, as a result, heat transfer.
That is why, in case of injuries in the first days, the use of such medicines is categorically contraindicated. The use of warming preparations immediately after tissue damage may cause additional irritation.leather.
In general, cooling the injured area for the first few hours should be done with ice, cold water and compresses.
Warming medicines are made on the basis of bee, snake venom, as well as extracts of pepper, chamomile, wormwood and St. John's wort. In bodybuilding, such ointments must be used during intense physical exertion.