Many women dream of beautiful hair that looks he althy and shiny. To achieve such a result, it is important to use only high-quality and effective means. Now everyone is discussing biotin for hair. Whether it helps to strengthen the strands - this will be discussed in the publication, which contains the reviews of the girls.
What is the benefit of biotin?
In general, biotin is a water-soluble vitamin. It is also known under the names "B7", "H" and "coenzyme R". This substance performs the most important functions in the body, one of which is to maintain the hair in excellent condition. What exactly is biotin good for curls, according to experts?
- Promotes the production of keratin. The latter, in turn, forms the basis of the hair and maintains its elasticity.
- Helps to synthesize red blood cells. They deliver oxygen to the hair follicles, which, if sufficient, accelerates hair growth.
- Promotes the production of hemoglobin, which prevents hair loss.
- Also, biotin normalizes the general emotional background and helps fight stress, which can cause deterioration of the curls.

Indications for use and efficacy
As the reviews show, biotin for hair is very useful because it perfectly eliminates the following problems.
- Increased loss of strands.
- Hair breakage.
- Excessive dryness and oiliness of the scalp.
- Split ends.
- Dry seborrhea.
- Inexpressive shade of hair.
It is worth noting that biotin is especially recommended for frequent lightening, coloring and perm. After a course of treatment, the effect appears gradually. First of all, metabolic processes and the work of the nervous system are normalized. Then the he alth of nails and skin improves. And only after that you can see the improvement of the hair. Hair becomes strong, shiny and grows faster.
Interaction with drugs
Reviews of women prove that it is not always possible to use biotin for hair. The fact is that it is not compatible with all drugs. These are vitamin B5, antibiotics, valproic acid, drugs to relieve muscle spasms and cramps.

In addition to medicines, there are products that reduce the absorption of biotin. These are raw eggs, liquor, soda, canned food.
There are also substances that, on the contrary, improve the effect of vitamin H on hair. These are zinc, folic acid, vitamins B5 and B12.
Side effects
Vitamin H is generally well tolerated, according to women's reviews and expert testing. Sometimes there are allergicreactions in the form of itching and skin rash.
If you do not follow the rules of intake or exceed the norm, vitamin B7 can accumulate in the body, which will lead to an overdose. In order for it to pass, it is worth canceling the use of biotin for hair and be sure to consult a doctor. What negative reactions can be observed in case of an overdose?
- Deterioration of the skin condition (increased dryness, peeling, redness, cracks).
- Urticaria, rash.
- Exacerbation of skin diseases.
- Increased dry head, dandruff.
- Deterioration of the condition of the hair, including its loss.
- High blood sugar.

Intake of biotin in the body with food
If you want to take biotin for hair growth and strengthening, then just eat foods that contain this vitamin. Among the most accessible, common and effective, according to women, the following can be noted:
- Dairy products.
- Egg yolks.
- Fish.
- Meat and organ meats (especially liver and kidneys).
- Mushrooms (mostly champignons).
- Any nuts.
- Fruits and berries (especially wild ones).
- Some vegetables (potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, any cabbage and spinach).
- Rice, buckwheat and oatmeal.
- Soya.
- Sprouted wheat.
However, according to women's reviews, biotin for hair will be useful only if these products are prepared correctly. It is important not to handlethem for a long time, since this can significantly reduce the content of vitamin H. And such a restoration of curls will simply become ineffective.
To guarantee to raise the level of vitamin B7 in the body, you can take special supplements with this substance. The choice of drug will depend on the condition of the hair and the reason for the deficiency of biotin.

Vitamin H tablets
Typically, biotin tablets are prescribed for hair to stop hair loss. The therapeutic dose is 20 milligrams per day. For the prevention of hair diseases, 5-10 milligrams of vitamin H is prescribed. This is equivalent to 1-2 tablets. The drug is recommended to drink every day with meals. But it shouldn't be done on a permanent basis. The course of admission is 2-3 months, after which you need to take a break. You can buy biotin tablets at any pharmacy without a prescription.
Multivitamin hair supplements
To prevent brittleness and hair loss as a preventive measure, you can drink complexes that contain not only biotin, but also other vitamins. Such drugs have a multilateral effect not only on the hair, but also on the whole body. They are usually recommended to be taken during the off-season, when nutrients are not contained in the proper amount in the diet.
So, what are the most effective vitamins with biotin for hair? Women's reviews say that these include the following drugs.

- "Biotin Forte" fromEnzymatic Therapy company. The preparation contains all B vitamins, as well as zinc.
- Complex for hair growth from Zenways He alth. The composition includes iodine, zinc and vitamins, including B7.
- "Power of hair" from the company "KAL". The composition of the drug includes several biologically active substances, amino acids and vitamins, including biotin.
- "Maxi Hair Plus" from the American company "Country Life". The drug consists of plant components, contains amino acids, minerals and vitamins of groups B, C and A.
- In Russia, supplements containing biotin are most available for purchase from the companies Perfectil, Vitrum Beauty and Merz.
Biotin against hair loss
Multivitamin complexes will be ineffective if there is a problem of increased hair loss. In this case, only the use of "pure" form of biotin for hair will help. Reviews of the vitamins that women leave indicate that the following drugs can stop the loss of strands.
- Biotin from Jarred Formula. One tablet contains 5 milligrams of the substance.
- Biotin from Solgar. Available in 0, 3, 5 and 10 mg vitamin H tablets.
- Biotin from Naw Foods. There are tablets with a dosage of the substance of 1 and 5 milligrams. The company also produces capsules with the same content of biotin.
- Firm "Natrol". In these tablets, the highest dosage of vitamin H is 10 milligrams. Also available in fruit flavored capsules.
Women note that after a course of treatment, the curls stop falling out and stay longerclean. However, there are also negative aspects - the hairs begin to grow with triple strength throughout the body.

Biotin to accelerate hair growth
Contribute to the growth of hair not only tablet forms, but also natural products containing vitamin H, which can be used externally as a hair mask. Biotin, for example, is found in dark beer. From it you can prepare a mask and shampoo. Women note that the following two recipes give a good effect.
To prepare the mask, you need to take 10-15 milliliters of burdock oil and a glass of dark beer (preferably unfiltered). Mix the ingredients and rub into the scalp. The rest can be evenly distributed over the strands. Cover your head with cellophane and a towel for 20 minutes. Rinse first with water and then with shampoo. Repeat the procedure several times a week
Hoppy shampoo is made with a glass of dark beer and 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil. Mix the ingredients and pour into a clean bottle. Can be used as a regular shampoo as needed. It is desirable to use the product in a week
According to the girls, these recipes are great for strengthening and nourishing hair. In addition, the ingredients are completely natural and do not give any side effects.

Vitamin H for hair nutrition
To strengthen the strands, they need to provide adequate nutrition. Biotin does a great job of this as part of the following mask, as the testimonials from the girls show.
Avocado (2 largepieces) peel, grind the pulp into a pulp. Pour the contents of an ampoule of biotin and 3-4 drops of any essential oils into it. Keep the mask on the strands for up to 40 minutes. You need to do it every 2 days. But the course of treatment should not exceed 10 procedures. It is worth noting that the finished product can be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar.
Cosmetics with biotin
Pregnant and lactating women who are afraid of side effects prefer ready-made hair cosmetics with biotin (shampoos, conditioners, tonics and masks). The following products have performed well.
- Now Gate Biotin & Bamboo Shampoo & Conditioner
- Mask "Melody of Passion" from "Teana".
- Biotin Energy series from Kapus.
- Ginseng & Vitamin H line for men from Aubrey Organics.
- Shampoo and conditioner from Mill Creek.
- Pura Dor has a line with biotin, argan oil and vitamin PP.
- Rainbow Research Shampoo & Conditioner with Biotin, Henna & Plant Extracts.
- Volume H mask from Avalon Organics.
- Swanson Biotin & Silica Shampoo.

Women love these products because they are effective and inexpensive. Thanks to them, the growth of the hair is accelerated, the elasticity and shine of the curls are restored, and dandruff disappears. However, it is not necessary to purchase such cosmetics in order to strengthen hair with biotin. You can make your own tools like this. For this you needadd the contents of five ampoules of biotin to 200 milliliters of shampoo, balm or mask to enrich the composition. You can use these products as usual. It is also useful to rub the contents of an entire ampoule of vitamin H into the scalp after washing your hair.
Availability and cost
Women note that pharmacological agents are easier to purchase than cosmetic products. You can almost always find biotin in its pure form in domestic pharmacies. The price of tablets of 10 milligrams (per pack of 100 pieces) ranges from 400 to 800 rubles. Capsules can be found from 300 rubles. The cost of vitamin complexes with biotin reaches 2000 rubles. One ampoule of vitamin H will cost about 200-300 rubles.
It is worth noting that many girls prefer to order such funds from foreign sites. This is explained by the fact that there is always a large selection and there is no need to run around the city in search of the right product. For example, the iHerb online store is very popular. This is where most girls get organic cosmetics and multivitamin complexes with B7.
Summarizing, we can conclude that almost all women leave positive reviews about biotin for hair. However, this vitamin may not bring the desired result if you violate the instructions for use, eat improperly and do not lead a he althy lifestyle. Also, for the greatest effect, girls are advised to give up alcohol and start restoring intestinal microflora.