It cannot be said that one useful component for a person is more important than another. Each of them has its own important functions, violating which, one can face disorders in the work of one of the body systems. But all processes are divided into primary and less important, which can be postponed for a while. Therefore, there is a classification according to their significance for he alth, which divides them into critical and not very. In addition, the needs of each organism for these substances are different. Pregnant women, children, athletes and the elderly need completely different vitamins. Therefore, you need to choose a multivitamin complex in accordance with the specific purpose of its use, the age of the patient and other features.
Universal multivitamin complexes
Universal preparations are included in the rating of vitamins useful in seasonal prevention of lack of useful substances in the body. Sometimes the need for them arises among people who work hard, get tired, eat poorly, have changed the climate, having moved to another region, are in an ecologically unfavorable environment.
The composition of such complexes, as a rule, contains almostall necessary substances: A, groups B, C, D, E and others. Components such as F, P or K are added to them depending on the specificity of the drug. In addition, each product contains valuable trace elements and minerals. Be sure to add magnesium, iron, selenium, calcium, iodine, zinc, chromium, phosphorus, potassium. All these substances are required daily for the normal functioning of organs.

Special drugs are not aimed at solving specific problems of the body, but at supporting its general condition. However, if a person has deviations in the work of one of the systems of internal organs, they will help to cope with them.
The ranking of a universal vitamin is as follows:
- Multi-Tabs.
- "Alphabet Classic".
- Centrum.
- Gerimax.
It is especially important to take these drugs for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, insomnia, minor disorders of the nervous system, and poor skin condition.
Recovery from illness and injury
It is difficult to make a single classification of drugs for recovery from injuries and the treatment of various diseases. Each ailment makes its own changes in the state, general well-being of a person and his need for nutrients.

First of all, all B vitamins are needed: they improve the functioning of metabolic processes, help restore damaged tissues, replenish blood loss, and heal wounds. Besides, inthe complex should contain valuable minerals: magnesium, calcium, copper, iron. At the same time, after infectious diseases, the body needs: C, E, A and P, which prevent new tissue damage, strengthen the defense system. After an injury, a person needs vitamins H and K.
It is difficult to compile a general rating of vitamins for a specific purpose, because they are prescribed by specialists, taking into account the individual characteristics and diagnosis of the patient. But the top three usually looks like this:
- "Alphabet Diabetes". It is recommended for patients with this diagnosis.
- Gerimax. Prescribed after severe injuries and injuries.
- "Aevit". Assign after the flu and SARS.
When Pregnant
The rating of vitamins for pregnant women is created on the basis of the constituent components of the drug. When a woman is expecting a baby, her body needs a lot of trace elements and minerals. Particularly required: B6, B9, B12, which ensure the normal condition of the expectant mother, the development of the fetus, the baby's nervous system, and prevent the threat of abortion. In addition, the body needs minerals: iron, calcium, zinc, iodine.

The rating of vitamins for pregnant women is:
- Vitrum Prenatal.
- Elevit Pronatal.
- Pregnawit.
- "Mom's He alth Alphabet".
Taking these complexes, a woman reduces the risk of developing fetal pathologies. In addition, she maintains her own he alth at a high level.
For men
Rating vitamins for womenand men are different from each other. If beauty and reproductive ability are important for young ladies, then the he alth of the strong half of humanity is endurance, high performance, energy, activity, sexual strength.

For the stronger sex, doctors usually recommend such complexes: Aerovit, Kvadevit and Duovit for men. The male body primarily needs zinc, B1, B2, B5. They normalize energy reactions, the proper use of internal resources, and ensure a he althy state of the genitourinary system. In addition, these substances support the production of male hormones, normalize the functioning of the prostate gland, and increase the level of body defense.
For the beauty and he alth of hair
The rating of vitamins for women is not complete without special preparations for beautiful and he althy hair. After all, the lack of nutrients adversely affects the condition of the hair, making them lifeless, dry and weak. Modern girls regularly take such a course to maintain their beauty.
Rating vitamins for hair are different. But the top three looks like this:
- Revalid.
- Perfect.
- "Repeat".
Curls need substances such as vitamins A, E, groups B and D. Their lack can cause hair loss, so it is important to control the presence of these substances in the body.

Rating vitamins for children
One of the mostdifficult tasks is the choice of children's vitamin complexes. The young body develops very quickly, so the same drug may be ineffective for different ages. However, no matter how old the child is, he needs vitamins such as D3, groups B, A, E and C. All of these help protect the small body from germs, viruses and toxins.
Vitamins are often prescribed by age:
- "Kinder Biovital Gel", "Alphabet Our Baby" - for toddlers from one to three years old.
- "Centrum Children's", "Alphabet Kindergarten" - for boys and girls from three to seven years old.
- "Unicap" and "Multi-Tabs Classic" - for younger students.
- "Alphabet Teenager" - for teenagers from 12 years old.
Be he althy!