Vitamins "Vitus": reception features, reviews

Vitamins "Vitus": reception features, reviews
Vitamins "Vitus": reception features, reviews

For the he alth of the body, you need to regularly support the immune system. To raise the immune system, there are many biological supplements and vitamins that contain substances and minerals that are important for the body. One of these biologically useful complexes are the Vitus vitamins.

Why you need to take vitamins

Some mistakenly believe that buying and taking dietary supplements is a waste of money and time. For the normal functioning of the body, a person needs to follow a balanced diet, which includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals. With a lack of vitamins, immunity decreases, vision deteriorates, fatigue increases, the condition of the skin, hair and nails deteriorates.

vegetables and fruits
vegetables and fruits

To make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body with food, a person will have to eat several kilograms of meat, fruits and vegetables per day. No one can eat like this even for a few days, not to mention the fact that the body needs useful elements throughout life. That's whyit is recommended to take vitamins "Vitus" or "Vitus M", which will provide the body with all the necessary trace elements. What is the difference between these complexes?

Vitus M

Vitamin-mineral complex is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It must be taken with reduced immunity, when recovering from serious illnesses and operations, as well as when living in areas with unfavorable ecology. The complex of vitamins "Vitus M" contains ten vitamins and nine minerals. When using this complex, in addition to improving well-being, there is also an increase in mental and physical performance.

Vitrum M
Vitrum M


Vitamins are recommended to be taken as an additional source of vital activity. This complex should be taken to prevent diseases and fatigue. It is also recommended to drink Vitus vitamins during stress and depression, with increased physical and mental stress, unbalanced nutrition and bad habits.


Vitamin complex contains vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as folic acid. Minerals: calcium, iodine, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, copper, selenium.

How to use

Take vitamins once a day during or after meals. Vitamins "Vitus" - effervescent, so before taking one tablet must be dissolved in a glass of warm drinking water. The sides of the glass may turn orange.


With a variety ofdiet and well-being, vitamin complexes should be taken only as a preventive measure.

Although Vitrum and most of these supplements are not drugs and are available without a doctor's prescription, the dose must be observed so as not to harm your body. According to the recommendations of experts, vitamin and mineral complexes should be taken at least twice a year - in winter and spring. The duration of the course should not exceed one to two months, while the course is not recommended to be repeated more than three times a year to avoid hypervitaminosis.

vitamin complex
vitamin complex

Long courses of vitamin intake are allowed for athletes, people with harmful working conditions and those who live in areas with a cold climate or poor ecology.

Before using dietary supplements, you should consult with a specialist who will give the necessary recommendations on the course of application.


Vitamins "Vitus" are taken not only with reduced immunity, but also as a preventive measure to protect the body in winter and spring, that is, when we most need useful trace elements. According to the reviews of users who use various biological supplements, after using Vitus, the state of he alth noticeably improves, a lot of strength and energy appear, which cannot be said about most other dietary supplements.

drink vitamins
drink vitamins

When the Vitus vitamins are dissolved in water, the drink becomes like soda: it has a pleasant taste and smell, so its childrendrink with pleasure.

People who regularly take vitamin complexes are pleased that Vitus has an excellent composition, which contains only the necessary elements without harmful or unnecessary additives.
