Dizziness is considered common and most people have experienced it at least once. In most cases, it is harmless. However, if the head is spinning for some time on an ongoing basis, then the help of a specialist is needed. This phenomenon is recognized as one of the most common symptoms of various diseases. Many people have a question: what are the causes of severe dizziness? What to do? Actually, it depends on several factors.
What is dizziness?
First you need to define the concept. Vertigo (dizziness in medicine) is a sensation when surrounding objects rotate around a person, or he himself moves while standing still. This feeling is familiar to everyone since childhood. For example, if you spin in place for a long time or ride on a swing.

Really dizzyIt is considered a serious disease that is caused by disorders in the nervous system or the vestibular apparatus. It is responsible for the position of a person in space, coordination of actions, stability, etc. This device is located deep in the ears.
And yet the brain controls all actions and feelings. Eyes and muscle reflexes are responsible for coordination in space. Receptors that are responsible for body position are scattered throughout the body. Therefore, when dizzy, a person often feels sick.
What causes dizziness?
This question cannot be answered unambiguously. There are many reasons for severe dizziness. What to do? First of all, it is necessary to determine exactly why this is happening. One of the most obvious cases is inflammation of the ear or a violation of the vestibular apparatus. This symptom can be expressed with osteochondrosis, low pressure, as a result of a mental disorder. It is very difficult to determine the exact cause, often simply impossible without the help of professionals.
First, it is recommended to visit a neurologist, in which case he will already redirect to the right specialist. However, often this doctor is able to correctly determine the source of the disease, and distinguish real, true dizziness from another disease.
In everyday life, this term means darkening in the eyes, if you quickly stand up or turn around. Scientifically, this phenomenon is called orthostatic collapse. Translated into ordinary language, the disease, according to many people, is caused by a sharp outflow of blood from the head.

True dizziness is called damage or violation of the vestibular apparatus. However, people most often suffer from another form of it. For example, it becomes ill due to impossible pain, darkens in the eyes, etc. Doctors say that this is due to fatigue, decreased pressure, or impaired muscle tone.
Medical experts distinguish 4 types of dizziness:
- Central. In this case, the disease occurs due to damage or diseases of the brain, for example, all kinds of injuries, hemorrhages or tumors.
- Peripheral. This is exactly what is called true dizziness, that is, a violation of the vestibular apparatus or inflammation of the ear.
- System. Three systems are responsible for position and coordination in space: visual, muscular and vestibular. This type of dizziness occurs due to the failure of one of them. This disease requires careful examination and complex treatment.
- Physiological. The most common form of dizziness, it can be caused by normal stress, depression or extreme fatigue.
As already noted, getting up abruptly from the bed, you can also feel the rotation of the head. Here the reason is hidden in the discrepancy between visual images and physical sensations. Such an ailment passes by itself and does not bear any consequences.
Causes of severe dizziness. What to do?
In most cases, the reasons for dizziness in women and men are the same. For the concepts of the human body have nosexual properties. This disease occurs when the main systems of the body are disrupted: visual, muscular and vestibular apparatus. If additional symptoms appear in the form of nausea and weakness, this indicates the existence of other diseases. Causes of very severe dizziness:
- One of the most terrible reasons for the occurrence of an ailment is a brain tumor. If hearing worsens during dizziness, blood or pus comes out of the ears, you should immediately consult a specialist. This is a suspicion of oncology.
- Teenage children may also suffer from dizziness, hearing problems and vomiting. If this happens, then, most likely, Meniere's syndrome develops. It is dangerous because there is a possibility of turning into neuritis.
- The cause of severe dizziness in women and men can be an early stroke. Within a few days, a person feels weak, drowsy, he is tormented by constant vomiting and headache.
- Head may be spinning due to concussion or any other injury.
- Due to problems with the vestibular apparatus and the definition of position in space, dizziness also occurs. Such people cannot ride public transport, they start to panic.
- Also, this ailment is sometimes formed as a result of taking various medications, especially antibiotics. If this happens, it is recommended to change the drug or reduce the dosage.
Dizziness in women
Women of the weaker sex often suffer from a psychogenic ailment, in whichdrowsiness and fear. The cause of severe dizziness in women may be a problem called vegetovascular dystonia. It is characterized by a person's high irritability, strong tension, noise in the throat and ears, often ending in an attack of vomiting.

Quite often, women get migraine, accompanied by dizziness. With it, there is a panic fear of light and noise, severe nausea. With a brain tumor, the head is spinning most strongly. At the same time, the muscles gradually stop working, problems with vision and hearing begin.
Severe dizziness and nausea in women can be caused by pregnancy. Oddly enough, with it, the composition of the blood changes, which leads to a feeling of drowsiness, and sometimes to fainting. You may also feel dizzy due to low blood sugar. In this case, you just need to eat something sweet or drink tea. In addition, doctors recommend drinking plenty of water.
Why do men get dizzy?
Unlike women, men rarely have this problem. However, if it appears, it is necessary to check with a doctor, perhaps this is a symptom of a serious illness. So, the causes of severe dizziness in men:
- Excessive consumption of alcohol. Probably the most common case. When a man has drunk too much, there is a feeling of dizziness, bouts of vomiting are possible. In severe cases, he faints.
- Poisoning of the body, as a result of whichthere is a blackout in the eyes and there is a possibility of losing consciousness.
- Variable blood pressure, spikes.
- As a symptom of cardiovascular disease. In this case, it is usually accompanied by pain in the region of the heart.
- Stress, extreme fatigue, lack of sleep. These reasons look quite serious if we talk about men, because, unlike women, they keep emotions in themselves. And as a result, pressure on the brain increases, which leads to dizziness.
- Physical activity, climate change, moving.

It can be concluded that there are quite a few reasons, but to be sure of your he alth, it is better to ask a specialist for help.
Nausea with dizziness
Nausea very often accompanies dizziness. The fact is that a person, having lost control over the position of the body in space, cannot keep his balance, and therefore such attacks occur. The causes of severe dizziness and nausea can be disorders of the vestibular apparatus, problems with the nervous system and blood circulation, osteochondrosis.
When you feel dizzy in conjunction with fever, severe pain, weakness in the limbs, regular urge to vomit, you need to go to the doctor. You should undergo an examination, including a tomography. In some cases, depending on the causes of severe dizziness and nausea, you will have to do an x-ray of the spine and skull.
These violations may occur due to incorrectfood including. It is best to give up s alty, chocolate, strong coffee and tea. Dizziness with nausea is common in people with low blood pressure. In this case, there is a breakdown, fatigue, visual impairment.
The cause of severe dizziness and vomiting in women is pregnancy. Weakness appears in the early stages, then it develops into nausea.
Why is my head spinning with normal blood pressure?
This is probably the most popular question in this ailment. People are perplexed why they feel dizzy if the tonometer shows normal pressure. The fact is that this is not the only cause of this symptom. The head can spin in a variety of situations. For example, quickly got out of bed.

Causes of severe dizziness under normal pressure may be seasickness, intolerance to rides, public transport. In addition, the disease is caused by stress, or existing diseases, such as osteochondrosis. If a person feels weak with these symptoms, this may be a sign of an impending stroke. This condition can be with a concussion.
One of the causes of severe dizziness at normal pressure is medication. Before using medicines, it is necessary to establish their compatibility with the body.
In case of sudden dizziness, it is necessary to remain calm, look at one point and breathe. If this causes problems withspeech, you should call an ambulance. Normal pressure is not an indicator of human he alth. Dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and weakness are symptoms of a chronic illness. At the same time, it is very important not to delay the examination and determine what exactly causes such a reaction in the body.
Dizziness and weakness
Feeling of weakness combined with dizziness are symptoms of diseases associated with infectious processes that affect the brain and spinal cord. In most cases, the temperature rises and the person is shivering.
The cause of severe weakness and dizziness can be an approaching stroke. Very often there is pain in the temple area. The person feels physically weak. This condition may be caused by the general position of the body.
These ailments occur during inflammatory processes of blood vessels. In this case, there is a metabolic disorder, tingling in the legs and arms. In addition, numbness of the limbs is often observed, which can lead to serious consequences.
Dizziness pain
This is a fairly common situation. Headache can be of two types. The first type is characterized by unpleasant sensations in the back of the head. Such pain can be acute, caused by infectious diseases and migraines.
The second type is provoked by hypertension, concussion, diseases of the eyes or ears. Sometimes a headache occurs when coughing or drinking too much alcohol. Such pain does not need to be treated, it will pass by itself.

This disease is more common in people over the age of 40. To prevent headaches, you need to eat right and exercise. In addition, be calm, do not overwork either physically or mentally. Causes of headache and dizziness:
- Migraine. There is a throbbing sensation, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. This pain lasts for about three days. At this time, a person is more irritable, his eyes often darken.
- Causes of severe dizziness and incoordination can be experienced stress and depression. In this case, an intense headache appears. Unpleasant sensations are manifested in the physiological plan, that is, it reduces the jaw and cheekbones.
- Hypertension. The cause of severe dizziness in women in the morning is precisely this ailment. Headache reaches its peak early in the morning and subsides during the day. In addition, congestion in the ears is often observed. This can happen if a person is very tired and chronically does not get enough sleep.
Why do you get dizzy when you get up quickly?
Many people have experienced a problem when, with a sudden change in body position, the head begins to feel very dizzy. If this happens rarely, there is no cause for concern. However, in case of regular violations, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Most likely, a disease will be detected - orthostatic collapse. It is characterized by constant dizziness, even when standing up it gets dark in the eyes. When the brain does not have enough oxygen, and the person does not takehorizontal position, fainting occurs. This suggests that if it becomes bad, you should immediately go to bed.
Causes of severe dizziness, if you quickly change the position of the body, may be violations of the vestibular apparatus, the occurrence of neuritis, stroke or the consequences of injury. This disease is also common in heart disease. Teenagers may feel dizzy if they stand up quickly. It has to do with puberty. This condition is typical for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, it is very important to get up regularly and do elementary gymnastics.
Do you feel dizzy when standing upright? Of course, yes, and many have experienced it for themselves. The causes of severe dizziness in the supine position can be diseases of the hearing aid, pressure surges, diabetes mellitus, concussion. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to “just lie down” with dizziness. The process will continue in this position.
First aid for dizziness
This ailment can occur suddenly and take a person by surprise. First of all, do not panic, you need to calm down. If the dizziness is quite strong, it is best to sit down and look at one point. If new symptoms appear in the form of numbness of the limbs or nausea, you should call a doctor, and, if possible, take a horizontal position. At the same time, the head cannot be turned and twisted, it must be calm.
At home, when the first signs of dizziness appear, it is necessary to put the patient on a sofa or bed. You need to put a pillowso that the head, shoulders and neck lie on it. This option prevents bending of the spine. To relieve stress and relieve the patient's condition, a cold towel soaked in vinegar solution should be applied to the forehead.

Symptoms such as dizziness, high blood pressure, sleep problems, excessive irritability are very dangerous for human he alth. Tolerating them is strictly prohibited. If you find the causes of severe dizziness, what should you do? You need to contact your doctor immediately for help. The specialist will examine and prescribe treatment.
The fact is that such symptoms lead to a stroke. Recently, this disease began to affect the young. Executives, heads of large families, senior managers are targets for a stroke. If these signs are found, combination medications such as Vasobral can be taken.
Severe dizziness: causes, treatment with folk remedies
Drug therapy will be prescribed by a doctor. But there are folk remedies for solving this problem, which are sometimes superior to traditional ones. However, they should be used only after consulting a specialist. You should also find out if you are allergic to any of the ingredients, otherwise the dizziness may get worse.
Let's consider several ways that are most effective for this problem:
- Take beet and carrot juice on an empty stomach.
- Pomegranate is an excellent product that increases hemoglobin levels. This improves blood circulation, which in turn minimizes dizziness.
- Seaweed. It is useful in any form, whether it is a powder or a regular salad, which can be purchased at any store. This product saturates the body with iodine, phosphorus and other trace elements that are responsible for the normal functioning of the vestibular apparatus;
- Ginger tea is an excellent sedative, widely used to solve this problem
Dizziness Prevention
If this ailment often torments you, and you want to get rid of it, you need to follow some rules:
- give up cigarettes and alcohol;
- do not eat table s alt;
- drink coffee as little as possible;
- physically load the body, even if just with gymnastics;
- do not recycle, relax outdoors;
- do not make quick, sharp head movements;
- if you wish, you can purchase an orthopedic mattress, which increases comfort during rest.
In itself, the fact of dizziness is not very dangerous, but it cannot be ignored. In the worst case, this can lead to huge he alth problems. Therefore, it is better to immediately contact a specialist when the first symptoms appear, who will prompt further actions.